What is the symptoms of syphilis? The mechanisms of the disease

Pale rash

A serious infectious disease, sexually transmitted diseases, and violate the integrity of the skin, mucous membranes, internal organs, bone system and nervous system is called syphilis. The causative agent of syphilis is the bacterium called Treponema pallidum.

Once in the human body, the cell multiplies and leads to defeat him from the inside. They are on the mucous membranes of the genital organs, therefore their transfer is happening from one sexual partner to another.

Properties of bacteria

Treponema dies when exposed to high temperatures or boiling. Favourable conditions are high humidity and low temperature. To recognize the infection at early stages is difficult because it has symptoms typical of other diseases. She is able to stay long on the dishes with the remnants of fluid on the skin of corpses.


  • unprotected intercourse;
  • reusable medical syringes, toothbrushes, razors;
  • through breast milk;
  • in utero from mother to child;
  • through common household appliances;
  • through saliva;
  • a blood transfusion from sick people;
  • a visit to the dentist is not using rubber gloves.

Historical information

The first information about the disease appeared due to Charles VIII. He collected a numerous army, and went on a campaign against the Neapolitan state. After winning the ship had taken a huge number of prisoners. As it turned out, among them were many patients with syphilis who are not being treated. This was the reason for the spread of this serious infection among the population. Initially, this disease was called the " French disease."

How is the progression of the disease?

Penetrates into the human organism infectious bacterium during unprotected act of using the vagina, mouth, anus.

The chance of Contracting syphilis through unprotected contact with the source of the disease is considered common cause of the disease.

The increase of incubation period contribute to:

  • old age;
  • the reaction of the body to foreign bacteria manifested by increase in temperature;
  • the use of antibiotics and other drugs;
  • wrong diagnosis.
The presence of a person on the skin damage is considered dangerous: the contact of these zones with body parts of the patient leads to the spread of infection.

Incubation period

It is from 3 weeks to one month. When ingested, the bacterium moves into the blood and lymphatic system, affecting areas of the body. To recognize by external signs it is possible.

During the incubation period, patients are considered potentially dangerous to other people, even if they are not aware of the presence of the infection and not diagnosed.

The appearance of symptoms depends on the stage of development of the disease.

Stages and symptoms of syphilis

  • The symptoms of syphilis or the appearance of primary syphilis begins after a period of incubation. How is syphilis? In the area penetrated by infectious bacteria, there is a dense neoplasm. It's called a "chancre". After a week near the ulcer is swollen lymph nodes. Healing growths is carried out 3-6 weeks after education.
  • The secondary stage occurs a month after the formation of the first ulcers. The reaction consists in the appearance on the body pale rashes. This is accompanied by a terrible itching.
Manifestation of the rash happens even on the palms and soles.
  • In addition, the lymph nodes increase in size. This stage is characterized by periods of exacerbation and remission of symptoms. The reaction consists in the appearance of pain, excessive hair loss, ulceration and discomfort in the private parts.

The next stage is characterized by the appearance of tertiary syphilis. It occurs when a person is infected, but the treatment was not carried out. Considered a severe stage, when a person affects the brain and nervous system, bone machine and internal organs.

Severe stage is consideredcongenital type of infection. Symptoms of syphilis occur in children during fetal development.

It is divided into two subspecies:

  • earliest type is characterized by formation of rash on the gluteal muscles, the mucous membrane of the nose, changing the partition, the occurrence of hydrocephalus. The diagnosis, in case of incorrect setting and the lack of proper treatment leads to subsequent mental and physical backwardness of a child;
  • a manifestation of late congenital syphilis begins with the appearance of pathology of the teeth, deafness, changes in the cornea or appearance of the spots.


Only a doctor during examination of the patient will make an exact diagnosis and prescribe the right treatment.

Do not attempt to treat syphilis on your own. This is the main reason of deterioration of human health and the onset of symptoms of the disease.

The patient's blood was taken for analysis and sent to a laboratory for examination.

During laboratory studies used the following methods of analysis:

  • Serological method. The detection of human infectious bacteria, his body releases special antibodies for neutralization. Their manifestation can be detected by examining the patient's blood.
  • Use Wasserman. This method is considered deprecated in modern medicine is not used. A false positive diagnosis and carrying out the wrong treatment is the reasons for the rejection of this method.
  • The use of ELISA. The method is aimed at identifying the level of immunoglobulin in the human body. These cells upon entry into the reaction with the infectious bacteria are able to multiply. Not used this reaction for the patients already treated.
If the result is positive, it indicates the presence of human disease. This method is able to reveal the hidden presence of the virus.
  • Using the reaction of passive hemagglutination. This method helps to identify the agglutination of red blood cells with the infected cells. The diagnosis of syphilis is confirmed by positive results;
  • The use of direct methods is based on finding microorganisms of infectious agents.
The diagnosis of syphilis is not put on one analysis, it is necessary to conduct a comprehensive examination.


The doctor involved in the treatment of syphilis, called a dermatologist.

To accurate diagnosis patients are sent to the skin and venereal diseases Department of the local hospital.

The implementation of the treatment of the disease in the early stages is much easier compared to the severe types of the disease. The reason for this is that the ongoing drug therapy is unable to deliver man from the effects of syphilis.

Hygiene measures

Patients with early and hidden signs of the disease being treated in hospital. Then, patients taking medicines at home.

The treatment of syphilis begins with receiving penicillin antibiotics. They are introduced to the human intramuscularly. Their dosage is calculated according to the weight of the patient. Finding in cerebrospinal fluid inflammation leads to the fact that the dose of drugs increase by 20%. The duration of the course depends on the diagnosis, stage and severity of the disease.

Carried out therapeutic procedures differ for the two types, depending on the level of influence:

  • Engaged in continuous action. This method is based on the introduction of penicillin antibiotics;
  • The reception rate method. Besides penicillin and tetracycline enter the funds on the basis of bismuth.
When a virus is detected during the period of the childbearing woman type of penicillin antibiotics without the use of medications with bismuth. Therapy is carried out carefully as the reaction of the pregnant woman's body can be unpredictable.

Before performing the curative therapy of the patient is mandatory for laboratory tests of blood and urine. Doctors monitor the patient's condition.

The use of drug therapy, including:

  • antibiotics aimed directly at the affected cells. In this case it is necessary to carefully monitor the reaction and to conduct additional surveys;
  • the use of drugs improving the immune system, proteolytic and vitamin-mineral complexes;
  • the use of drugs to reduce pain symptoms, itching, inflammation.

The reaction of the patient to the use of drugs may be different, therefore before treatment revealed the presence of allergic reactions in humans. The patient is assigned a special diet: no alcohol, fatty foods. The patient should limit physical activity and to completely eliminate sex.

Negative emotions, mental disorders and stress have a negative impact on a positive outcome of treatment.

Complete deliverance from the disease is at diagnosis in the early stages. In severe forms of the disease high probability of occurrence of aesthetic defects.


If treatment is not carried out, most patients show the third stage of the disease. It leads to the defeat of all vital systems of the person, disability and deathsoutcome.


  • be careful when choosing a sexual partner;
  • to know the infected people and their sexual partners;
  • not to forget the rules of personal hygiene. Especially after sexual intercourse;
  • to be screened for the presence of the disease.

If the family of an infectious patient should use the special preventive measures. This will help protect themselves and their families. This usually measures for personal hygiene:

  • The use of sick, personal utensils;
After each use you should rinse it with soap and water to remove remaining after washing the bacteria.
  • Apply to each family member personal hygiene;
  • To try to exclude sexual contacts with sources of disease at an early stage;

With strict adherence to these guidelines, the probability of infection in the home is minimal.

If you have had casual contact with the patient, there is a high probability of Contracting a venereal disease. Especially if the act took place without remedies, the risk increases several times. After the necessary means of prevention:

  • You need 2 hours to see a doctor for preventive treatment;
  • After a week since the infection you must see a doctor venereologist;
It must be done within 7 days due to the protracted incubation period of the disease and the absence in the initial stages of the symptoms. Even earlier tests may show a negative result.
  • Completely abandon the self-medication;
  • Come in for an examination to a specialist together with his sexual partner. Most often it happens that the person who had a relationship with the patient is only a carrier.

There are medical and preventive measures. These include:

  • Periodic survey of citizens, at risk. Of those people: prostitutes, drug addicts;
  • Of study pregnant women with the aim of eliminating the likelihood of fetal congenital virus;
  • The use of special tests focused on the study of biomaterials pregnant, before pregnancy consisting on the account in a venereal clinic.

Personal preventive measures for every person:

  • it is necessary to avoid casual sex;
  • use every contact protection.

Currently, doctors proved that most preventive measures are not able to protect from infection.

The best remedy, in their opinion, are the healthy sex with a loved one.