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Products containing iodine 8 most valuable products containing iodine

Scientists managed to prove that all the elements are in the periodic table are present in the human body, even a gold, really well, in very small quantity. To make up for the gold level in the body we are not capable of, but an element such as iodine easily. For this we only need to know what foods contain iodine.

In the body content of iodine is 20 mcg. This trace mineral is involved in the development of such basic hormones as thyroxine and triiodothyronine. The daily rate varies depending on the age of the person the smallest 50 mcg, and 150 mcg for adults to.

Pregnant women need a little more – 200 mcg per day. So let's see why iodine is to our health, what products are in sufficient quantity contain iodine, and in what quantities it should be consumed.

The role of iodine in human body

Thanks to the right amount of iodine our thyroid gland of normal size. This component participates in the regulation of energy metabolism and body temperature, metabolism of proteins and fats, in the metabolism of certain vitamins. As one of its main features is the regulation of the growth process and human development, including neuro-psychiatric. Iodine is needed for healthy-looking skin, nails and hair.

Pregnant it is extremely necessary for the growth and development of the fetus. In addition to these factors, a slightly higher number of products with extra iodine is needed in several cases: if the natural environment has undergone man-made disasters (people have dramatically increased the need for this item after the disaster at Chernobyl), athletes with permanent physical exertion.

Useful products for our health

What are the foods we need to eat?

First and foremost is the iodized salt. One gram of this product has 40 mcg. Do not forget and about the factor that iodine is a volatile substance, and it tends to evaporate at high temperatures, and thus lose their beneficial properties. Therefore, iodized salt suggest adding to the end of cooking.

The same effect and such a trivial thing as an expiration date, after which substance there is not at all. Iodized salt should be stored in a closed vessel, and the shelf life of unpacked about 5 months. Listing useful iodine containing products, you need to remember about buckwheat.

It is contained in legumes (peas, beans), grains (rye, wheat, oats) crops, as well as in nuts (almonds, Brazil nuts). A great source can serve fruits and vegetables that are grown on soil fertilized with iodine.

Less there is in dairy products (cheese, cottage cheese, milk) and eggs. Iodine in the human body comes in the iodine-containing mineral water, which we can easily find on the label. So he is present in ordinary drinking water. In one liter fits 15 mcg. If we talk about meat products, mention should be made of pork and veal. The liver is also very rich in iodine.

Those who love to eat sea products can be doubly and even triply pleased, as the iodine in large enough quantities contained in products of marine origin. The deep ones are capable of filtering the iodine from seawater. In river fish it contains less. All the known iodine-containing product, which stimulates the brain, there is seaweed.

In 100 gr of seaweed can be anywhere from 500 to 3000 micrograms of iodine. Another product, which is a lot of iodine, there is fish oil, which is probably all hate since childhood because of the unpleasant color, taste and smell. It is sold in the form of tablets and capsules, which slightly simplifies the task for parents if the doctor attributed to fish oil baby, as well as in liquid form.

Among the most useful of the inhabitants of the deep sea include mussels, squid, shrimp, mackerel, salmon, flounder, etc. L. Pauline, the representative of the University of Oregon reports that just 100 grams of cod provides almost two-thirds of the norm of iodine for adults. Iodine rich caviar, which is easily absorbed by minerals and vitamins (A, D, E).

Do not forget about vegetables: cabbage, tomato, radish, potatoes (it is recommended to bake and eat together with the skin), sorrel, carrots, onions, radish etc. as our body can get iodine by eating foods such berries as strawberries, black grapes, currant, cranberry, plum, persimmon, feijoa.

All this you can grow yourself or buy at the farmers markets all year round. This feature can also be found in some seasonings and spices. This you can learn by examining the product label.

The basic rules of dosage

Iodine is found in all that surrounds us. In coastal areas the number is slightly above average, and scientists have proven that contains iodine even in the air.

You should not believe the advice that said to add a drop of this substance in food, as in one drop there are 6000 µg, which exceeds the limit 30 times!

Constant manipulation can lead to hyperfunction of the element in the body, resulting in the development of suchdisease as cretinism. Some try to compensate for the deficiency by applying it on the skin. Such actions are useless because it is not absorbed through the skin, about what should not be forgotten.

As part of your diet, the above mentioned products in themselves contain iodine and many other nutrients. Importantly, follow the manufacturer's instructions, what is written on the labels of products, and buy everything fresh. After such a pleasant diet you will immediately see the changes there.