Prevention of syphilis from A to z: how to become the next

Prevention of syphilis is not as complicated as it may seem at first glance, but it can reliably protect you from this unpleasant and dangerous disease. It belongs to group of socially significant, so a General, specific and individual prevention seriously engaged many experts.

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For syphilis there are several stages, each of which the probability and modes of transmission vary considerably:

  • Incubation period. The time between exposure and first symptoms. There is evidence that already at this stage the patient becomes infectious. His partner can become infected during unprotected sexual intercourse. Pathogens contained in semen and lubricant men and vaginal secretion for women. The incubation period lasts on average 30-35 days.
  • Primary period. At the place of infection formed an ulcer – chancre. Allocated fluid contains a large number of causative agents of syphilis. Upon contact of the primary chancre and skin or mucosa of a healthy person with minor injuries, the bacteria enter the body. If the primary chancre is in the mouth, transmission is possible even at a kiss.
  • The secondary period. Skin rashes appear all over the body. If they are open and from them there is pus or pus is separable is filled with a large number of pathogens. Contact with them often leads to infection. Also potentially dangerous is contact with blood.
  • Tertiary period. At this stage the patient less contagious than secondary syphilis. Infection by casual contact is not possible, the risk of transmission during sexual intercourse is also lower, but still persists.

Thus, the most dangerous to others is a secondary period. It can last up to 10 years, with periodic stages of decay and deterioration. But in the period of remission the patient is a threat to others, especially to their sexual partners and relatives living in the same house.

The possible route of transmission of syphilis

Regardless of the transmission method, the binding conditions is the penetration of the pathogen of syphilis (Treponema pallidum) in the body. It can happen only in violation of the integrity of the skin or mucosa. Enough even microscopic, invisible to the eye tear, abrasion, scratches or cracks, irritation or scratching. These microdamages every person, and therefore rely on the barrier properties of the skin are not worth it.

Sex – the most common cause of infection due to contact with fluids containing large amounts of pathogens, as well as the high likelihood of microscopic tears.

There are several main ways of transmission of pathogens of this disease:

  • Sexual. Unprotected sexual contact, the transmission rate is around 50-70%. The probability of infection is higher in women, as well as during anal sexual intercourse. In recent years, more steel to fix the infection during oral sex. Condom use, although and reduces the likelihood of infection, may not exclude it completely.
  • Household. Treponema pallidum dies quickly enough in the external environment, but with close household contact infection is still possible.
  • Through the blood. Possible transfer of bacteria through direct contact with the blood the sick person, but in practice this rarely happens. Infection through transfusion is excluded completely during medical procedures and operations – is unlikely to occur if compliance with the standard recommendations. There is a risk of transmission by injection among drug addicts using one needle.
  • Intrauterine. If a pregnant woman infected with syphilis, in 80-90% of cases, the fetus also becomes infected. Usually this occurs after 24-25 weeks of pregnancy. First, Treponema affects the placenta, and through it – the fruit. Most often this ends in pregnancy intrauterine death of the fetus, but in some cases it survives and is born with congenital syphilis and severe pathologies of all organs.

Accordingly, for each propagation path requires corresponding prevention of syphilis.

Prevention of transmission of syphilis is sexually transmitted

Recommended preventive measures do not differ from the General advice on prevention of STDs:

  • The people leading an active sex life, should annually be tested for all STDs, including syphilis.
  • Avoid sex with unknown or casual partners.
  • Apply barrier methods of contraception (condom), even if a womantaking hormonal or other medications, warning of undesirable pregnancy.

It should be noted that although the condom and reduces the likelihood of infection with syphilis, it does not exclude it at all. If not treatment of patients with secondary syphilis are contagious rashes all over the body. However, the use of a condom greatly reduces the chance of infection.

Often neglected by the condom during oral intercourse, what was the reason for the increase in the number of cases of the appearance of the primary chancre in the oral cavity.

Sometimes you meet the following preventive recommendations: urinating immediately after intercourse, washing away the genitals with warm water and soap and irrigation with bactericidal drugs. But their efficiency is quite low, and regular vaginal douching can disturb the composition of the microflora and cause gynecological diseases.

Prevention of household transmission

Staying in the same house with a person suffering from syphilis, poses a potential threat to family members. To avoid this, you should follow the guidelines:

  • To avoid any physical contact, including hugs, handshakes and kisses.
  • The patient should be individualized crockery and Cutlery. It should be washed separately from the rest, thoroughly dried and disinfected.
  • Also strictly personal should be personal care items, especially towels, toothbrushes, any clothes.
  • The tub, toilet, sink should be regularly disinfected.
In some cases, family members prescribe preventive treatment, but it is not always required.

The likelihood of transmission of syphilis through everyday not too big, but it still exists.

Prevention of transmission from mother to child

The consequences of fetal syphilis – the worst, most often it ends with the death of the fetus or the birth of a child with severe disabilities. Therefore, preventive measures are observed everywhere:

  • It is highly desirable to do the analysis for syphilis at the stage of preparation for pregnancy.
  • All pregnant women should several times be doing for syphilis – at registration, at 26 to 30 weeks before birth.
  • If any of the tests have been positive, there should be an additional diagnosis. Upon confirmation of the diagnosis necessarily treatment – a course of antibiotics.
  • For women who have been after therapy should also undergo preventive treatment.
In some cases, preventive treatment during pregnancy helps to prevent intrauterine infection. In case of its inefficiency, the doctor may suggest to consider the possibility of abortion for medical reasons, but this decision itself is always made by a woman.

To avoid this difficult choice, all women planning a pregnancy, it is recommended to be screened for STDs, including syphilis. Those who passed the treatment, it is best to use protection until complete cure is not confirmed with receipt of several pure negative results for syphilis testing.

Prevention of syphilis

After unprotected sex with a man, possibly syphilis patients, within 48 hours, you can resort to so-called emergency prevention.

For this you must contact your doctor or STI clinic. The doctor will prescribe preventive treatment – a course of antibiotics that will help prevent further development of disease.

Importantly! You cannot take antibiotics by yourself! Improper dose, type of drug and dosage regimen in the incubation period can extend it, lubricate the symptoms and test results.

After a while you should get tested to ensure complete destruction of pathogens. To be sure, the doctor may recommend re-control after a while. If clinical symptoms do not appear for 2 months, it can be considered that the actions taken have been effective and contamination has not been confirmed.

Unfortunately, not yet invented vaccination against syphilis, so competent prevention and emergency therapy is the only method of protection.

How to prevent the spread of syphilis?

Despite numerous measures in the prevention of the spread of syphilis, a significant role is played by the behavior of infected people. To prevent further spread, they have a number of important limitations and recommendations:

  • Be sure to start treatment when you receive a positive result. To postpone or interrupt it is dangerous not only for your health but for the health.
  • It is essential to notify all sexual partners, including those with whom he had contact during the incubation period.
  • The treatment is preferably carried out in a hospital dermatovenerologic dispensary, where there is the ability to withstand a severe form of antibiotics every 3 hours for 14-21 days. Now there is a reduced scheme, which is offering 1 a shot of antibiotics of prolonged action, once a week, but after suchtherapy requires careful monitoring.
  • After completed treatment, you should continue to regularly visit a doctor and be tested. Syphilis is prone to prolonged relapsing course with periods of remission and exacerbation.

The treatment period can last from several weeks for secondary syphilis to several years at tertiary level. At this time, it is important to avoid sexual contact, to see your doctor regularly and follow all his recommendations.

To prevent the spread of syphilis is easier than cure. But even this is possible, although it requires time, patience and discipline.