Mycoplasmosis in children: prevention, symptoms and treatment

Symptoms of mycoplasmosis in children

Its causative agent is Mycoplasma is a single-celled organisms with a very thin membrane. They are not subject to the classification and separated separately. These microorganisms penetrate into the organisms that eat it, share it, however, a full independent life in the environment they are impossible. They can be some time in soil and warm bodies of water, but quickly they can breed only in the human body. Mycoplasmas primarily affect the body of cattle, dogs, mice, different species of birds, and the human body. Mikoplazmy there are many species, but for humans, pathogenic only 4 species. Most of all these organisms affect the mucous membranes, in both animals and humans and are the organisms pathogenic bacteria.

They cause inflammation of the genitourinary system (ureoplazmoz) in children, regardless of age. This disease is most sensitive children who have a weakened immune system or as complications of infectious diseases.

Transmitted disease can be transmitted in different ways:

  • Airborne path and through household items. Infection can occur among clusters of people. For example, you can become infected in the kindergarten, school, Park.
  • Transplacental way. Is the transfer of infection from mother to child. Most often, these symptoms can occur in the eyes and respiratory tract. Often suffer from this disease are girls who have a predisposition to inflammation of the urinary system.

How does respiratory mycoplasmosis?

Respiratory mycoplasmosis in children can be distributed into different groups:

  • respiratory,
  • pneumonic,
  • urogenital (genitourinary organs),
  • perinatal (in utero infection),
  • generalized (lesions of tissues and organs).

Respiratory mycoplasmosis often identify in children because of immature immune system is constantly affected by infections of the upper tract. However, Mycoplasma infection is one of the simple and easily transportable forms. During the development of the disease in a child lasts from 5 to 10 days. More all distributed in the autumn-winter period. Most often, Mycoplasma amaze the respiratory system. Infected with respiratory mycoplasmosis can only be airborne. Therefore, local foci of infection are places where sick people. It kindergartens, schools and companies, where there might be infected people.

The symptoms are very easily confused with common colds. Therefore, to investigate the disease very difficult. In addition, it is difficult to study bacteria because of their sizes, which cannot be seen by a microscopic method. Therefore, it is best to resort to ELISA analysis.

As a rule, microorganisms penetrate into the baby through the mucous membranes of the mouth and nose. Crepes to the sheath, they start to secrete the body of toxic substances – adesina. The incubation period usually last from weeks to months. The development of the disease depends on the health of the body and the immune system. If symptoms appear faster, it will be mild and a recovery will come faster.

Symptoms are complicated and often doctors can make mistakes with a certain diagnosis, and make the symptoms of Mycoplasma infections in viral disease.

What symptoms appear in children from Mycoplasma?

The infection has an incubation period of 7-14 days, but may be delayed up to a month. In every age, the child's symptoms manifest themselves differently and have their own characteristic signs:

  • The child is not breathing nose, popping the snot and cough. These symptoms last about 14 days.
  • The state of the fever. In children aged 7 to 14, the temperature may rise to 39-40C. Such temperatures are difficult to break and may last up to 2-3 days.
  • Marked weakness, stomach discomfort, nausea, loss of appetite.
  • The appearance of spasms in the stomach, pain in bones and muscles, headaches.
  • At the severe stage of the disease the skin in certain places can acquire a bluish tint.
  • If the child has pneumonia, then the symptoms, a strong tachycardia.

What consequences follow after Mycoplasma?

Complications of Mycoplasma can be divided into 2 groups: specific and nonspecific.

Specific: all types of meningitis and neuritis, monoarthritis (especially of the large joints), myocarditis, pericarditis, Reiter's syndrome (inflammation of the blood vessels in the eyes, genitourinary system), thrombocytopenia, pneumothorax and others.

Nonspecific complications are formed in violation bacterialflora in the body. It could be pyelonephritis, gamaret, otitis and others.

How to treat mycoplasmosis in children?

To diagnose and deliver proper treatment should take a blood test for antibodies.

Indicators of the analysis on antibodies. Values that are within normal Age Level IgA (g/l) 0-5 months 0,02-0,5 2-5 months 0,04-0,8 5-9 months 0,08-0,8 0,15 9-12 months-12-24 months 0,9 0,15-1,1 2-3 years 0,18-1,5 3-5 years 0,25-1,6 5-8 years 0,35-2,0 8-12 years of 0.45-2.6 field Children 12 years and older 0,4-3,5

When mycoplasmosis is in the acute phase, it is required treatment of such a scheme:

  • A strict diet, which should consist of light products, containing all necessary trace elements.
  • To support the immune system recommended to drink vitamin complexes (alphabet, detox, passilat, Queen, Lamin vision, Bisk, and others)
  • Also apply medication, that is prescribed to take antibiotics 2-3 generations: spiramycin, azithromycin, vilprafen, clarithromycin.

Mycoplasma infection is treated depending on the lesion. Such treatment must be very strict. For example, when the strong affection of the nervous system, prescribe benimerin, tetraolean. Simultaneously with antibiotics prescribed hormonal drugs – prednisone.

To eliminate the microorganisms from the body used means to prevent intoxication, medications that increase blood flow and increase the blood thinners (heparin), spasmolitic, expectorant drugs (Tussin), antioxidants. To consolidate the results apply physiotherapy. After recovery, you will undergo a treatment to strengthen the body. Always be under the supervision of a physician and to follow his treatment. To go to the pulmonologist after recovery requires about 2 months.

What preventive measures are used?

As a rule, the treatment is very good, but we should remember that even after recovery, the baby is still remains a carrier of the virus is not a couple of months. Usually, the disease lasts about 14 days, however if in parallel a little more ill with pneumonia, then the treatment lasts up to 30 days. To protect others, you need not to drive the kid to kindergarten or school for about a week. To date, Mycoplasma infection of any kind to be treated very well and the recovery mostly takes place without consequences.

Do not be afraid of the word mycoplasmosis. Better pay attention to the hardening of the child, strengthen his immune system and Mycoplasma infection will not affect your baby. Stay healthy.

The best prevention is a sport. Take your child to swim, feed it with vitamins. Also dress the baby warmer in the winter because in this period they are most susceptible to mycoplasmosis.