Mycoplasma pneumonia: causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Mycoplasma pneumonia – not a rare phenomenon and quite dangerous. According to statistics, it accounts for about 20% of all cases of pneumonia in children of preschool age and up to 15% of all community-acquired pneumonia in adults. If we consider a purely group of atypical pneumonia, it is the Mycoplasma along with gonorrhea, is one of the main factors.

What is mioplasmia pneumonia?

If you look, it literally means "inflammation of the lungs caused by Mycoplasma". Mycoplasma is one of the most small and basic of bacteria. There are hundreds of species, but the human body can live only 16 of them. The danger are primarily three: Mycoplasma hominis, Mycoplasma genitalium and Mycoplasma pneumoniae.

The first two live mainly in the mucosa of the genitourinary system and belong to conditionally pathogenic flora. They rarely cause any symptoms. But Mycoplasma pneumoniae attaches to the respiratory mucosa and leads to inflammation of the lungs, as well as a number of other respiratory diseases.

Most often this disease is fixed in closed and semi-closed groups, primarily among children in kindergartens and schools. And if Mycoplasma hominis and Mycoplasma genitalium, are only transmitted by contact during sexual acts, Mycoplasma pneumoniae is spread by airborne dust. Unlike many other respiratory infections, Mycoplasma is transmitted is difficult. But if it enters the body, the disease begins in most cases.

The symptoms of Mycoplasma pneumonia

The incubation period of this disease is 2-3 weeks. After this, you can appear the first symptoms. Most often first noted respiratory diseases not related to pneumonia – tonsillitis or pharyngitis. And then there are symptoms characteristic of this disease:

  • Breathing hard, dry wheezing.
  • Long-term, 2-3 weeks and more dry, painful, unproductive cough. Eventually begins separated a small amount of viscous sputum.
  • Redness of the throat.
  • Pain in the chest, worse on inspiration and expiration.
  • There are growing signs of intoxication, and poor health.
  • There are symptoms that are not associated with light – headaches, muscle and joint pain, rashes, indigestion and so on.
As a rule, a prolonged non-productive cough and signs not related to the respiratory system, enable you to suspect the disease.

It is believed that in children this disease is somewhat easier than adults. But they should as quickly as possible to pass diagnostics and to receive competent treatment.

Diagnosis of Mycoplasma pneumonia

When patients go to the doctor complaining of similar symptoms, he should consider the possibility of atypical Mycoplasma pneumonia. To confirm or refute this diagnosis requires specific examination:

  • Listening to the lungs. The doctor draws attention to the nature of the wheezing and breathing. Additional information can give percussion.
  • Radiography. Mycoplasma pneumonia changes the picture, in particular, the more obvious becomes the picture of the lungs.
  • Common clinical tests. In the analysis of blood noted a moderate increase in ESR, and normal or slightly increased number of leukocytes.
  • Laboratory diagnostics. To make sure that pneumonia is caused by Mycoplasma, prescribed PCR analysis. It is worth to elaborate.

PCR – polymerase chain reaction, during which determine the presence of blood is characteristic of this infection antibodies. There are 5 types, but for the diagnosis the importance of multiple – lgG and lgM. To interpret the test results should the physician but also patients helpful to know the General principle.

LgM is a so – called quick immunoglobulins. They appear within 3-5 days after the onset of illness, but persisted in the blood for long, up to 5-6 months. Therefore, their presence in the analysis testifies to the active stage of the disease or exacerbation of chronic infection.

LgG is a slow immunoglobulins. They appear a few weeks after the onset of illness and persist in the blood for a long time.

Thus, the doctor it's important the ratio of these indicators. There are several options:

  • positive lgG, lgM positive – of long duration or exacerbation of chronic.
  • positive lgG, lgM negative Mycoplasma was earlier, now her body there, formed a strong immunity.
  • negative lgG, lgM positive, the latest disease, treatment is required.
  • negative lgG, lgM negative – it's not a Mycoplasma, and informed people they did not suffer.
To clarify the diagnosis when protracted course, especially in children, it is recommended to take the test twice with a difference in 2 weeks. Mycoplasma pneumonia is confirmed if lgM increase by at least 4 times. Otherwisecase, this disease can be caused by some other pathogen.

The above-described principle of transcription assays is not unique to Mycoplasma, but also for many other diseases.

Treatment Mycoplasma pneumonia

Therapy of this disease in children and adults has similar principles. First and foremost, antibiotics are prescribed. The course may be longer than usual – about 2 weeks. The drugs of choice are antibiotics from a number of macrolides. In the absence of relief or when you have allergic reactions, your doctor may prescribe other types.

In addition is assigned a standard set of drugs: antipyretics (when needed), expectorants, mucolytics, antihistamines and symptomatic treatment. The significant role played by proper care. Needed rest, bed rest, lack of stress, the cool, moist air and drink plenty of liquids.

A very important part of recovery, especially for children. It is recommended that respiratory gymnastics, therapeutic exercises, walks in the fresh air, and Spa treatment. This is especially true for people who suffered from a severe form associated with deterioration of lung function.

Now you will know better what is pneumonia caused by Mycoplasma, why it appears in children, as seen and diagnosed, and what treatment is necessary. And I hope that you this information will never use.