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Parasites in human liver — Symptoms and effective treatments of liver

The liver is a vital organ located in the abdominal cavity of the human body. The liver in the body is the so-called filter, which cleanses the body from various toxins and does not only. It purifies the blood, forms a vitally important proteins involved in digestion (since it forms the bile), regulates the hormonal level of a person and stores nutrients.

This body is rich in various nutrients. That is why the parasites dwell in it.

Parasites, existing and living in the human liver, feed on its tissues and reserves, and in people with no symptoms to suspect about it. Most often parasitic liver damage occurs when a weakened immunity due to the stress test.

If the parasites multiply very quickly and grow, it can cause Allergy symptoms or even changing the other organs in the body.

Some parasites live in the liver

"Amoeba" first go to the gastrointestinal tract, then into blood vessels (veins, capillaries, lymph), after you are already in the liver. They are very much destroy it. Due to the fact that they eat it and excrete toxic substances. Under this influence it can become inflamed and then begin to rot. In humans, clots in the veins, a weight loss, you may experience symptoms of fever, intolerable pain in region of navel,

"Sistema" are in the blood vessels of the liver. If the liver is infected by these parasites, the possible diseases such as cirrhosis and hepatitis,

"Ascarids" — is a parasitic round worm. They enter the liver through the intestine. Cause in the liver terrible and irreversible processes. Due to their presence in the liver is formed purulent processes and disease hepatitis,

"Giardia" is a flagellate parasites, also affect human liver. The symptoms are sufficiently pronounced to see a doctor. It gets inflamed and feels a degeneration. Actively can infect the liver bacteria along with Giardia,

"Tapeworm single-chamber" is very dangerous parasites in the human liver, which cause dangerous diseases. Not detected parasite may serve as blockage of the blood and lymph vessels and bile ducts.

"Echinococcus alveolar" very depressing and destroys liver cells and may spread to the lungs and brain.

Each species of parasite has its own specific symptoms. And some parasites, do not give any symptoms to identify them is very difficult. So you need to promptly visit the doctor to make sure you have not infected your liver parasites.

The symptoms of parasitic diseases of the liver

On what grounds can we determine about the infection:

There are quite a number of grounds on which we can say that the body fails. First you need to pay attention to the external condition of the person.

Main features:

  1. dandruff,
  2. pigmentation,
  3. acne,
  4. brittle and unhealthy hair and nails.

At the initial stage it is very difficult to detect parasites. Also causes may serve as Pets, dirty hands. In close communion with someone who is infected, the worms (and their larvae) can live on the whole body, mucous membranes. Dirty vegetables and fruits they enter the body and can live there for a long time.

Symptoms of parasites in the liver very similar to other diseases. But if faced with this problem, it is better to go to the hospital for a full examination and treatment.

The main symptoms:

  1. the sharp decline of body weight,
  2. fever, fever, itching of the whole body,
  3. sharp liver pains,
  4. emotional disorder, mental disorders and nervous system,
  5. sudden sleep disorder,
  6. itching in the anus,
  7. bad breath,
  8. severe headache,
  9. constantly hungry,
  10. bad skin (acne, rashes, freckles),
  11. cracked heels,
  12. exacerbation of chronic diseases, if any,

Upon detection of at least one of the symptoms, should go to hospital for examination. If the tests confirmed their presence, do not panic, because the liver has the ability to recover.


Not to earn a parasitic affection of the organs, namely the liver, you need to fulfill some rules:

  • definitely need to wash your hands as often as possible not only after eating and visiting public places. Germs are everywhere (handles, desks, tables, doors, Windows, car and many other items),
  • proper processing of food: fruits, my vegetables, and meat and fish well heat treated,
  • forbidden to nibble and lick the nails and fingers. On hand is a huge number of infectious and bacterial microbes,
  • it is strictly forbidden to eat rawfish,
  • better to drink water from the store or filtered. And do not want to get involved in fresh goat and cow's milk,
  • all Pets are carriers of worms. It is better not to bring them close to the face and deny it to little children,
  • wet cleaning the house, vacuuming and General cleaning are the best friends against parasites,
  • there are drugs against parasites.

When encountering any of the symptoms it is better to go to the hospital.

Diagnosis of parasites

The manifestation of the first symptoms, you need to go to the hospital. The doctor will prescribe the necessary tests to identify pathogenic worms.

There have been few studies:

  1. endoscopy — an instrument inserted through the anus and observe and browse the liver,
  2. x — ray (x-ray) radiation, which you can use to see whether in the liver of pathogenic organisms or not,
  3. immunological reactions (detection of antigens of parasites),

How is it treated?

If you have tested positive for liver worm, you do not need too much worry and panic. The liver is an organ that is capable of restoring itself in a relatively small amount of time. In today's world there are many methods of getting rid of parasites, it helps in combating them.

For treatment using special drugs. But the big disadvantage is that they have strong side effects. There may be complications or poisoning of the body. These drugs cause damage primarily to the nervous, blood system, kidneys, and in fact most of the liver.

The use of vitamins and sorbents, which strengthen the immune system and relieve the body from harmful toxins. With good immunity, may reduce the dosages.

Treatment of folk remedies

Treatment of liver parasites in the home involves the use of pine nuts, onions, garlic and various herbal infusions.

Some proven and effective means:

  • pine nuts have been enjoyed since ancient times. Only need to buy them at the store and eat a handful a day, chewing them thoroughly. Nuts can be eaten to prevent and treat liver parasites (eat nuts every day for 2 months). In addition to all should go on a proper diet (avoid fatty, smoked, salted and greasy),
  • in onions and garlic include a lot of vitamins and enzymes, which are capable of destroying parasitic diseases of the liver. Recipe 1. Should some onions finely chop and brew with boiling water. Should take morning, about a week. Recipe 2. You need to mix the cognac and garlic after you infuse it for three weeks. Drink the infusion every day for 2 weeks,
  • the perfect remedy eliminates parasitic diseases and liver damage is pumpkin seeds. The seeds can be eaten with the whole family, children and the elderly, too. In combination with honey is actually a magical tool. In addition to getting rid of parasites, medication will help you strengthen the immune system. The seeds can be eaten for the prevention and treatment,
  • the herbs are very good to raise the immune system and fight parasites in the liver (chamomile, St. John's wort, oak bark, immortelle). All of these herbs cleanse the liver,
  • traditional medicine certainly cheaper than pharmaceutical medicines, but it is better to go to a specialist. Firstly he will prescribe a complete examination, it may be that you have a completely different disease. Secondly, the doctor will prescribe the drugs and dosage as already mentioned antiparasitic drugs are toxic. If you self-medicate, it can be very hard to hurt yourself.