Home / Other infections / The lack of potassium in the body — How to eliminate the lack of potassium in the body

The lack of potassium in the body — How to eliminate the lack of potassium in the body

In order for our body to properly perform all its functions, it is necessary to replenish a large number of micro-, macro - elements and vitamins.

Some elements of the body itself can produce from the food consumed, while others must be used in pure form. Potassium belongs to those elements which are involved in vital processes. Involved in helping the cardiovascular system, nerve, brain, urinary-genital system, endocrine system and other organ systems in the human body.

Lack of certain minerals can cause serious pathological processes.

What could cause lack of potassium in the body? What symptoms can occur if you have a lack of potassium in the body?

In this article you will find answers to these and much more questions.

What is the role of potassium in the body?

For normal operation and functioning of all organs, a person needs to consume every day 1-2 grams. In the spring it requires more, as this time of year is characterized by strong avitaminosis.

This trace mineral is excreted via the urinary tract (filtered by kidneys). Lack of potassium in the body can lead to the "hypokalemia", and after developing potassium deficiency.

The main signs of lack of it:

  1. dry and brittle hair,
  2. dry and aging skin,
  3. very slow to heal scratches,
  4. bruising for no reason,
  5. sharp pain in the muscles,
  6. low pressure,
  7. fragile bones and many other symptoms.

Therefore, potassium supports fluid in all cells of the body.

Main functions of potassium in the body:

  1. it maintains the fluid in the cells, if large quantity can delete it,
  2. maintains acid-base metabolism in the cells,
  3. regulates carbohydrate metabolism,
  4. nourishes the median septum of the heart (myocardium),
  5. supports heart rate and heart rate,
  6. promotes oxygen to the brain, this increases brain activity,
  7. do not develop such diseases as multiple sclerosis and prevents clogged blood vessels,
  8. people can easily bear heavy loads,
  9. and removes from the body harmful substances and unnecessary toxins.

The signs by which you can understand what potassium the body lacks

Who carefully and closely look after themselves and their health, must quickly notice the absence of his body.

The main features, which you will notice it:

  • the main feature is a sharp change in the rhythms of cardiac activity,
  • tingling in the heart area, it may be even attack,
  • crashing and jumps in blood pressure,
  • on the mucous membranes begin to develop sores,
  • exacerbation or development of diseases related to the digestive system (ulcer, inflammation of the pancreas and duodenal ulcers and many other diseases),
  • in pregnant women increases the risk of miscarriage,
  • the hair is very dry and brittle,
  • the complexion is grayish and the skin ages faster,
  • wounds and scratches heal very long time,
  • muscles are constantly sore and the man quickly gets too exhausted,
  • breathing becomes frequent,
  • urination will become more often than before,
  • may even develop nausea, which is accompanied by vomiting,

Many people have a lack of body of potassium, especially in children hiding under a more serious disease. The change in stools (diarrhea), cramps can be a cause of more serious diseases.

If you experience the above reasons should go to the hospital for tests to confirm the diagnosis.

What tests need to pass to be sure?

As the deficiency of potassium could be confused with other diseases, you should first go to the hospital.

The therapist must assign the following tests:

  1. blood examination on the content of potassium,
  2. to evaluate the output of potassium in the urine,
  3. the electrocardiogram will show the existing pathology of the heart rhythms,
  4. to check the mineral composition of the hair,

Treatment for deficiency

If you have found this problem, a highly qualified specialist needs to prescribe medication in the form of infusions, injections and plus will prescribe the right diet (foods with high content of this component).

How to recover a potassium deficiency using the products

First you need to start eat a healthy diet, then to protect themselves from emotions and stressful experiences, to try at least to stopto use medications and pills, forget about the intake of salt, fatty foods plus carbonated beverages.

We must not forget that there may be an excess of this trace element in the body. The excess of this component can not very well affect the internal organs.

Very abundant foods that are rich in this trace mineral. Potassium is found in many berries, fruits and vegetables.

Potassium in large quantity found in bananas, potatoes (especially the skins), so the jacket potato is very good. Legumes (peas, beans, beans) contain a lot of this mineral, as well as dried fruits (figs, apricots, raisins), nuts (walnuts, almonds, pine, forest, sunflower seeds and pumpkin), fruits (grapes, apples, pears, plums, peaches, apricots, citrus fruits), vegetables (carrot, cabbage, celery, tomatoes), greens (celery, parsley, dill, mint). To all the above added meat products (better not fat and not smoked) and fish of all varieties.

During this diet you should not abuse alcohol and cigarettes. Also, do not lean chocolate and bakery products. All the products are best steamed or eaten raw, as a trace mineral it is better absorbed.


The drug is usually determined by the doctor, he looks at the condition of the patient and the degree of shortage of the component. If human health is in great danger, the doctor prescribes intravenous injections or most of the time dropper. And the man put in the hospital. If the threat is not large, it is prescribed vitamin preparations containing potassium.

The most used drugs is: "orotate", "Panangin and asparkam". Take them along with food, it is advisable not to swallow and immediately after a meal.

How much to take drugs is determined by the doctor. It is strictly forbidden to use these drugs as this could face very serious consequences (cramps, stomach inflammation, ulcers, and more).

Prevent disease

To prevent healthy people (especially athletes) is best to change your diet, adding to your menu foods rich in potassium.

Bananas, avocado, cranberry, potatoes, fresh vegetables, fruits and herbs. And giving up foods such as fatty meats, smoked fish, sweets, coffee and tea, and alcoholic beverages.

If the patient has disease for which he was prescribed to take any drugs (diuretics, laxatives, heart and others) should discuss this with your doctor. It may be better to substitute some drugs for others, so potassium is not washed out from the body.

What kind of doctor can help with this problem?

The first manifestations of symptoms such as muscle and General weakness, changes in blood pressure and heart rate, it is best to go to the hospital and make an appointment with a therapist. But if you suffer any of the diseases or stand on the account at the doctor, you should go to him.

Your doctor will prescribe the right tests and determine why the failure occurred in the body.

If you have a small deviation from the norm, the doctor will just prescribe the right vitamins and diet. If you tighten and the time has not contact the hospital, it could face serious disturbances in the functioning of certain organs in the body.