Tests for hidden infections in men

Analizy na skrytye infekcii u muzhchin

Most men are careless about their health, visiting a doctor only in bright manifestation of symptoms. If the time to go to the doctor, you can expect that therapy will lead to recovery. In order to check the status of the health of men take a variety of tests are used to test the body to the presence of the virus. However, many viruses can be stored in the body without a clear manifestation of symptoms, that is, they are hidden. The definition of the latent infection is quite often, since viruses of this type can be transmitted sexually, the development problems there is a possibility of serious lesions of the internal organs. Analysis of hidden infection in men often exhibit diseases that are in an inactive form, but can be transmitted to and cause problems for the partner. Examples would include chlamydia, the manifestation of which leads to significant discomfort.

Features of hidden infections

HIV is significantly different from latent infection. It is transmitted exclusively sexually transmitted (HIV through blood) through the blood or the allocation of the causative agent is not migrated. While the incubation period can last for 50 days. In this period symptoms are not manifested, but there is a possibility of transmission of the virus. In some cases, the disease can occur several years without symptoms, which can lead to serious complications.

Male diseases are manifested somewhat differently than women's. Hidden infections have some symptoms that are often overlooked. Typically, men associate the symptoms of latent infection with a significant weakening of the immune system, stress or fatigue.

The internal sex organs can become inflamed due to exposure to latent infection. The virus is in active form when the immune system cannot suppress their proliferation, leading to prostate disease in various forms. In addition, there is a likelihood of damage to the membrane of the eye, development of arthrosis and arthritis.

One of the most common problems include impairment of reproductive function in men. In this note:

  1. There is the chance of developing infertility.
  2. If reproductive capacity remains, there is a probability of transmission of infection to the mother and child.
  3. In some cases, the infection penetrates through the shell to the fetus, which leads to the development of a large number of serious diseases.

The reason for going to the doctor can be any discomfort that occurs in the intimate area, itching sensation or burning sensation, rashes on the genitals. You should consider the point that it is necessary to visit a doctor, as only he can conduct a precise definition of the virus and prescribe the right treatment.

Men who started sexual life, must undergo a mandatory inspection every six months by a doctor-urologist. Undergoing examination should men who want together with your partner to have a baby. After unprotected sex with a new partner should also be screened.

The types of ongoing research

Analizy na skrytye infekcii u muzhchin

There are several types of the analyses on the latent infections. When considering what tests need to pass to the man, ignored the symptoms. Therefore, to assign the most appropriate method of examination and treatment can only a doctor.

There are the following types of studies on latent infection in the male body:

  1. The following type of survey for hidden infections – bacterial inoculation. They take a swab and placed in special conditions that contribute to the development of the virus. After some time, formed a colony, after some time, you can check the effectiveness of the drug. A significant disadvantage of this method include the need for big-time research – from sampling up to the end of the research takes about a month.
  2. The most common method of research can be called a PCR. It is the study of DNA for the presence of abnormalities associated with the emergence of the virus. Immunological tests determine the presence of antibodies to the pathogen. Once the body is infected with a virus, the immune system starts to produce antibodies. The tests in bright manifestation of symptoms, as even after effective treatment the study PCR can give a positive result since the antibodies remain in the body. PCR is carried out only in laboratories, since DNA testing is a complex process, which can be performed only by using special equipment. The assumption of even minor errors will result in distortion of the result.

When considering how to take the analysis should take into account the time that a sample can be taken from blood, urine, discharge from the genitals or expectoration. It all depends on the method chosenresearches'.

For the detection of latent infection is important to obtain reliable results. Some rules allow to exclude possibility of distortion of results of the conducted research. The recommendations include:

  1. 1-2 days before the tests you should refrain from sexual intercourse.
  2. If a swab is taken, it should be for 2 hours prior studies do not urinate.
  3. In order to get a more accurate result, it is necessary to provoke infection. To do this, use spicy or salty food.
  4. During the month before testing is not advised to use disinfectant effects, antibiotics since they can distort the result of the research. However, if the drugs necessary to maintain health in the manifestation of chronic diseases, they can be used, but the test should tell the doctor on their use.
  5. Not be taken by women the day before testing, contraceptives and conduct douching. It is also not recommended to use antiseptic substances in hygienic conditions.
  6. Consider a group of agents is characterized by striking symptoms. Therefore, the tests recommended at the time of the weakening of the immune system: stress, colds, severe hypothermia.
Analizy na skrytye infekcii u muzhchin

To be tested for infection at a clinic that specializiruetsya on research of infectious diseases. This is because to correctly interpret the obtained result is quite difficult. In many cases, require not only the definition of the pathogen, but also its degree of pathogenicity.

Indications for research

Doctors to take tests and without symptoms symptoms as a preventive action. However, in some cases, a doctor in the manifestation of certain symptoms. You can select the following indications for inspection on sexual infections:

  1. Occur pain in the lower abdomen and genital discharge indicate a problem.
  2. When planning a pregnancy should also refer to specialists.
  3. During intercourse with an untested partner, when you have not used a contraceptive, you should contact the doctors.
  4. For infertility.
  5. With the upcoming treatment of infectious diseases of the genitourinary system.
  6. For arthritis.
  7. If you encounter problems with carrying a child.

The above cases are the basic reasons to conduct research to identify hidden viruses. When you receive a positive result to give up is not worth it. Recently we developed quite a lot of effective treatments.

Analizy na skrytye infekcii u muzhchin

Observance of certain recommendations allows to avoid the possibility of getting the virus in the organism and its development. Example would be the strengthening of immunity by the intake of certain drugs and the observance of a certain diet: consumption of vegetables, fruits, and various foods that have the vitamins and useful microelements. You should also observe personal hygiene, to avoid accidental sexual acts. We should not forget about prevention by passing examinations every six months.

In conclusion, we note that even in the complete absence of symptoms the virus inside the organism develops, can be transmitted through sexual contact and other methods. In most cases, treatment is carried out by taking certain medicines that enhance immunity and fight by exciter. Some drugs designed to relieve symptoms.