Bacterial vaginosis: symptoms, treatment

Unpleasant smell

Bacterial vaginosis is a disease noninflammatory nature, which is associated with microflora imbalance. In other words it is a dysbiosis of the vagina.

When the vaginal flora is normal, it contains a lot of lactic acid bacteria. These include: lactobacilli and Doderlein Bacillus. They are responsible for acidic environment in the vagina. When does a goiter, lactic acid bacteria are replaced by pathogenic and a decrease of acidity. They mainly arise from the reduction of immunity. This disease is caused by different types of bacteria. Organisms include Gardnerella vaginalis, streptococci, staphylococci. Vaginosis is not related to sexually transmitted diseases and is not transferred sexually.


Symptoms of gardenerella are foul smelling discharge from the vagina, although in color, they look like regular. In addition to these symptoms, there is also:

  • painful feelings in the perineum,
  • easy pasty and redness of the labia,
  • during sexual intercourse there is pain and burning sensation,
  • with a strong gardnerellosis the color selections of a transparent can get yellowish-green, grayish,
  • selection start to go abundantly, and the labia appears white bloom.
Although this disease is not sexually transmitted, but it can occur from frequent change of sexual partners.

What are these bacteria?

Gardnerella vaginalis is a species of anaerobic bacteria. Form small sticks with oval tips with a size of about 1.5 microns. In small quantities it is not dangerous and is considered normal. They do neither capsules nor spores.

When their number increases dramatically, it starts dysbiosis. They release a lot of pyruvic acid and amino acids, which are used by the microflora of the vagina. Thus, Gardnerella increases the number and growth of anaerobic bacteria, which increase the concentration of amines in the vagina. It can form not only a disease of women, but also men. Gardnerellez can be:

  • Bacterial vaginosis.
  • Gardnerellosis urinary tract of men.
  • Gardnerellosis urinary tract of women.
  • Gardnerellosis pregnant.
  • Gardnerellosis upper genital tract.
Need regularly do the tests and check for the number of lactobacilli.

Why do we need lactic acid bacteria?

Lactic acid bacteria (lactobacilli) produce the necessary substances that protect our body. Such substances include hydrogen peroxide and lactic acid, which helps create acidity in the vagina. Activates the protective functions of the immune system. Support normal environment in the body and fight against harmful microorganisms.

The number of lactobacilli change if treated with antibiotics, pregnancy, disruption of menstrual cycle, menopause, stress etc. This may lead to a deterioration of the microflora.

What factors can lead to dysbiosis?

Factors that precede the formation of dysbiosis are:

  • the use of antibacterial drugs,
  • long and drug use intrauterine contraceptives,
  • complications of the genitourinary system,
  • hormonal failure, accompanied by disturbances of menstrual cycle,
  • the weakening of the immune system,
  • the effects of radiation,
  • nervous breakdowns and stress,
  • violations microscopy of the colon.

How to treat bacterial vaginosis?

That know how to treat bacterial vaginosis, you need to visit a doctor and do tests. To get rid of the problem – the best option would be for local procedures. If bacterial vaginosis is very strong, it is possible to resort to drugs:

  • Metronidazole tablets used for eliminating germs and normalise the microflora. Theirprescribed for cervical erosion, cervicitis, gardenerella. It is accepted for the metronidazole – sensitive strains.
  • Similar properties have trihopol tablets, metrogyl. They can still be produced in the form of suppositories and tampons.
  • Clindamycin is an antibiotic which effectively eliminates bacterial infection:
    • ENT organs: pharyngitis, sinusitis, otitis media, gimaret,
    • purulent inflammation of the skin,
    • encephalitis,
    • gardnerellosis, and many others.
  • Clindamycin in addition, this group includes pill oleandomycin, cephalosporins.
  • Fluomizin. It is used for various kinds of vaginitis, as well as in the form of rehabilitation before childbirth and various gynecological procedures and surgeries.
  • When drawing up the regimens you need to consider all complications and side effects. Often these complications can occur from the gastrointestinal tract, headaches, dizziness. As side effects may appear intestinal dysbiosis. In complicated cases it is necessary to choose a broad-spectrum antibiotics.

    So the chart needs to be in accordance with the problems patsieta.

    After applications pills (especially antibiotics) as a side effect may begin with vaginal candidiasis. Therefore, the preventive measures prescribed are antifungal medications such as nystatin dose 2000 mg per day in parallel with the beginning of therapy.

    Very often pregnant women prescribed the drug fluconazole. It includes: fluconazole, lactose monohydrate, magnesium stearate, povidone, sodium lauryl sulfate, titanium dioxide, water. This tool copes well with the elimination:

    • cryptococcosis,
    • candidiasis,
    • fungal skin infections,
    • candidal skin lesions,
    • gardenerella.

    During pregnancy is recommended: clotrimazole, pimafucin, Gino-Peveril, dafnegin and others.

    In addition to preformed therapy, there is also the expense of local action. To local media include: 1% hydrogen peroxide, antiseptic solution tomized, benzalkonium chloride compounds. Use them to irrigate the area of the vagina.

    How positive will proceed the therapy depends on the symptoms of bacterial dysbiosis. After recovery, the first survey must be done in 7 days, the second half of the month.

    For normal treatment and re-diagnosis, the doctors recommend to use during intercourse contraceptives.

    Modern medicine for the treatment of this disease secrete vaginal cream dalacin. It is used once a day for 3 days. One applicator is equal to one dose of the drug.

    Also, in an antiseptic use the drug Betadine.

    How to eat when larderellite?

    In order that the treatment was more productive – follow the diet. If it is bad and wrong to eat, then the disease will be very difficult to get rid of your results will remain bad.

    Which foods must be eliminated: sharp, spicy, fried, fatty. Eat boiled chicken and beef. Remove all carbonated and alcoholic beverages, spices.

    Useful and necessary products are dairy products: yogurt, sour cream, fermented baked milk, yogurt, etc. See that all milk products contain more lactic acid bacteria.

    In the treatment of dysbacteriosis at risk very much enters the gastrointestinal tract. Therefore, to avoid complications, you need to take tablets and capsules that improve the intestinal flora. These include: Linex, Bifidumbacterin. To strengthen the immune system definitely needs to take a course of multivitamin preparations.

    How to treat bacterial vaginosis traditional methods?

    In recent dysbacteriosis treatment at home will be more than ever. Usually therapy consists of the use of infusions, douching. In composition they are different, but by way of preparation and technique are the same. Traditional methods can completely eliminate the overgrowth.

    To prepare the remedy for vaginosis have all the herbs in equal proportions, chop or grind. In the obtained dry mixture of 2 tablespoons pour a liter of boiling water and put infuse for the night.

    The receiving means is in the amount of half a Cup for 20 to 30 minutes before eating, 3 to 4 times a day.

    To make a douche at home cooked herbs need to be divided into equal parts, chop. Then one teaspoon collection pour a liter of boiling water and insist night. Take 3-4 times 200 ml per irrigation.

    It is best to combine herbal teas and douching. The therapy lasts about 3 months, with a break of 2 weeks. For full recovery you need 1-1.5 years. Be sure to take control and do tests every 3-4 months. If after the application of folk methods there is no improvement, you must consult your doctor, who will pick up the necessary drug therapy.

    Recipe No. 1. Microclysters with pharmacy infusions

    Ingredients: tincture of propolis, rotokana, calendula. In a glass of hot water needed 1 tablespoon liqueur. The course of treatment 10 treatments.

    Helps douching with Apple cider vinegar. You need to dilute it as well. The course of treatment 12 procedures.

    Recipe № 2. Tampons with carrot juice

    Carrot juice mixed with Apple cider vinegar in a ratio of 1:1. Carry out the procedure once in aday for 20 minutes.

    Recipe No. 3. Infusion of leaves of walnut

    1 tablespoon of raw pour a glass of boiling water. Infuse for half an hour, strain and drink for the whole day. The duration of therapy is 3 weeks.

    The same principle you can make an infusion of red clover, celandine. You can slightly leave the infusion for washing the vagina.

    Coniferous trees are also useful in the treatment of this disease. Brewing pine and spruce needles in a Cup of boiling water. Then half to drink half a to leave for cleaning.

    Recipe No. 4. You can prepare decoction of the following ingredients:

    • grass cottonweed, lavender, sweet clover, wormwood,
    • the roots levzei, marshmallow,
    • nettle leaves, blueberries,
    • pine buds.

    Recipe №5. Ingredients:

    • grass Wintergreen, peppermint, dead-nettle,
    • eucalyptus leaves, mother and stepmother, bearberry,
    • flowers of clover and tansy,
    • the root of bergenia.
    Tinctures keep for a long time impossible. You therefore need to do every day and fresh. The traditional methods help in the early stages of the disease and does not apply to drugs to fix the problem.


    • more breathe the fresh air,
    • start to do exercises. Exercise and physical fitness will have a positive impact on the body,
    • to refuse sex. It is very important for a quick recovery. Even when the symptoms pass, you should refrain for a few weeks that the disease has not returned,
    • don't ignore first symptoms of dysbiosis. In the first stage it can easily be eliminated at home using traditional methods. Do not be afraid to contact your gynecologist and take the necessary tests. Easier to prevent problem than to suffer with a large.


    Complications can occur in the form of inflammation of the appendages of the female, infertility, problems during pregnancy and childbirth.

    If there comes adnexed, it starts pain in the lower abdomen and ovaries, an increase in temperature. Therapy should be only gynecologist because strong inflammation of the appendages can lead to the formation of cysts and adhesions between the ovary and fallopian tube. This may lead to infertility. To avoid unintended consequences it is necessary to consult a doctor who will do proper tests to diagnose.

    The tests, which are necessary for the definition of bacterial vaginosis:

    • Analysis on the change of acid-alkaline balance.
    • Microscopic analysis.
    • Analysis of the amino test.