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Toxoplasmosis treatment — Symptoms and treatments drugs

Disease that affects animals and people, provoking the parasite Toxoplasma gondii or Toxoplasma gondii.

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Once in the human body, he behaves differently. In some cases, the symptoms of invasion are not observed, at least – resemble a cold or the flu.

It is also possible and the localization of the parasite by the immune system. In this case, he along with other microorganisms peacefully coexist without doing harm to its owner. But lowering the protective functions of the body, it behaves as a conditionally-pathogenic microbes and bacteria, aktiviziruyutsya and invades the healthy cells.

Toxoplasmosis – a serious defeat of all systems and organs, caused by intracellular parasite Toxoplasma.

Its presence can be learned from distributed analyses for infections of TORCH-complex. Women during pregnancy the organism can cause serious harm to fetus, including death. Also at risk are children and people with diseases immunodeficiency.

Development life cycle of Toxoplasma

Before you learn all about toxoplasmosis, you should consider the entire path, which is a unicellular microorganism. Carriers of Toxoplasma are any warm-blooded organisms. Falling into the cells of the temporary carrier, the microorganisms form the so-called vacuoles, which are the future – parasites radiosity.

Tissue cysts are the next stage of development that occurs in the muscles and brain. The human immune system is not able to detect intracellular occupant.

Reproduction occurs until until filled cyst will not burst, together with the cell. Then out come the representatives of theodicy that infect the whole body and the rest of the cells of the next generation of radiosite.

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Following the transition from animal to animal. The infection occurs tissue cysts, which are found in the animal body. The new media parasites settle in the cells of the small intestine and form oocytes. They are excreted in the feces and along with the tissue cysts that reside in raw meat, are the causative agents of toxoplasmosis.

The process of toxoplasmosis

To parasites ingested must go through several stages of its development and life cycle in temporary carriers and intermediate hosts. But the final favorable habitat still is.

How does the process of infection by Toxoplasma:

  • Pets and stray animals. It's mostly cats and dogs. They are temporary owners. With their metabolic products are excreted into the external environment oocytes. Direct contact can also be dangerous
  • raw vegetables, fruits, plants,
  • not fried and thermally processed meat. In muscle tissues of livestock inhabit cysts, pathogens toxoplasmosis,
  • during the procedure blood transfusion. Through wounds and inflammatory lesions, skin,
  • transmission from mother to fetus during pregnancy, so-called vertical method of infection.

Even an ordinary poor personal hygiene lead to the appearance of intracellular parasites. And the longer they will be the person, the longer will be the subsequent treatment of Toxoplasma and severe the symptoms.

Forms of toxoplasmosis

Makes diagnosis a variety of occurrence of infestation. Only properly conducted accurate testing and investigating the interaction of the parasite and of the human body will help professionals in selecting methods and techniques how to treat toxoplasmosis.

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Shape transfer method:

  • acquired. The penetration from the external environment, from the vector,
  • congenital. Infection of the fetus in utero from the mother,

Distinguish types on the basis of complications and duration:

  • acute. Causes severe illness and consequences. When not treated is fatal,
  • chronic. Hidden symptoms in a few months. Sluggish flow lasting several years. Sometimes there is a relapse and deteriorationconditions.

Disease processes that occur with concomitant violations of organs and systems, are distinguished by the type of localization:

  • ocular. Is usually a consequence of congenital type. Provokes the partial or complete loss of vision,
  • cerebral. Is characterized by inflammation of the brain and Central nervous system.

And the list goes on. Toxoplasmosis is a source of a huge number of inflammatory processes and complications. Most of them end result, result in death.

Common symptoms of toxoplasmosis

To allocate the same process quite difficult. To consider the signs that indicate disease processes, should be only on the basis of some disease forms.

Acute. Rarely, you may experience swollen lymph nodes in the underarms, groin, neck. The characteristic pain symptoms in the right hypochondrium, pointing to the disruption of the liver. Increasing the temperature to 39°C. Sometimes treatment is not required. After 1-2 weeks random recovery.

Chronic. Mostly weak. Often not showing symptoms. Headaches, weakness, fever. In the untimely appeal to the specialist and may exacerbate the deterioration of health.

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Congenital. The infant manifested after childbirth severe complications: jaundice, rash, disproportionate head size, lack of hearing and sight, mental and physical development.

Purchased or common. The reason is reduced immunity. The inflammatory processes extend to all organ systems with the characteristics of their disorders. This includes HIV / AIDS patients in Oncology clinics, people after organ transplantation.

Ocular. Risk group are teenagers. Late manifestation of congenital toxoplasmosis is acquired. Provokes pain of the eyes, loss of concentration and sharpness blindness.

Cerebral. Brain damage. Leads to headaches, loss of sensation, paralysis, coma.

Tests for toxoplasmosis

Before the appointment of the examination the doctor must visually assess and study the signs of health problems. To spend with a patient and thorough conversation, to listen to complaints. Inspection – the beginning of any diagnosis.

What symptoms indicate toxoplasmosis:

  1. inflamed lymph nodes in the neck, in the armpits, in the groin,
  2. pronounced enlarged liver,
  3. impaired coordination and reflexes,
  4. reduced vision and hearing,
  5. deviation of body temperature from the norm,
  6. the lack of clarity of thinking.

But that's not indicates that the patient may need treatment of toxoplasmosis. To make a correct diagnosis, the specialist assigns the modern exact methods of research of reasons and factors, which provoke the deterioration of the patient.

Toksoplazmoz lechenie — Simptomy i metody lecheniya preparatami

Tests for toxoplasmosis:

  • a study on TORCH-infections. Venous blood,
  • polymerase chain reaction. The selection of DNA fragments of the parasite and determining its type and number,
  • immunoassay blood. Determined by stage of infection, the presence of microorganisms, the study of the lesion,
  • serological. The presence of IgM antibodies indicates the presence of an intracellular parasite in the body,
  • radiography, CT, ultrasound. Used to visually locate the affected inflamed areas.

After all the tests, when the diagnosis is the presence of Toxoplasma positive, the patient receives advice from a specialist, and how he should be treated.

Replace the drugs and follow the recipe. Self-treatment will lead to complications and worsening of existing symptoms.

Treatment of toxoplasmosis in humans

With good immunity, good health and a healthy lifestyle to get rid of intracellular parasite often you can own for 1-2 weeks, even without resorting to drugs. So that toxoplasmosis is treated.

But in most cases, the patient is prescribed an intensive course of medical treatment of toxoplasmosis:

  1. «Spiramycin.» A daily dose of 1 gram. Take 2 times a day. The duration of treatment is 10 days.
  2. "Solpadein". Welcome to 2000 mg per kilogram of body weight. Taking the drug every other day.
  3. «Doxycycline.» Daily ingestion of 0.1 grams 2 times. The course of treatment is 10 days.
  4. «Chloroquine.» The course of treatment – 7-10 days. Dosage per day – 0.25 grams 3 times.

Extras can be assigned restorative and multivitamin complexes. Self-assign or cancel any medications impossible.

Only a doctor can give accurate advice and tips on reception, contra-indications and combination drugs.

Toxoplasmosis: treating in pregnancy

A special group of patients requiring individual examination and subsequent prescribing. Unicellular microorganisms are very dangerous for the life of the fetus. They penetrate through the placenta and affect it.

title="Toxoplasmosis treatment — Symptoms and methods of treatment" />

And further development of the disease depends on the duration of pregnancy, which has passed the infection:

The first trimester. To predict at this stage, the subsequent behavior of the organism difficult. In most cases, occurs in utero fetal death. In other serious damage to the Central nervous system, brain, vision loss, purchase chronic disorders of the kidneys, liver,

II trimester. Is characterized by inflammation of the brain, such as encephalitis, partial or complete loss of vision.

III trimester. The baby after birth will be detected jaundice, pneumonia, anemia, and developmental delay.

The experts in this case, try to eliminate toxoplasmosis and correctly carry out treatment.

And so the therapy is prescribed during pregnancy:

  • 12-13 week of pregnancy. "Spiramycin", "Immunoglobulin" are introduced by injection. The drug is prescribed individually by physician,
  • after 16 weeks. "Spiramycin" in the form of tablets. Daily dose 1.5 – 3 grams. The course is from 4 to 10 weeks,
  • «Fansidar.» It is recommended to drink 2 tablets 1 time a week. Course duration – 2 months. Additionally, the application of folic acid,
  • «Rovamycinum.» Does not affect the fetus. Only use in pregnancy as directed by your healthcare practitioner.

Throughout the period of gestation the mother to be under constant supervision by a specialist. If necessary, subject to hospitalization prior to birth. In case of complications is surgical abortion.

People's treatment of toxoplasmosis

Drug-free treatment is possible, but as an additional tool. The main impact parasites have only specially selected drugs the doctor.

Don't forget that toxoplasmosis is a serious disease.

Consider only the most effective recipes that will not harm the body.

Tincture from intracellular Toxoplasma gondii. 30% propolis extract – 30 drops, 50 ml of boiled water. Daily admission – 3 times half an hour before meals. Before going to sleep for 20 minutes. The length of treatment is 20 days.

Grated horseradish. Is not only a prophylactic but also antihelminthic. 1 tablespoon vegetable, some yogurt, and mayonnaise. After 3 days of Toxoplasma disappear.

Garlic broth. 200 grams of boiled milk and 4-5 Zubkov peeled garlic. Then on slow heat, cool and strain. Milk take a glass 3 times a day.

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Alcohol tincture. Herbal and vodka in a ratio of 1:5. Part of herb: calamus root, elecampane, aspen bark, calendula, eucalyptus. All components mix and allow to stand for 3 days. Take 1 teaspoon 3 times a day.

Before applying a method of traditional medicine be sure to consult with a specialist. Possible allergic reactions and complete incompatibility with drugs.

The effects of toxoplasmosis

For penetration into the body of bacteria, microbes, viruses and infections simply do not observe elementary rules of hygiene. Unsanitary working conditions, public places, and the infected items only contribute to the contamination. But about the consequences, few people think.

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And what is dangerous untimely treatment or chronic disease intracellular pathogens like Toxoplasma:

  • inflammation of the brain. Leads to complete paralysis and death,
  • jaundice. A viral form of liver damage,
  • partial or complete loss of vision,
  • myocarditis. Inflammatory damage to the heart muscle,
  • rhinitis. The process of inflammation of the nasal mucosa,
  • in women during pregnancy – the birth of a child, miscarriage, intrauterine fetal death,
  • hallucinations and even schizophrenia.

Be careful people with lowered immunity. This patients after organ transplantation, HIV positive, AIDS, diseases of oncological nature.

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