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Miaz in humans — the symptoms of the disease and the effective treatment of Myiasis

Measy are a fairly rare but very severe disease. This disease can lead to serious consequences, sometimes life-threatening individual. It belongs to the group of parasitic effects, the vectors which define the two-winged flies. Valid a certain division of myiasis distributed, mostly in tropical areas, Kazakhstan, southern Russia and the Caucasus, Africa, South America and Mexico. Pathology due to posting in the cavities and tissues of the human body Detva some subspecies mehoopany. The overall picture of the disease depends on the degree of infection and the habitat of parasites. Expert opinion can be based on detection of Detva pests. Consider that such myiasis.

Characteristics of the disease

Provocateurs, causing measy person, eat only beginning to decompose, substances of vegetable or animal origin. Therefore, the spread of sickness is largely confined to the regions of health anomalies. The first cases were registered in the XIX century.
In almost all cases, the infection occurs randomly through contact with infected food or soil. Also the source of infection is considered to be polluted water. The initial pathogens are determined by a fly called a stand, flea sand, wolfracoat fly, botflies, cheese, meat flies, etc., the Larvae are very resistant to various external manifestations, particularly to frost, high temperatures and various chemicals in the form of weak acids, alkalis, formalin, alcohol, etc.

Classification of types of diseases

The eggs of harmful insects can affect the gut, eye, nasal passages, urogenital system, skin and mucous membrane of the mouth. The variety of insects and the vital functions of their brood distinguish between optional, obligatory and accidental contamination.

Optional form occurs when the involuntary invasion of eggs of pests. For example, you can allocate the receipt in the human body eggs room or blowflies. Obligate infection develops exclusively due to parasitic insects. Involuntary infection is made from the eggs of insects which are mainly in the putrid remains. They can enter the body through accidental ingestion of contaminated food or into the urethra through the surface of dirty Laundry. Animals can also become carriers of harmful larvae in the presence of suppuration, and wounds. The pus attracts pests, so all wounds in animals and humans must be subjected to special treatment.

At area habitat, ophthalmic myiasis is divided into subspecies, tissue, intestinal and abdominal. Tissue or cutaneous type of the disease is determined by epidermal (Detva inhabits the epidermis, making his way thoroughly), subcutaneous (infected connective tissue, often with the epidermis) and the actual fabric (can be affected tissue until the tendons and muscles).

Share two forms of the disease: benign and malignant. In benign course of infection is the single masks, and for their parasitism occurs over a long period of time. Malignant form is characterized by the presence of eggs wolfetones flies that have the ability to get into the depths of the human body to strike internal organs, ears, eyes and even the brain. In the end, there is a partial or complete destruction of tissues, seriously affects the nervous system, possible death.

The human myiasis in the oral cavity is often localized on the gums, thoroughly destroying them. Can also be a violation of the integument of the lips, ulcers, inflammation and swelling. Category of oral myiasis in humans is celebrated only occasionally, for it is characteristic of the energetic activity of Diptera larvae in the depths of the mouth. Pathogens are defined bovine or sheep gadfly, wolfracoat or blowflies. Very often this type can be found in rural areas or tropical countries.
Hit in the ear canal is characterized by the perfect elimination of the tympanic membrane, the risk of injury of the middle ear and entering the brain. In the case of deep penetration, the parasite eggs can lead to death. Egg flies can also affect the reproductive system, urinary tract and bladder.
The myiasis of the skin characterized by the formation of knots in places where many larvae may appear purulent discharge, accompanied with pain.

Eye form can occur as a result of penetration of malicious Detva in the conjunctival SAC, until the complete destruction of the eyeball.
Intestinal type of the disease often strikes children at a small age, especially if there are bad habits (sucking fingers, licks, toys, swallowing sand, etc.).The adult larvae of parasitic pests can reach sizes up to 1.5 cm Most popular sources are cheese fly, which lives in the cheese, saltwater fish.

Sign of disease

Have kids at an early age, the disease develops in a particularly severe form. The infection leads to the fact that the parasites eat away the bulk of the tissue, provoke a secondary infection that often leads to death. Against the background of the strongest manifestations of the ulcer and bleeding are determined also excruciating pain. Additional risk factors in humans, one can identify a low level of hygiene in the oral cavity, alcoholism, pus or open wounds in your mouth, senile age. Disease myiasis of man in all cases is determined by acute flow. Of the main signs of disease can highlight the following:

  1. Nausea and vomiting,
  2. The strongest pain in the abdomen,
  3. Internal bleeding hemorrhoid type, blood can come out with feces,
  4. Colitises,
  5. General weakness,
  6. Diarrhea,
  7. Change the color of the skin,
  8. Pause pulse,
  9. Fainting, confused mind.

The larvae of pests have the ability to eat away the soft tissues down to the bone, on the outside they are a threadlike thickening of the skin with a red tint.

Diagnosis and therapy

Diagnosis of disease is done by a specialist, with the help of intensive inspection with the use of a magnifying glass and good lighting. During the inspection it is possible to note the moving larvae. Intestinal myiasis in humans is determined with the help of research vomit, feces, urine, or vaginal smears. The predominant type of analysis for detection of parasitic eggs is the study of feces. When carrying out all procedures necessary to comply with hygienic and sanitary standards, to prevent transfer of parasitic larvae from the outside. Ear or eye shape is also determined by the experts.

Treatment of opisthorchiasis is made by removing malicious eggs, with the necessary disinfection of the lesion with antiseptic solutions. In a vulnerable place also pour sterile oil to prevent air entrapment. After this procedure, the parasites come to the surface and then removing them with special tools. After all the activity, sterilization, apply a bandage with antiseptic. When lesions of the skin, opened all the abscesses and boils. In case of inflammation or discharge purulent masses using antibiotics. Their use can be both internal and external (in the form of ointments). Treatment of opisthorchiasis and intestinal forms made with the use of purgatives, antihelminthic drugs, cleansing of the stomach and intestines. Severe forms of myiasis with defeat of various internal organs may require surgical intervention.

Therapy of urogenital myiasis requires the use of various antiseptic solutions or Furatsilina, they rinse the affected organs. Ocular manifestation of myiasis accompanied by the removal of the larvae with the use of anesthesia, and then recommended on a regular basis to use a weak soda solution for rinsing.
For inspection, determining the distribution of larvae and appointment for the appropriate treatment should visit doctors such as surgeon, dermatologist, ophthalmologist, or ENT. To produce treatment of opisthorchiasis efficiently can only professianalny doctor.

Preventive measures

In order to prevent the occurrence of myiasis, you should follow some rules:

  1. Apply a variety of repellent insecticides,
  2. To carry out strict disinfection of a variety of wounds in animals,
  3. In order to prevent deep lesions, it is necessary to treat any damage to the skin,
  4. Important pests and destruction of breeding sites,
  5. To comply with food storage,
  6. It is strictly forbidden to eat foods with expired shelf life,
  7. To eat solely the washed vegetables and fruits,
  8. To drink only purified water,
  9. To comply with their own rules of hygiene (hand washing, regular change of linen etc.),
  10. Eliminate bad habits in children from an early age.

There are General recommendations during treatment. Should be used decoction of black currant leaves, excessive drinking of tea made from fennel, decoctions of herbs – celandine. As a spice to various dishes, it is recommended to add garlic, cumin, onion and cinnamon. Cutaneous disease should use special ointments, made on the basis of birch tar or sulfur. The intestinal form of the disease perhaps the use of enemas with bitter herbs.

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