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Parasites in herring — whether Dangerous worms and parasites in herring?

People of the 21st century face many dangers. You must be very careful not to catch any disease.

So, one of the most prevalent diseases helminthiasis.

As you know, the parasites can lay eggs in almost any environment, but one of the most favorable for them is any fish. So humidity and temperature are the main criteria on which the worms in the herring feel more than comfortable and you can easily live there and multiply.

In General, it is strongly recommended to put any fish served on the table, is subjected to processing: cooking, roasting, etc., but there are representatives of sea and river creatures, which appear in all its glory in salted, smoked, dried and other variations, simply put — raw.

Worms in the herring — a fairly common phenomenon, and here's why. The fact that the sanitary standards of each fish carcass should be inspected, but each allows about 5 dead worms. However, there are worms that are not particularly dangerous to humans and just die in the body under the effect of the juice contained in the stomach.

Threat representatives among the worms

Unfortunately, there are those who are not afraid of the environment in the intestine. Experts have identified three basic diseases which are caused by parasites living in the herring.

  1. antacids. This disease cause ascaridoidea worms called anisakidae. They crash into the thin fabric of the walls of the intestines and stomach. Such actions lead to sharp pain in the abdomen, which is accompanied by problems with stool, severe nausea and subsequent vomiting, and often severe fever. Symptoms of anisakidae very similar to the signs of appendicitis. During the acute phase of this disease can be fatal to humans,
  2. diphyllobothriasis. Called unpleasant intestinal helminths from ribbon. Quite large in size, the maximum recorded value is 25 meters. Symptoms — General weakness in the body, cutting pains in the abdomen, nausea, leading to loss of appetite and weight loss. In some cases, anemia,
  3. opisthorchiasis. The reason for this ailment — so-called cat Fluke. The so-called "masters" — the name dubbed all whose stomach bred worms, are large mammals, man in particular. Cat Fluke, penetrating in the intestine, is a danger to the liver in the first place, also at risk are the bile ducts. Often they are joined by another and the threat for gallbladder.

Herring, in which the worms develop and reproduce, is a challenge owner for them. Disease that occurs due to parasites, can cause disorders in various organs of the human body, starting with his immediate environment — the gastrointestinal tract, and ending with the heart, lungs and even the brain.

There is a perception that in salt herring may not be parasites, as during the process of salting fish is subjected to the necessary treatment. This rule works only in case if the preparation of the product passed through the required standards without any violations.

That is, even a ready-made herring should be checked if purchase for infestation.

How to determine the presence of fish helminths

There is no need to "reinvent the wheel" and come up with the signs of a sick fish — selection rules healthy product already exists, it only remains to remember them and to follow in the quest for the dish to the table.

Tap your finger on the carcass attracted fish. If the dent from touch for a long time is not returned in its original condition, most likely, the worms have invaded the body of this herring.

Notice the fish's eye — if they are covered with a hazy film or are suspiciously unnatural shade, then the carcass was also subjected to disease.

  • Pendulous abdomen of large size, distinctly swollen.
  • Unpleasant smell coming from the gills.
  • Easy descending scales during cleaning, the very body as if covered with slime, unpleasant sticky fingers.

Knowing these five rules you can easily define worm-eaten herring or not. It should be noted the important fact of where you purchased the product. The most correct solution is to buy any fish in specialized stores or the shelves, passing a special test, during which the license is issued and the definition of product quality.

However, even there we must be vigilant and personally inspect, palpate, and if necessary — and sniff each carcass, which has fallen your eyes. It is because of their own negligence people are so susceptible to various diseases.

But what if you for some reason forgot to put the product to his inspection and have already purchasedhis?

By itself the question arises, how to look like a herring worms, to be able to identify them in the process of butchering fish.

The appearance of the parasites

Basically the worms are located near the eggs or milt, as they contain many useful items for humans and worms.

Anisakid looks similar to pinworms, but it is much larger than their less dangerous counterparts.

In length they reach about 5-6 inches and mostly are in twisted condition, called the fusiform. On one of the rounded ends are the lips.

But the danger is not parasites themselves, and their larvae.

Cat Fluke of a small size. Half an inch width and three in length. But her eggs not possible to see without special equipment. Specimen, also living in the fish, refers to tapeworms.

Is it possible to protect yourself from parasites?

Possible. In fact, the rules are only two. They are quite simple and to follow them will not be easy for anyone.

To buy herring and other fish from reliable sellers. It is recommended to purchase the entire carcass intact, not gutted. Carefully inspect it before you take it home. This is because to detect worms is much easier in the abdomen in the process of self-evisceration than to look out for them in the herring, released, for example, in the preserves.

If the fish was bought fresh and not salty, it is highly recommended to store only in the freezer of his refrigerator. Experts suggest to use temperature ranging from 20 degrees below zero.

At — 30 degrees will suffice ten minutes to keep the product to ensure complete safety. At such temperatures the worms can't survive, becoming harmless even in case of penetration in the gastrointestinal tract.

If you cook fish, you should wait about twenty minutes after the liquid starts to boil. During frying fish carcass, it is recommended to raspolovinit on the ridge, and also for at least twenty minutes. Fish cakes have to be under the influence of high temperatures at least half an hour.

What if the worms got into the digestive tract?

Professionals dealing with similar issues, saying that the majority of parasites is not for the person of potential danger. Just has more than three hundred species of worms that live in fish.

Infection with worms of the dangerous types is only possible due to incorrect storage and preparation. In case of immediate freezing of the fish bought any parasites dying under the influence of cold temperatures.

If you notice any signs of infection — contact your doctor immediately. Delay could lead to death. The specialist will prescribe you the necessary tests to make sure the bot or to disprove it. If a positive test result to the patient are assigned to treatments to remove and eliminate parasites from the body.

One of the main EGD is in the process of examination of the intestine through a special device detects the location of not only worms, but also their larvae. Is the history, where it is determined whether used in food products, potentially rich in worms.

Prescribers to help get rid of the unwanted "tenants" in the gut. But in any case can not accept anything on their own without prescribing a doctor. Thoughtless use of tablets not only help, but can harm.