Analysis of infection as tested the woman

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Many people wonder, what is the analysis of the infection as tested, and that implies the formulation of: diagnosing diseases with the help of detected viruses. Unfortunately, the number of diseases of the reproductive system is not only not diminished, but on the contrary is becoming more and more the hidden form which is becoming more difficult to identify at an early stage. To avoid exposing themselves to unnecessary risk during intimate relations, it is necessary to use protect from unwanted pregnancy and of Contracting infectious diseases contraceptives with protective properties. If it so happened that the man had an intimate relationship unfamiliar, or even unknown, need to undergo examination and tests to identify latent infections. What tests to pass on the infection and how it is done is possible to learn from the experts. The doctors will determine what analysis of the infection need to take a sample of the material to be most likely to get the correct result.

Types of laboratory tests for infection

The question of where to pass the necessary tests to determine the presence of infection of genital diseases bother many people, regardless of gender. Mandatory procedures for research includes the following methods:

  1. Identification of pathogens in the form of antibodies using ELISA-type analysis.
  2. A swab taken from the vagina, the urethra, for the analysis of PCR. Additional study is the study of sperm juice prostate and blood.
  3. Bacterial analysis.

Such infection test mostly pass in the laboratories of a private type which is equipped with modern equipment that allows maximum accuracy to determine the presence of virus infection at a very early period in the development of the disease.

What is an indication for research

Some of the symptoms may indicate the presence of genital infectious diseases. Experts identify the major symptomatic manifestations that require a more detailed study in the laboratory.

  1. A variety of pain pulling character in the lower abdomen and groin.
  2. Unusual discharge from the genitals, with an admixture of particles of blood and pus, having a characteristic color and accompanied by a sharp unpleasant odor.
  3. In the case when planning a pregnancy.
  4. Reassurance in terms of the availability of sexual intercourse with a little known partner without protective contraception (not earlier than one month after the incident).
  5. If necessary, surgical intervention surgically to treat diseases of the urinary system or genitals.
  6. The pathology that causes disruption of pregnancy.
  7. To study the problems of infertility, both for men and for women.
  8. For control of process of treatment of genital infectious diseases.

    Analiz na infekcii, kak sdavat analiz zhenshine

When planning a pregnancy tests for the presence of infection need to pass both the man and the woman. For women it is necessary to pass a swab, the man taking blood from a vein and finger, urine, and, if necessary, the material from the urethra.

Features of preparatory activities before the tests

Before to pass the tests for infectious diseases required to conduct some activities provide maximum benefit to the laboratory. Since some of the infections are sexually transmitted, but in any way in the initial form, the virus does not manifest itself in the form of symptoms, both partners may not immediately identify the presence of disease. Before tests it is necessary to consult a specialist, who is obliged to explain in detail the rules for the preparation before delivery.

  1. Two days before the sampling is advised to refrain from intimate relationships.
  2. And the man and the woman, before taking a swab from the vagina or urethra are advised not to visit the toilet to urinate for two hours before collection.
  3. The night before delivery of the material is recommended to provoke the virus weak alcoholic drinks (glass of beer) and during the dinner to include in the menu products are slightly salted, fried and spicy food.

    Analiz na infekcii, kak sdavat analiz zhenshine

  4. Smear of vagina and cervix during the menstrual cycle is not recommended, it is necessary to wait three or four days aftercomplete discharge. If you have a situation which requires a mandatory study of the analysis, not smears only take if you have menstrual bleeding.
  5. In the evening, and especially morning, the women must eliminate wet processing of the labia and vagina.
  6. Three days before testing, women are advised to stop vaginal douching, use of vaginal means.
  7. Antibiotics and other medications that can affect the quality of tests should be deleted.

What is the procedure tests

The female body may not immediately react with certain symptoms of diseases genital organs, especially if it's early. To track the presence of infection is possible only starting from the 5th weeks after infection. Delivery analysis the woman is in the fence material with the vagina with the help of stroke, men, the procedure is expressed fundamentally the same, but the collection of the flora produce of the urethra.

Women collection of material held by the gynecologist, the urologist men. If this is a paid clinic, there are no additional acquisitions in the form of gynecological set, Shoe covers and other supplies that are required in conventional medical institutions, it is not required. Paid clinics deliberately provide their patients with all necessary, and all activities for the preparation of patients for delivery of the necessary analyses are strictly controlled by specialists.

The research results are ready within two days after sampling, during this period the experts will be able to accurately determine the presence of infections. If you have some doubts, repeat the sampling of biological material is done not earlier than 14 days after the first procedure. The same method applies if a patient has doubts concerning the presence of infectious diseases, sexually transmitted. To exclude such procedures, it is advisable to use contraceptives with protective properties.

If the result is positive

The majority of patients who have found the infectious diseases sexually transmitted diseases often lose control over their own emotions. The situation is unambiguous and, of course, inherently unpleasant. The first correct step to recovery is to visit the right specialist for women it is the gynecologist for men urologist. Very often doctors prescribe a repeated procedure of delivery, and such events are often correct. The reason for the wrongness of the result can be only two choices: negligence during investigations, or failure to comply with the rules are executed for all events before delivery of the material. Such cases mostly tend to state medical institutions, where the level of research and the equipment is in poor condition.

For greater certainty re-testing is recommended in other medical institutions.

The danger of delaying investigation and treatment of genital diseases

Analiz na infekcii, kak sdavat analiz zhenshine

When the primary symptoms, which are listed earlier than before will be conducted to collect the necessary research material, the better for the patient. Treatment of sexually transmitted diseases in the early stages is almost always completely cured, and without heavy consequences for the organism. Neglect, incorrect treatment of artisanal and every delay can result in serious consequences, both for women and for men.

Diseases that are accompanied by inflammatory processes, may contribute to the infection of the whole body, the patient becomes the potential of the medium, but the end result of ignoring can become a cause of infertility and the development of other diseases.

For the period of gestation of the fetus infection may cause inflammation disease of the child to rule out infection, or to reduce the potential threat should stay under the supervision of experts and carry out all their recommendations for treatment.