A blood test for syphilis how to take

Syphilis is a Multisystem lesion of the entire body. It is mainly sexually transmitted, but there are other methods of transmission. As this disease is a danger, it is necessary to do the analysis for syphilis. Infection can occur in different periods of the disease. The threat is primary and secondary, where the symptoms of the disease on the skin or mucous membranes. A blood test for syphilis pass many people, not only infected. This disease is really very serious and dangerous so take the blood you need not only in presence but also in the preventive purposes. Blood tests for syphilis can be done in any laboratory.

Analiz krovi na sifilis kak sdavat

Why make the analysis?

Through an analysis of work in time to detect and start early treatment. It is especially dangerous for pregnant women and people with weakened immune systems. As the person remains contagious throughout the illness, he unknowingly can infect a large number of people. Because the disease is transmitted not only sexually. It is possible to get through everyday life, through the placenta from mother-to-child and parenteral. Very often with syphilis detected and other diseases that are sexually transmitted. If left untreated, it leads to irreversible consequences for both women and men.

Who rents analysis

Usually a blood test for syphilis, periodically during a medical examination. It is a preventive inspection and helps to track health. But in some cases it is necessary to pass necessarily. This occurs when:

  • preparation for pregnancy or during pregnancy;
  • the diagnosis of congenital diseases;
  • dubious sexual relations;
  • donorship;
  • preparation for surgery.

During pregnancy, every woman needs three times to donate blood for syphilis. This happens before 12 weeks, and at the beginning and at the end of the third trimester. Early analysis is essential for timely treatment, because disease causing irreparable damage to the fetus and may happen a miscarriage. Late-term analysis for syphilis helps prevent infection of child with congenital disease.

How dangerous is the syphilis

If you do not identify the disease and treat it, it leads to numerous defeats of the systems of the body. May suffer nervous system, causing progressive paralysis or spinal cord the tabes. Possible violation of the psyche, the appearance of dementia and degradation of the personality.

Often there are lesions of the cardiovascular system. In particular myocarditis, problems with the heart valves, the walls of the aorta. Suffer and blood vessels of the brain. Possible violations of the digestive system, kidney, or joints. The patient may experience problems with the respiratory system, endocrine glands and many other organs.

How is syphilis a pregnant women through the placenta. This leads to miscarriage, premature birth. The fetus developing congenital abnormalities in the form of dropsy of the brain, problems with vision or hearing. There are cases of physical deformities, or disorders of the structure of bones and joints. The fetus can be observed lesion of the internal organs. A child is born with congenital syphilis. At the same time revealed a rash on the skin and mucous membranes, develops specific rhinitis.

If a person is ill with syphilis, he did not have antibodies to the disease. Therefore, in the future, the immune system is unable to protect him upon re-infection.

What tests are carried out

For starters, spend a nonspecific antiphospholipid test, which is a modern analogue of the usual Wasserman. This screening syphilis testing helps to identify the antibody to the material that is released from cells that have damaged syphilis. This test helps to identify both primary and secondary syphilis. However, he discovers early and latent forms.

This analysis gives a positive reaction for syphilis after 3 weeks after infection. It is not specific, so the possible false-positive reactions.

If the RPR test turns out positive, then give direction to analysis by other methods. Basically, this is done using a specific treponemalmethods:

  • REEF;
  • immunoblotting;
  • RPG;
  • immunoenzyme analysis;
  • the reaction of immobilization of Treponema pallidum.

Usually used the first reaction of immunofluorescence or passive hemagglutination. If in these cases the result is doubtful, then choose other methods. And the ELISA in General can be complementary with RPR being the best screening tests for syphilis.

To prepare for analysis must not eat 8 hours before the moment when to take the blood. Also it is not advisable to eat too fatty foods and alcohol.

False positive result

Sometimes the answer to analysis is a false positive. This happens in acute or chronic diseases of the non-treponemal nature. Often this happens when the presence of autoimmune diseases and during pregnancy. Also, false positive analysis is for cancer, viral or bacterial infections, as well as the presence of syphilis in the past.

A false positive result occurs when the disease tuberculosis, viral hepatitis and diabetes mellitus. This also happens in pneumonia and even due to alcoholism or drug addiction. Some result becomes false positive after vaccination.

Where can I get tested

To be tested for syphilis at any clinic to undergo medical examination. Also, this analysis pass in any clinic, laboratory diagnostic center. Enough to properly prepare for testing. Take the test in the morning on an empty stomach.

To get the result you can have almost a day. But a lot depends on the lab. Also, the time response may depend on the choice of research method. If the person is in a hospital, receiving a response to the analysis, it is possible quite quickly, it all depends on the attending physician and the need for timeliness.

Score analysis

If a syphilis blood test will show antibodies and result is positive. He is so in syphilis:

  • primary;
  • secondary;
  • tertiary.

Also positive the result can be in the first year of recovery from the disease.

In case of negative result of an infection in the body is missing. But don't rule out that a person may form an early primary or late tertiary.

In positive tests, be sure to enter the antibody titre. It helps to appreciate the positive analysis or questionable. If it is questionable, you may have a syphilis blood test is recommended once in 2 weeks.

In syphilis, the titer will be 1:2-1:300 and even higher. This will mean that in the blood are detected antibodies. Low titers of antibodies happens in the later stages, therefore, these results are called doubtful.

If you look at the results, then minus will mean a negative, if one or two pros the result is weakly positive. If the pros three, it is positive, and when 4 the pros strongly positive. If there is at least one advantage, it is necessary to conduct additional tests. It is important to remember that a negative result may still not be a guarantee of the complete absence of the disease, because it appears in the results only after 4-5 weeks.

Also keep in mind that each method has its own tests, record the results. So in the study of IFA will be prescribed classes of antibodies IgA, IgM and IgG.

How do the tests for syphilis

When syphilis appears in the body of the disease agent, it starts working immune system. She tries to fight microorganisms and produces this antibody. But their appearance in the blood need some time. They do not appear immediately after the appearance of Treponema pallidum in the body, this typically requires a few weeks.

Then in the blood begin to appear IgM antibodies. They talk about the recent infection, but the disease is undetected and untreated, the antibodies remain in the blood. They can be detected a few months, but their number gradually decreases. After about a month start to appear IgG antibodies. They can persist in the body for many years, and in some cases a person's entire life. With the help of the tests it turns out to see these antibodies and the diagnosis. In the future, it helps to start the treatment and get rid of the disease.

Some questions about syphilis

Sometimes people ask why in the absence of any symptoms of the disease, they have obtained a positive result. In this case, you need to ask the doctor what method was used in the study. If it was RW or microreaction precipitation, can be turned out a false positive response. So they only have to study other methods. If they will give a positive result, it will be necessary to undergo treatment.

If one of the partners with a positive result, the risk of infection the second is by a single act of intercourse is at least 40%. If the permanent partner and sexual life in a regular, risk of infection increases significantly. It is therefore desirable to inform about their disease and to follow treatment.

When a confirmed positive result, he only have one partner, options can be two. Either infection has not occurred, or the partnerrecently infected and the tests still can't detect the syphilis.

How to control cure with the help of analyses

After treatment, the analysis hand over in three months. To control the cure, use of nonspecific tests. - Registration of the patient is removed only after three negative results. To do this, they carried out every three months after completion of treatment.

Immediately after the treatment-specific analyses will give a positive result. Therefore, they cannot be used for control. Check using non-treponemal methods for determining antibody titre. Namely starting from this and talk about the cure of syphilis.