Spotting — What causes spotting from the vagina?

Sometimes it can be difficult to distinguish normal natural causes bleeding and is caused by diseases and disorders of the female reproductive system sources that cause spotting. Can be bright red and heavy or small, light brown.

To identify their origin becomes possible only after a precise diagnosis and biopsy.

Pay attention gynecologists and associated symptoms as obvious itching, burning, soreness, redness, or allergic swelling.

What should be the highlight in healthy women

Normal indicators of the health of the female reproductive system are full discharge from the vagina and uterus. Why go and regularly visit to explain every can a qualified gynecologist during your appointment.

The mucous membranes of the internal organs have their protective microflora that provokes the excretion of clear mucus.

Causes of natural secretions:

  1. microorganisms and epithelial cells of the vagina and uterus,
  2. vaginal lubricant. Observed after sexual intercourse,
  3. the protective function of the cervical canal.

There is another kind of periodic bloody menstrual discharge. Traditionally bleeding are all different and have individual character. The daily amount is 5-6 grams and up to 15 to 18 grams of fluid. The duration does not exceed 8 – 9 days. The remainder of the menstrual cycle have a creamy or thicker consistency of the composition.

After menstruation the first 14 days you can detect a whitish or barely visible mucus. The next period is ovulation. Lasts no more than 1-2 days. The volume of mucus increases. Must not have a sharp unpleasant smell and cause discomfort.

Why go spotting

Upon the occurrence of pathological processes or disorders in the female reproductive organs, regardless of menstruation and absolutely no natural reason, are blood spotting. They can go an indefinite period of time and it is impossible to predict their termination.

Why do I get spotting, and what they are:

  1. implant. Observed at conception. At the moment when the fetus attaches to the uterine wall. Can last for several days. Small spotting,
  2. the wrong course of pregnancy. At the beginning of pregnancy indicates a miscarriage, or ectopic over after spotting warning about the threat of placental abruption, premature birth,
  3. flow disruption of the menstrual cycle or ovulation period,
  4. birth control drugs. Uncontrolled drinking leads to blood clots,
  5. IUD. Irritating effect on the uterine wall.

Blood spotting from the vagina are other sources.

Which can be gynecological problems and diseases:

  1. endometriosis. Unnatural growth of the inner layer of the wall of the uterus,
  2. hysteromyoma. Neoplasm benign character in the muscular layer of the organ,
  3. polycystic ovary syndrome,
  4. cancers of the female reproductive system,
  5. endometritis. Inflammation of the mucous membrane of the inner layer of the uterine body,
  6. hyperplasia of the endometrium. Benign growth inside the uterus,
  7. cervicitis. The inflammatory process in the vagina,
  8. infection of female reproductive organs,
  9. hormonal disturbance. Poor blood clotting, increase in prolactin, increase in sexual and thyroid hormones.

If the bleeding is not menstrual in nature, not related to the spiral and hormonal therapy, need additional testing for the presence of pathologies or inflammatory processes in the uterus and vagina.

Selection of brown women from the vagina

The norm for the appearance of smearing of impurities brown color in the vaginal secretions is anticipated the period before menstruation or after it. Duration should not exceed 2-3 days. Sometimes you can see these signs during ovulation.

But why go to the allocation of brown color permanently:

  1. initiation of sexual activity,
  2. installation of spiral,
  3. oral contraceptives,
  4. venereal disease,
  5. genital injuries,
  6. tumoralneoplasms,
  7. cysts. Have a cavity. Contain the liquid inside,
  8. changes of the endometrium, the mucosa of the inner surface of the uterus.

Prolonged stress, nervous disorders, hormonal changes are also causes natural vaginal secretions.

Selection of pregnancy and after it

During pregnancy and before birth itself the woman is under the strict supervision of a qualified gynecologist. In the presence of any sign of abnormal pregnancy should immediately inform your doctor.

The greatest danger to the expectant mother and her fetus, can wear brown or spotting that have their reasons:

  • the attachment of the ovum to the uterine body. This happens in the early stages and assumes no risk for the child. Reason: minor damage to blood vessels,
  • the lack of progesterone. May provoke spontaneous abortion, miscarriage, or premature birth
  • ectopic pregnancy. Occurs when the baby develops in the fallopian tube, leading to its rupture and internal bleeding,
  • the frozen fruit. The death of the ovum is accompanied by spotting small clots.

During pregnancy, brown or blood selection must be diagnosed and studied. Postpartum hemorrhage should be abundant. Can last 6-8 weeks.

Which selection should be after birth:

  1. the first 2-3 days. The amount of fluid – 400 ml per day. Color – scarlet, bloody with mucus, clots,
  2. after 1 week. Blood smearing brown allocation and,
  3. after 5-6 weeks. Normalization of the secreted fluid, mucus production.

Violations associated with the appearance of pus, odor or pain, fever, needs to be studied.

Causes of bleeding after sex

Regular bleeding or spotting small clots after intercourse accompanied by pain in the abdomen, perineal and lower back, required urgent help of a specialist gynaecologist.

Causes of bleeding after sex can be a serious gynecological problems:

  1. vaginitis. In women of reproductive age. Caused by bacteria and microorganisms, like chlamydia, hemophilic Bacillus, Staphylococcus,,
    cervicitis. Inflammation of the uterus channel,
  2. cervical erosion. Focal lesions of the mucous walls on,
  3. damage or ovarian cysts,
  4. ovulation. The release of an egg from the follicle into the fallopian tube for subsequent fertilization,
  5. mycotic lesion.

In rare cases, damage to blood vessels and the walls of the vagina triggers the produced by the lack of lubrication or the use of stimulants orgasm, as the Dildo.

Discharge after abortion

Prompt termination of pregnancy involves the removal of the ovum by scraping or conducting a mini abortion, vacuum aspiration in the early stages. After surgical abortion bleeding continues for up to 10 days. Changes from bright crimson colors to brown daub. Vacuum removal is about 3-5 days.

If the bleeding stops after abortion, the possible effects:

  • polyp. Benign tumor on the neck and on the body surface of the uterus,
  • endometriosis. Changes in the structure of the inner layer of the uterine wall, its excessive growth beyond the organ,
  • Staphylococcus, Streptococcus. Bacterial lesions genital organs.

Additional inspection, testing, sampling and treatment assignment is necessary.

Discharge after cauterization of erosion

Ulcerative lesions of the mucous membrane of the cervix is a common gynecological disease, like a small wound.

Cervical erosion is determined on examination by a gynecologist or by the characteristic signs, such as blood spotting:

  1. after intercourse,
  2. between periods.

Reasons for its occurrence may be congenital abnormalities, hormonal disorders, infections, sexually transmitted diseases, the effects of surgical intervention, failure to comply with the rules of intimate hygiene.

Depending on the tide and defeat the uterus treatment:

  1. cauterization. Possible a small discharge of blood after surgery about 2-3 weeks. After healing, no scab, and there is not too much bleeding. The duration of the recovery — from 1 to 3 weeks,
  2. freezing or cryosurgery. Treatment effects of liquid nitrogen on the lesions. After freezing, the erosion about a month patients are copious with blood.
  3. laser therapy. 7-10 days after the procedure may be slight bleeding.

A method of treatment depending on the age of the woman and her gynecological diseases, extent of tissue damage by erosion.

How many are going and what discharge after miscarriage

Often spontaneous abortion occurs in the early stages of pregnancy, 5-6 weeks or in the last trimester. Begins the detachment of the ovum, the placenta, the cervix is open, enters the fetus, the blood vessels are damaged.

In the result begins uterine bleeding:

  1. 7 days in early pregnancy,
  2. 1-2 days afterof procedure curettage, curettage.

Be sure to observe in the hospital after the procedure and gynecological examination. For the treatment assigned hemostatic drugs and antibiotics, studied the reason of spontaneous abortion.

The discharge with IUD

Don't worry if after the installation of IUDs appeared spotting spotting. Usually they continue to go about 5 days and will occur between periods for about six months.

Sharp or drawing pain in the abdomen and increased allocation of blood is a violation. Urgently required inspection and consultation.

Why there are abundant blood spotting after installation of the helix:

  • improperly performed procedure. Damage to blood vessels, puncture of the uterus,
  • disease gynaecological,
  • oral contraceptive,
  • ectopic pregnancy,
  • uterine bleeding.

To determine the cause impossible. Even on examination, the gynecologist will not be able to identify the source of bleeding.

Necessary for a complete diagnosis and a number of related analyses. Perhaps the body not accepting the material from which made the spiral, and its rejection.

Allocation during menopause

One time in the life of any Mature women and is characterized by the end of her reproductive functions is called menopause. This process is gradual and can last from 1 year or more.

The allocation of the menstrual nature become small and can be a once in 2-4 months until their complete disappearance.

If there profuse bleeding during or after menopause, you need to look for the cause:

  1. hormonal medications,
  2. of bacterial vaginitis. Provoked by infection by bacteria like Gardnerella and anaerobic microorganisms,
  3. gonorrhea. Infection bacteria,
  4. clamidiosis. Disease that is transmitted through sexual intercourse. Source are microorganisms chlamydia,
  5. trichomoniasis. The causative agent of an infectious disease that is sexually transmitted is Trichomonas parasite,
  6. endometrial hyperplasia,
  7. neoplasms. Benign tumor, as a fibroid, polyp of the uterus and cervix.

The lack of female hormones and protective lubrication leads to sexually transmitted infections and inflammatory processes in women during menopause.

Necessarily be observed at the gynecologist during this period and to accept hormonal preparations.