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How to cure cystitis at home - practice self-treatment

Many on a number of circumstances have to deal with the problem of self-medication of certain diseases using folk remedies at home. Inflammatory processes of the genitourinary system often breaks the rhythm of work and causes discomfort. One of such diseases is cystitis which can be treated using medicines together with the tools used in alternative medicine.

Self-treatment of cystitis

Cause of disease

Treatment of cystitis at home is a difficult task, as disease of the bladder may present various "surprises." Bladder inflammation can be acute or chronic form, there is also a secondary cystitis, the cause of which can trigger secondary factors, on the background of infectious diseases.

The problem of cystitis more women face because of the structure of the urinary system. Many women have at least a few times in my life to deal with the problem of how to cure cystitis on your own at home. Very important issue is the treatment method and determine which funds will help to effectively treat your cystitis at home, folk, or still better to consult a doctor.

The perpetrators of the secondary form of cystitis can be a disease that caused the inflammatory process: adenoma, cancer, diseases of the reproductive system. In the manifestation of infectious cystitis are the culprits of harmful microorganisms, most often this problem creates Escherichia coli. A well-developed flora of the immune system alone is opposed to the pathogenic type of microorganisms.

In addition to the listed factors can cause the appearance of cystitis in the acute form:

  • Sedentary type of work.
  • Overcooling.
  • Constipation of a chronic nature.
  • Violations of hormonal in nature.
  • Dysbacteriosis.
  • Neglect the rules of personal hygiene.
  • The decline of the protective system of the body.

The presence of noninfectious cystitis may be the effect of medications, toxins, as a result of allergies, injuries. The impact of pathogens not associated with the manifestations of noninfectious cystitis.

Symptoms of cystitis

Cystitis is difficult to confuse with other diseases and those who have already encountered earlier with him, the very fact of its recurrence is an unpleasant "surprise". The symptoms which determine the disease specificity differ in manifestation, poet cystitis is difficult to confuse with something else. We list the most basic of them:

  • The presence of blood in the urine.
  • When urinating a feeling that the process is fully completed.
  • The presence of pain of varying degrees.
  • More frequent need to urinate.

In addition to the main symptoms, there are a number of secondary factors that can enhance discomfort: pain in the lower abdomen, fever. The chronic form the symptoms are mild, as the reason for the resumption of the disease may provoke any of the negative factors such as a weakened immune system. If you do not begin to treat a chronic cystitis, the disease will eventually acquire acute form.

Ways treat cystitis yourself

Cystitis treat depending on the form of development of disease by using folk remedies and medicines specifically designed for this purpose. Of course, it is best when the problem occurs, to immediately visit the office of a specialist to determine the cause, but if there is a strong belief that disease is exactly cystitis can start treatment.

According to statistics, most women prefer the treatment of cystitis to organize in the home, using for these purposes, as folk remedies, and medical drugs. In the course of treatment is supposed to use in bed, which contributes to the preservation of the force and eliminate fatigue of the body. Drink plenty of liquids during treatment, "washes away" pathogens of the urogenital system, which in turn speeds recovery. Experts recommend the use of thermal treatments: baths, warm hot water bottles placed in the lower part of the abdomen. It is important to remember that using remedies folk remedies to the full on their effectivenessit is impossible to count. Folk remedies by way of its impact are well suited as support material, but as a primary drug will need a special type of antibiotics, used to combat parasitic microorganisms.

Why the medical personnel, the use of folk remedies for the cure of cystitis

Doctors, despite the fact that from the first days of the disease cystitis recommend the use of antibiotics warn their patients about the "second side", the so-called residual phenomena that are "rich" these drugs. The main disadvantage of antibiotics is the destruction of microflora, in an environment where there are both harmful bacteria and useful. This action may reduce the immune system, which in turn weakens the body's defenses and makes it more vulnerable to other diseases.

Folk remedies can't really cure cystitis, but in complex combination with medication can reduce the number of antibiotics, while reducing the destructive actions that they leave behind. Prescriptions for some medications of the people are transmitted from generation to generation, and despite their age they are still working and effective to use.

List of folk remedies for cystitis

As the practice of medicine, the use of folk remedies in the initial stages of inflammation of the bladder and the urinary system helps to solve the problem of the treatment of these diseases. A list of the most popular, were following traditional recipes:

  • There are many recipes, as part of which involved several representatives of the green pharmacy. Each of them has its attending effect, but in combination they act as antipyretic, anti-inflammatory and proteobacteria funds. Pine buds, bear berry, corn silk, peppermint, Echinacea and many other plants, which after mixing, pour boiling water and insist, is used both topically and inside.
  • The bathing with the use of herbal infusions. As components you can use chamomile normal. The plant has antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effects, which helps in the fight against the spread of disease outbreak. Chamomile pour boiling water and infuse in a dark place for several hours, then filtered and added to the total amount of water. Taking a bath is required to comply with temperature: the water should be not too hot and not to cold, not to chill your bladder and urination the channels even more. Receiving procedures should not exceed 40 minutes, after which wipe dry, tightly wrapped in a Terry towel to give your body a rest in the supine position for at least 2 hours. At the same time recommended applying to the lower abdomen warm warmers.
  • A beneficial effect on the bladder cranberry juice has long been noticed. If the disease is "not played hard" with weak symptoms it can be completely removed with a few cups of this miraculous juice. Purchase production quality does not meet the requirement and composition for treating vitamins and minerals, so count on his favor in the treatment makes no sense. Only self-prepared juice is not the last heat treatment process will help to solve the problem of suppression of the inflammatory focus.

Problems arising from the ignoring of cystitis

Oddly enough, but a category of women who believe that when the cystitis can not be taken any measures for treatment of the disease. Catch phrase: "self-will" so defies logic that it just makes you question the mental abilities of these people. That everything was in its place and no longer had any reason to even think the way to describe the consequence of cystitis goes untreated.

  • The likelihood of exacerbation, and secondary infections as a side effect.
  • The incidence of infection of other organs (kidneys, urinary system).
  • Serious lesions of the bladder wall.
  • Education new diseases, for example, hematuria, when the urine as a result of infected kidney and urinary tract accumulated a large amount of blood.

With the right approach the problem with cystitis can safely allow for two or three days, and not using the hospitalization, but ignoring the disease, as already described above, can significantly worsen the health situation.