Primary syphilis: symptoms, causes and diagnosis

The appearance of the chancre on the lips

Primary syphilis appears from the introduction into the organism Treponema pallidum, starts with the formation of the chancre. It can appear on the genitals, inflammation of the lymph nodes and blood vessels. This period may occur and atypical extragenital lesions. Early primary syphilis were divided into seronegative and seropositive reactions.

Treponema pallidum has a spiral appearance, which is very similar to a corkscrew. The sizes range from 8 to 15 µm, the number of spirals varies from 9 to 16 curls. This kind of microorganisms are very mobile, unlike their colleagues. It can move progressively kasatelno, matacabras and in a circle. Treponema is a very complex structure. It is covered trennebene layer, cell wall, and capsulotomy a substance composed of mucopolysaccharide. Their movement is caused due to fibrils which are firmly attached to the end rounds. In connection with different effects of the external environment on the pale Treponema, she became so much more stable than before. Not all antibiotics are suitable for elimination from the body. Under adverse conditions they are able to form cysts, grain, which at reducing the immune response can go into adult and form a variety of symptoms.

Scientists have discovered that bacteria penetrating into the body, located mainly in the spaces between the cells, perindoprilom space, vessels, nerve fibers, it is typical only in the early stages of syphilis.

When the body are Treponema L - shape, then the disease may be very long, themselves could not exercise. This is a manifestation of syphilis can be seen only after the diagnosis and finding it worked out for the virus antibodies. Sometimes infected people can immediately diagnostirovati of viscero – and neurosyphilis, i.e. too rapid development of the disease without active species.

The cultivation of pale treponemes is not easy, because they very quickly lose their pathogenic functions.

In the environment bacteria are very susceptible to external factors and therefore they are prone to vysypanija when exposed to the sun, and the death in action of different chemicals. On household items Treponema remains until, until dry. When the temperature rises to 42 with the bacteria increased, but then it dies. At boiling it dies immediately. Although it is not resistant to high temperature, but low it is not terrible. It can persist in the environment without oxygen, because Treponema anaerobic at a temperature of 15-80C. Scientists use this to save valuable virulent strains of microorganisms.

Primary syphilis can be earned if there is contact with the precipitation and through the damages that can occur during sex.

How is primary syphilis?

The primary period of syphilis begins when the bacterium enters the body, the reaction of an infected person is often unpredictable. Infection begins with the introduction of Treponema pallidum through the skin or mucous membrane – it can be cut or injury. However, some doctors allow the penetration of bacteria through the intact area. To date, there is evidence that the blood plasma of healthy people is immobilizing activity to this kind of microorganisms.

What symptoms are observed in primary syphilis?

Primary syphilis has its own classification, which is divided into:

  • the first stage of the genitals;
  • the first stage of the anal area;
  • the first phase, localized at different sites.

In cases when the disease is without any visible symptoms, this phenomenon was given the name "the headless syphilis."

The primary stage with standard leakage manifests itself after 20-30 days. After that infection occurs about a month. To date it was registered a decrease (to 14 days) or increase (up to six months) period of maturation of the disease. The increase in time may be accompanied by the adoption of tetratziklinovogo antibiotics, penicillin, eritromicina series. A week after the infection may appear lymphadenitis and diagnostics, serological tests can show a positive result. Even when not in the therapy of several months, begins the healing of the chancre, however, there remains the scar.

The percentage frequency of syphilis in various parts of the body
Topical location "of the chancre» Frequency of occurrence
Penis head, foreskin 90-95% of all cases
Vulva, the area of the labia, vagina
Tonsils, lip 75% of all extragenital localizations
Finger Seven%
Perinatal region, rectum 6,8%
Soft and hard palate,tongue, floor of the mouth Extremely rare, less than 1%
Belly, inner thighs, Breasts To 5%

First symptoms stage begins with the formation of the chancre, swollen lymph nodes, moving from the chancre to close lymphatic vessels.

It is formed in humans after puberty infection and is placed in the area where got the disease agent Treponema pallidum. Often the chancre is formed in the mouth and other skin areas. Very often, he likes to form on the skin and genitals. Such ulcers are called solid extragenital chancre. In many cases, they themselves do not manifest, thus complicating their diagnosis. A chancre appears in the type of erosion that occurs in a single instance. Its shape is ovoid, with distinct border that is not greater than the nail of the little finger. In color it is dark red, the edges of the chancre protrude slightly over the holes and slightly bent. Erosion secretes a thick liquid substance, serous color, which makes the chancre brilliant. The most distinctive symptoms is the appearance of a dense infiltrate, solidifying deep ulcers.

With the appearance of ulcerative chancre edges are high and strongly expressed infiltration. After healing of the ulcer scar remains, but erosion is able to overgrown without a trace. Rarely can occur multiple chancre. Syphiloma will differ from those of chancre, slight pain. In the selected infiltration can easily detect the concentration of Treponema pallidum.

The incubation period of syphilis ranges from 5 to 8 weeks.

Time has changed many of the symptoms of the chancre. If earlier it was formed in the body only one chancre, now more and more there is increasing number of the chancre. In addition to this increases the mass of ulcerative chancre and their consequence in the form of infection. Also increases the number of infection with the chancre in the area of genitals. Noted that in women the chancre weighs a lot more than men. In the genital area and anus chancre are predominantly male.

One of the characteristic features of syphilis is the formation of syphiloma without the seal. Very rare to see atypical forms, which can appear as the chancre is amygdala, indurative edema, chancre-panaritium.

Chancre-panaritium looks like a swollen phalanges with severe pain and swelling of the lymphatic vessels, but not acute inflammatory erythema.

Indurative edema begins in areas with a large number of lymph nodes. Further, these areas become thick and the fabric is compacted.

Very often, infected people may form the consequence of repeated bacterial infections. This means that can appear more new symptoms, such as complicated chancre.

When the chancre-appears amigdalite extension and compaction of the tonsil, without the formation of erosions and ulcers. Sometimes the tonsil produces symptoms of primary syphiloma.

When the amygdala is formed chancre, he can take any form: combined, ulcers, angelopoulou. Upon the occurrence of ulcers form amygdala increases in size, becomes very thick, is further formed dark-red ovoid ulcer. The mucous membrane fills up with blood.

Angiopathy the chancre is not followed by formation of erosion, but the amygdala in size greatly increased. It becomes a rich red hue, but does not cause pain. This differs from syphilis tonsillitis painless and strong redness, but fever is absent. When probing spoon almond is very dense.

The consequences of the chancre is accompanied by disease: balanica, phimosis, feederism and balanophora. Balanophora and balanitis are formed from additional compounds with bacterial infection. In such inflammatory processes of the circumference of the chancre becomes pasty, has a bright red color, and there is an allocation of sero-purulent matter. This greatly complicates the detection of the causative agent. To remove the inflammation of the prescribed treatment in the form of lotions with a solution of sodium chloride, which allows in the future to put the correct disease.

Rarely, however, can still cause disease feederism and gangrenization. Such diseases occur in people with weak immune system and excessive alcohol consumption. On syphiloma has a black scab that is able to grow strongly (feederism). Under the scab then forms an ulcer. This can cause symptoms of fever, weakness, dizziness and other symptoms. When a gangrenous ulcer is, at the site there is a scar.

Sclerogenic is considered one of the most important signs of the primary stage of syphilis. It starts a week later after the formation of the chancre. Lymph nodes that are close to a local disease outbreak, begin to inflame, become dense, they are located at intervals from each other and do not cause pain. The skin does not change. Even if passed the appropriate treatment, it is still lymphadenitis is very slow. When the chancre situated in remote areas, to diagnose lymphadenitis is simply impossible.

When lymphadenitis is formed on the genitals, most often it grows on both sides. Unilateral lymphadenitis is very rarely seen and is formed on the part where you generalized the chancre.

The easiest definitionsyphilis is the presence of the chancre.

Syphilitic lymphadenitis refers to the third stage of the manifestation of the primary stage of syphilis. The development of the disease is achieved in the form of thickening of the lymphatic vessel. Such nodules occur mainly in the genital chancre.

The chancre usually affects the oral cavity. Symptoms appear on the upper or lower lip, tonsils, mucosa, tongue.

The formation of ulcers in the oral cavity begins with a slight redness of the plot, which begins to accumulate the infiltration and in a few days, this place becomes very dense. The seal grows and becomes the size of 2-3 cm in the Central part secretiruetsa becomes dark red in color and is formed erosion. The period of maturation of such a chancre is 7-14 days. Mature chancre represents erosion, round shape, dark red color. Sizes can be as small (up to 1.7 cm) and large (2.5 cm). Such a chancre is very easy to diagnose. Enough to take a little infiltration with erosion. Sometimes it can appear white-gray powder. If a chancre is located on the lip, then often it is able to swell and erosion for longer stays. Mainly develop solid chancre in this place alone. When the chancre is formed on the lip, then a week later may start the inflammation of lymph nodes close to erosion. But the pain it causes. However, if there is secondary infection, can cause a nagging pain.

Primary syphilis has its atypical forms. They are formed on the gums, tonsil, tongue, the corner of her mouth. In the language of chancre is formed and a single in the middle. It can occur abruptly, dark red color. Pain and inflammation it causes.

How is diagnosis of the disease?

To ascertain the syphilis is possible only with the presence of thorough clinical and laboratory studies.

Methods used in the diagnosis
Method name Possibilities of the method
Darkfield microscopy of smears One of the most accurate options. He finds a pathogen. To negative qualities, surrounded with a low sensitivity, which is about 70%
The reaction of microprecipitation (IPD, RPR, VDRL) Apply the causative agent antigen. The sensitivity is 92%. Need in order to follow the course of treatment
IFA It is necessary in order to verify the presence of the disease.
RPG Refers to specific tests. Sensitivity 76%
RIBT Refers to specific tests. Sensitivity 97%
REEF Refers to specific tests. Sensitivity 100%

All sexual partners of the sick person need to control and explore for 3-4 months.

What treatment is used?

Treatment should be severe. To get rid of syphilis should seek the assistance of a dermatologist. Usually the treatment of primary syphilis are medication and at the time of treatment should abandon sexual relations. Because only the patient himself is responsible for his health. The more correct the treatment goes, the faster attack recovery.

Regimens of drugs
The name of the drug Treatment regimen
Retarpen (benzathine benzylpenicillin) 2.4 million U, 1 times per week, 2 injections intramuscularly
Bitsillin 5 1.5 million IU 2 times a week. The treatment course of 5 injections
Procaine-benzylpenicillin 1.2 million IU daily, 10 days
Procaine salt of penicillin for the hospital 600 thousand UNITS 2 times a day, 10 days
Ceftriaxone 0.5 g daily 10 days
Azithromycin 0,5 daily 10 days
Doxicillin 0,1 g 2 times a day, 15 days
If you are sexually active, it is necessary to do preventive examination for primary syphilis is not less than 2 times a year.