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Opisthorchiasis in fish — Which fish species are infected with opisthorchiasis

Opisthorchiasis is a serious disease that occurs after exposure to the human body of parasites. Causes the disease Fluke cat from a subspecies of flatworm. Infection occurs after eating undercooked (insufficiently cooked) fish. However opisthorchiasis in fish is not always, not all of it is infected by opisthorchiasis. In order to avoid this unpleasant disease, you should know which fish have opisthorchiasis and beware of its vectors.

Dangerous than the disease

The first symptoms are very similar with any infectious disease. No distinguishing features of it, describes exactly opisthorchiasis. This greatly complicates the timely diagnosis and rapid assistance to the sick. Lost time parasites use to damage the liver, biliary tract.
After getting into the human body of the larvae of the Fluke for a long time, the disease doesn't manifest itself. This latency period allows the patient does not even suspect yourself of parasites. Later appear the first signs that also indicate a particular disease. A doctor can diagnose bile stasis, inflammation of the liver. The patient complains of violation of the chair, heaviness after eating (and it occurs even after a light snack), unpleasant bloating, flatulence, sometimes pain near the right upper quadrant. The pain may be experienced differently dependent on the severity of the patient's condition. Most often it is dull, nagging pain, there may be attacks of severe pain. Palpation shows a significant increase in the liver. With such a clinical picture is the presence of opisthorchiasis does not show itself.

The most unpleasant in this disease is the occurrence of complications. Inflammation takes large area, the worms multiply rapidly, block a bile ducts. It causes severe pain. The waste products of the parasites into the blood, which leads to intoxication, the temperature rises, there is a weakness, deteriorating General condition of the patient. There may also be a very strong allergic reaction.

So as to detect the presence of disease in the patient? The most effective way is a blood test which should show antibodies to specific parasite. Unfortunately, not always it is effective. Often the body does not produce these same antibodies are not fighting the infection. Then the most effective is ultrasound or radiography of the abdomen.

How do you get

Why opisthorchiasis is so prevalent. Fluke larvae are adapted to survive in different conditions. They do not die nor freeze, nor at high temperatures. To destroy the parasites need to keep fish in the freezer not less than three weeks or a long time to douse it to heat treatment during cooking. The risk refers to the fans to eat dried fish (Peled).

Method of treatment

So as to diagnose opisthorchiasis is almost impossible, doctors are often faced with the dire state of the patient. The large number of parasites can lead to serious intoxication, which can often be removed only in case of hospitalization. Treatment is to support the liver, elimination of toxins, destroying parasites and aid the body during the recovery phase. To destroy the worms, to specific drugs. In parallel, the patient receives restorative treatment. At the same time as the body can contain both larvae and adults. The course of treatment lasts for several stages.
The best treatment is prevention. This includes careful processing of the product, as well as items in contact with it, which should allocate a separate Board and knife.

A list of dangerous fish

Opisthorchiasis species from river fish – one of the most common types of worm infestation. They affected a greater number of the world's population. Especially a lot of it in the Northern regions of Russia. I can safely say that all freshwater fish affected by the disease. Larvae of the worms are concentrated among the muscle tissue, they are found in fish of the carp family. Thus, it is possible to make a list of fish, using which a high probability of infection. Among them are: bream, carp, Peled, roach, IDE, Zope, Cusack, roach, whitefish, Rudd, cheese, and other members of the carp family of fish.

Opisthorchiasis, what kinds of fish most common? Those are the fish that people like to put on the table by weekdays and holidays. The advantage is, as mentioned in the carp family.

Carp. This family are more susceptible to Fluke infection. They are often found in our waters, and therefore is often eaten. However, we should not neglect the rules. While butchering fish of this species you should use a separate Board and knife, carefully examine both the inside and muscles.Even if worms are not detected, that was in contact with fish should be thoroughly washed and scalded. These precautions will not be superfluous, given the complexity of diagnosis and the difficulties during the treatment of the disease. Treatment should be appointed by a qualified technician.

Crucian. Fluke species prefer different areas of concentration in fish. In the presence of worms in the intestines of carrier is easy not to notice them, they are not much highlighted. Even in the absence of visible signs of worms, it should be safe and prepare the dish according to the rules.

Decor. Not only cyprinid susceptible to the disease. Sometimes it occurs in whitefish. Predatory fish can also be infected. There is a false assumption to the contrary, indeed, cases of opisthorchiasis, after drinking secure not uncommon. Eating small fish, he automatically gets infected himself. By the way, fish of cold Smoking is also not devoid of competent larvae of opisthorchis.

Trout. We are talking about trout, which is found in Karelia. She cultivated artificially and too sick with this infection. Infection occurs through water in which the fish lives. In large lakes there is complete isolation, so the larvae fall and there. When cooking any trout should fully follow the technology.
Muskan. This individual is called the most valuable fish species, It is considered a delicacy, however, she may be infected with opisthorchiasis. However, this happens very rarely. But except for these parasites, muskun can infect others. During cutting it is necessary to monitor the condition of product very carefully. In the event of the slightest suspicion, it is better not to risk it.

Roach. Who does not know the little fish that is widely spread in our country. She often catches the fishermen and goes Hiking in the fish soup. Despite its small size. The cooking time of this product should be quite long. It is better to cook it at least thirty minutes. So you can protect yourself from disease.

Opisthorchiasis, what kind of fish it is definitely not?

Opisthorchiasis may be fish in the river, but in what kind of fish it is definitely not, so it is in the sea!

Salmon. This Royal dish is bought to the table quite often. In addition to the taste it can boast of its useful properties. It restores the balance of omega acids in the human body. Which fish is completely safe? Sea. The infection can develop among salt water. Therefore, if you want to know exactly what species of fish has no parasites, all species of sea fish can be consumed in any form, without fear of infection.

Fish – one of irreplaceable products on our table. It is important to keep it high quality. If in doubt the product is better to abandon the use, or put the dish further processing.