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Cucumber tapeworm in humans — the Symptoms and treatment of tapeworm

Debilities – a disease caused by worms. Worms called the cucumber tapeworm and dog tapeworm some of the pathogenic species of parasites in our body. Most often this parasite is picked up with animals ( dogs, cats), cucumber tapeworm in humans is rare. Cucumber tapeworm classifies to the class of tapeworms got its name cucumber worms, because it looks like a cucumber, but rather on the seeds of cucumbers.

Adult borage can be up to seventy cm, and a width of only three millimeters more. On the body of the worm has a proboscis and pricolici there are only 4 pieces on the head of the parasite has four rows of hooks. With the help of hooks the parasite clings to the walls of the intestine. Each helminth is the cocoon in which eggs are. When the cucumber tapeworm segments become independently active and disconnected from the worms, their shell falling apart, and the eggs are planted into the cavity of the intestine.

The development of the cucumber tapeworm

Cucumber itself is a parasite tapeworm develops with the participation of two owners. The main vector of this parasite is the flea of animals. Human infection can occur by accident. The flea is an intermediate carrier, the body of which is formed and invasion. Active segments out with the feces. And when the feces eggs are released into the environment, their shell bursts, and the eggs of fleas are swallowed, then there is a chain reaction – fleas infect animals. People can become infected if accidentally swallow a flea, it can happen with food products, which fell on the fur of an animal.

Infection of this parasite as the cucumber tapeworm it happens mostly in the spring and summer season. Usually, children pick up parasites more often adults.
When released into the small intestine tapeworm clings to its walls. The stage of maturation of worms occurs on the twentieth day. In this stage, and showed parasitic properties that accompany the development of clinical recurrence.

Cucumber tapeworm infected not only street animals, but also domestic life. In order to protect yourself and your beloved pet, you must ensure that the pet is not fleas, systematically observe the rules of hygiene.
According to the statistics, 30% of Pets already have these worms. The frequency of infection lead hunting dog.

Man or animal is already final host of this parasite and to infect others can not.

These worms never infest the organism infected more than 1 year.
Human infection with this helminth is fraught with unpredictable consequences:

  1. the occurrence of anemia,
  2. a variety of Allergy symptoms,
  3. the failure of the gastrointestinal tract.

Symptom of disease

Though the person can very rarely get this disease, but if the parasite has entered the body, the symptoms are very pronounced.


  1. nervous agitation,
  2. absence of appetite,
  3. headache,
  4. dizziness,
  5. nausea,
  6. retching,
  7. strong salivation,
  8. severe itching in the anus,
  9. diarrhea,
  10. rapid weight loss,
  11. pale skin,
  12. frequent and intense pain in the navel area.

All of the above symptoms may be the emergence in Kale cucumber tapeworm.
Often the symptoms of infestation do not exist, so the disease can be recognized with difficulty.
If a person has symptoms similar to the infection of the cucumber tapeworm, then you should go ASAP to a specialist, self-medication can lead to bad consequences. The specialist will identify which parasite is in the body and prescribe appropriate medication and give advice about all the nuances in the struggle against the infestation.

Method of treatment

In order to bring the cucumber tapeworm is prescribed special treatment. It is carried out under the supervision of a specialist, as in the fight against parasites used drugs with toxic substances. In case of not respecting the rules of medication possible severe poisoning of the body. Especially dangerous is the use of de-worming of funds to children without medical supervision.

The doctor may carry out a correction in treatment and to make the replacement of the previously prescribed drug. Doctor for each patient, infected cucumber tapeworm individually selects the dose.

Dead tapeworm excreted by natural means along with the feces. If infestations in the gut a lot, then there is a decomposition of them and it can lead to severe intoxication. In order to prevent such poisoning of the body, specialists prescribe additional methods of treatment:

  • plentiful drink,
  • drugs that produce kabashi effect,
  • diuretics.

This treatment also involves diet, such food will not overload the intestines. If there is a disorder of the intestine, the doctor prescribes a restorativepreparations.

Preventive measures

In order not to catch borage is necessary to observe a few important rules:

  1. If a home has a pet, then infection with the helminth is likely. In order to avoid this it is necessary to carry out prevention means de-worming the pet regularly, bathing with special shampoos against fleas, give medication against worms.
  2. Cucumber tapeworm may not appear in a person who complies with the rules of hygiene, like washing hands after using the bathroom, and after Pat your pet. This is the basic rule it must know both children and adults, as through the hands of the parasites and bacteria are in the body.
  3. Can't have any contact with street animals, they are the first carriers of parasites. It is necessary to explain to the child that may occur due to normal street stroking a little kitten or puppy. If a child had contact with street animals, you must immediately wash hands with soap and water. To the child has a more accessible concept about infecting parasites can show a video about worms.

When the first symptoms of infection by this type of worms should immediately contact your doctor, self medication may lead to worsening health and further complication. Withdraw cucumber tapeworm easier and without consequences it is necessary at an early stage. The specialist will prescribe tests to identify the parasite involved and only then can begin treatment. Which is assigned directly on the basis of the obtained results.