Mycoplasma is a potential enemy or harmless bacteria?

Today about Mycoplasma are not only heard people who have been faced with doctors and medicine. But in reality, few people understand what constitutes the infection. So today we'll try to get to know her.

It is sometimes called bacteria, some virus and some reason, even with fungus. In fact, all wrong. Mycoplasma is a fairly common class of single-celled, and conditionally it belongs to the bacteria, but it would be better to put it to an intermediate stage between bacteria and viruses.

From the typical bacteria it is distinguished by the absence of dense cell wall, binding on all members of this domain. Instead, mycoplasmas have only a relatively thin and permeable cell membrane. But it's not a virus because it can live outside the cells of a host organism, and are sensitive to antibiotics. This is not the only difference, but even they are enough to understand how difficult the situation is with this microorganism.

It should be noted that this bacterium (we will conditionally call it so) is one of the most primitive single-celled. It has the shortest genetic code that has not prevented it to spread across the planet everywhere.

History of Mycoplasma research

Interesting, but initially, the study of this microorganism was not associated with a person. Scientists have tried to understand why throughout Europe died from pleuropneumonia of cattle cows. The study was carried out from the 1860-ies, and finally, in 1898 the staff of the laboratory of the Institut Pasteur have identified a new bacterium.

And only in 40-ies it became clear that members of this class may suffer and people. Doctors have shown that Mycoplasma can infect the mucous membranes of the urogenital tract, oral cavity, respiratory tract and so on.

Another interesting: in the 60's, NASA scientists have begun a project to search for extraterrestrial life. One of the directions was to study the most primitive organisms that inhabit the Earth. And Mycoplasma has become one of the test subjects.

They have the most meager set of organelles required to maintain life, the shortest DNA fragments (about 750 proteins), the microscopic size and so on.

Still Mycoplasma genitalium are considered the simplest form of independent life. Exploring it, scientists have already received a lot of information about the structure of the cells, the genome, the origin and development of life.

It is on the basis of the Mycoplasma was engineered artificial bacteria Cynthia, which is used for the decomposition of oil spills. Unfortunately, now it is concentrated around the mass of unverified rumor and speculation, but the fact of its existence shows how people progress in Microbiology and genetics.

Forms and types of Mycoplasma

This class consists of hundreds of species that live in a variety of plants and animals. In the human body found 16 species. Not all of them are dangerous. So M. orale and M. salivarium are the natural flora of the oral cavity. But there are more aggressive forms:

  • M. genitalium. This is the most microscopic and the most common form. She can live in the mucosa of the urogenital tract of men and women, causing inflammation. Less common on the mucosa of the respiratory tract.
  • M. hominis. The second most common and pathogenic form. Has a similar prevalence and pathogenicity.
  • M. pneumonia. Affects the respiratory tract, causing bronchitis, pharyngitis, pneumonia and pneumonia. According to some, 5-30% of cases of pneumonia associated with a lesion of these microorganisms. But they do not differ substantially from other forms of pneumonia and can be treated with broad-spectrum antibiotics, therefore, do not attract as much attention as other forms.

In the future, we will talk primarily about the first type of Mycoplasma.

Mycoplasma survives poorly outside the human body, so infection is possible only by direct contact. The most frequent and probable pathway – sexual. Children can become infected from their mothers during the process of natural childbirth. Household transmission is unlikely, as well as medical.

Mycoplasma: a pathogenic or opportunistic microorganism?

A century of research related to this micro-organism has changed significantly. Initially, based on the fact that it was detected in a large number of people suffering from inflammatory diseases of the urogenital tract and respiratory system, and the doctors thought it extremely pathogenic microorganism. Therefore, the patients in the analysis which discovered this bacterium, ordered compulsory treatment, even in the absence of symptoms of disease.

In addition, it was attributed to the ability to cause severe disease during pregnancy: birth defects,the delayed development, spontaneous miscarriage, and so on.

However, additional research and analysis of a large set of accumulated data, has shown that this relationship may be erroneous. So in the United States conducted an analysis of the prevalence of inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary system and their complications before and after mass treatment of this infection. It turned out that a significant difference between the values of no and, therefore, such mass treatment Mycoplasma proved meaningless.

Among adult men and women, sexually active, with 40-80% (according to various reports) are detected in assays of Mycoplasma in the absence of symptoms of inflammation. This percentage is high among newborn children, especially girls. It is established that in most cases they become infected from their mothers during childbirth. Over time, the majority of spontaneous recovery occurs.

So now Mycoplasma belong to conditionally pathogenic microorganisms, which pose no danger for a person with a healthy immune system.

The modern attitude to Mycoplasma

Most researchers today believe that asymptomatic carriers require no treatment. Diagnosis requires people who have the signs of inflammation in the genitourinary system. Complicates the situation is the fact that Mycoplasma does not cause a specific form of inflammation, and similar symptoms can occur from infection and other microorganisms.

For the diagnosis of "Mycoplasma" requires a bacterial culture. He confirmed only in case of detection of this bacterium in quantities of more than 10,000 per unit, provided that not detected by other pathogenic microorganisms, or their number does not exceed 1 000. Only in this case, you want treatment aimed against Mycoplasma.

More rapid and simple diagnostic methods such as PCR (polymerase chain reaction) or ELISA (enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay) have a high level of false positive responses, and do not allow for qualitative analysis.

So, in conclusion you need to summarize. The clinical class of the simplest organisms, some of which may reside on mucous membranes of humans. Most adults are asymptomatic carriers and do not suffer from this, but with a weakened immune system the bacteria can cause inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary system.