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Lanceolate Fluke — Structure and life cycle of the Fluke

To date, science knows about the existence of more than 7,000 species of flatworm, leading a parasitic way of life. Lanceolate Fluke or the Lancet Fluke class is one of them.

This helminth is representative of liver flukes belonging to the class of trematodes.

They usually feed on substances produced by the organism of ruminants, however, can parasitize the gall bladder or intestine of humans and other mammals.


Lancet Fluke has a relatively small size, long adult usually does not exceed 10 mm and the width is 3 mm. the size is rather small – body length 10 mm.

The worm got its name because of similarity of appearance with the Lancet. Marita (Adult parasite) has two suckers, one not large mouth and large belly.

The peculiar structure of the helminth is the presence of skin-muscular SAC in which concluded of its flat body. Muscle tissue consists of an outer circular, inner longitudinal and transverse layers.

The internal organs consist of:

  • the digestive system includes the mouth, esophagus, intestines and the mouth through which are displayed the remains of batteries,
  • simple nervous and excretory system,
  • the reproductive system consists of testes, the ovary, ootype, oviduct and uterus occupies most of body of the parasite.

The structure of the eggs of the Fluke also has characteristic features. At one end of the oval eggs of the helminth provides cover for the larvae.

Stage of maturation and reproduction

The life cycle of a Lancet Fluke is very complex and is performed only when changing 2-3 carriers.

For convenience it can be divided into 4 important stages:

  1. eggs or larvae of helminths infect terrestrial mollusk. In the body of the first media is the formation of two generations of larvae of the second stage of development (of) that in turn reproduce a subsidiary of larvae. They also give rise to free-floating Akari with a tail for swimming,
  2. after 3 months zekaria together with mucus secreted by snails through breathing holes fall into the environment where they eat the brown forest, meadow or red-faced ants of the genus Formika. In the body of the second additional medium the larvae turn into adults, ready to parasitize the organism's main host. Some parasites form cysts in the nervous system, in which the ant can't go down and remains on the grass because of paralysis of the jaws,
  3. then the life cycle continues in the body following primary medium, reach sexual maturity age,
  4. a Lancet Fluke is a hermaphrodite and reproduces only in the body of the main carrier. Seminal fluid of adult worms Marita on special channels falls in the Cirrus, and then to Ootp where are the seminal and uterine canals and fertilization occurs. Formed eggs of a Lancet Fluke maturing in the uterus, through the fallopian hole out in the host organism. As a result of the defecation ready to the infection of the eggs with waste media into the soil, where they ingest the shellfish.

The developmental cycle of the parasite is practically not involves infection of humans due to the very low probability of ingestion of an ant. But there may be occasions when the ants got into the food or water and was swallowed by the man.

Fluke kind lanceolate distributed on all continents of our planet, the largest population of Helminth recorded in the cattle-breeding countries of Eurasia, where worms infected cattle, goats, bananas, pigs and even rodents.

There have been cases when a sheep was discovered around 50,000 specimens of the worm.

Life expectancy

The life of a parasite consists of changing a few hosts which depends on its duration. The first station cycle from time of ingestion of eggs by the clam before the release of the larvae may last for about 5 months. In the body of their next host, the larva throws off the tail and can parasitize over 12 months, it does not kill the ant.

In the biliary tract of the definitive bearer lanceolate Fluke reaches sexual maturity age and turns to Marita alone. It takes 1-1,5 months, and 4 weeks, the parasite begins to produce eggs.

At the moment not enough information about the duration of the incubation period and the total duration of the life of an adult Fluke in the body of the last owner.