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Roundworms — human Parasites, methods of treatment and prevention

A round worm or nematode is a representative of not jointed, the land animals of moulting, with the primary body cavity is filled with water. The information obtained in the course of research conducted in 2011 indicates the existence of more than 24 thousand types of roundworms, but scientists believe in the existence of more than one million species. Round parasites are worms that are pathogens in humans and animals, affects the roots of plants.

Roundworms have the following characteristics:

  1. Respiratory nematodes no. Breathing parasites round worms through the skin or anaerobic method,
  2. Feed mainly on bacteria, protozoa microorganisms or algae,
  3. Cylindrical body with circular section in cross section.
  4. The structure of parasites round worms characterized by the presence of cutaneous muscular SAC, which includes the cuticle, hypodermis and muscles.
  5. Its length is from 80 µm to 8 m, while females are usually much longer than the males,
  6. Digestive system – end-to-end,
  7. Identified 5 stages of life cycle : 4 juvenile and one adult, between which is molting,
  8. Reproduction in parasites roundworms and sex, the distinguishing feature is the tubular system and Krasnopolsky. Due to the fact that a male and female of the parasite have distinct external differences in structure of the genital organs, but occasionally there are hermaphrodites.

Perhaps many don't even know where the live round worms? The answer to this question is quite extensive, for example, free-living parasitic roundworms live in the soil, in fresh water, seas, oceans, and their number may exceed a million parasites per cubic meter. From a medical point of view, the nematode is of great interest, as this species comprised the majority of the parasite through the human body.

Invasive diseases induced by nematodes

Parasitic roundworms are a type of worms that affect the majority of tissues in humans, animals and plants. Diseases that cause round worms called nematodes.

People this invasion causes a serious pathology of the cardiovascular system, stomach, digestive system, intestines, kidneys, liver, the most muscle groups and respiratory system of man. This kind of helminthiasis is divided into:

  • Yonemitsu (Larvae develop in water, land, household items),
  • Minematsu (the Development of parasites associated with the change of hosts, infection takes place through vectors),

Eggs and larvae round worms under favorable environmental conditions, a long time retain the ability to infect. In humans, the most frequent:

  1. Enterobiasis,
  2. Ascariasis,
  3. Acanthocheilonemiasis,
  4. Angiostrongyliasis,
  5. Antacids,
  6. Baylisascaris,
  7. Vuhererioz,
  8. Manonelles,
  9. Necatoroz,
  10. Tomingas,
  11. Onchocerciasis,
  12. Dracunculiasis,
  13. Strongyloidiasis,
  14. Trihozefalez,
  15. Toxocariasis,
  16. Trichinosis,
  17. Dirofilariasis,

Ascariasis is a helminthic invasion belonging to the group of nematodes caused by roundworm. The size of an adult specimen of the parasite usually range from 25 to 30 cm in length. This kind of helminthiasis is the second most common among men, second only to the enterobiasis.

In the human body of the hated parasitic round worm arrives through unwashed hands, vegetables, fruit. In rare cases, the vectors are insects, especially flies that carry parasite eggs in household items.

Once in the intestine, the larva grows and develops into an adult parasite.When excessively rapid reproduction, large numbers of Ascaris sutassi a cause of intestinal obstruction.

Nematodes can live and reproduce in the intestines of humans for several years, thus destroying the underlying blood vessels and feed on blood serum or red blood cells. The larvae of the parasite are able to penetrate into the liver, respiratory organs, brain, eyes and kidneys. This leads to serious complications and serious life-threatening infected.

Infestation in animals and plants

Infection of round worms occur in all species of vertebrates. They can parasitize almost all animals. Larvae and eggs of worms in the body of the animal fall with grass, water, developing there until the Mature stage. In rare cases, the parasite penetrates through the skin or mucous membranes. The prevalence effect:

  1. Intermediate host,
  2. Climate and ambient temperature,
  3. Animal welfare,
  4. Prevention of diseases, treatment and vaccination,
  5. The greatest damage farms cause ascariasis, and trichinosis bootoms.

The main types of nematodes plants are:

  • Aphelenchoides strikingfoliage
  • Ditylenchus causes disease of the stems (including cracking),
  • Meloidogyne, Cactodera and Pratylenchus adversely affecting the root system.

In infected plants deteriorate and die roots, the formation of galls, cracking of stems. Without timely treatment, the nematodes are striking roots and leaves.

Symptoms of nematolosa man

Symptoms depend on the location of nematodes and the degree of infestation. People in most cases, there is infection of intestinal worms that cause lesions of the digestive system, therefore, the main features of nematodes can be called:

  1. Violation of defecation (constipation, diarrhea with liquid stools),
  2. Not localized pain in the abdomen,
  3. Absence of appetite,
  4. Nausea, heartburn,
  5. Involuntary, forceful expulsion of stomach contents,
  6. Stomach ache,
  7. Salivation,
  8. Inflammation of the colon.

If in the course of helminth infections, was struck by the respiratory system, may cause coughing, symptoms of pneumonia or shortness of breath. Parasitic in the muscular tissue of worms, provokes pain and inflammation in the affected areas. Conjunctivitis and decreased vision, accompanied by lacrimation talking about round worms in his eyes.

Also the invasion may be accompanied by General signs such as:

  • Allergic reaction,
  • Eosinophilia,
  • Weakness, decreased performance,
  • Sleep disorder,
  • Mental disorders (Stress, nervousness, depression),
  • Itching in the anal passage,
  • Skin dermatitis,
  • Jaundice (if liver or yolk bubble),
  • Dark bags under eyes,
  • A brittle nail plate,
  • Teeth grinding.

A large gathering of nematodes may develop intestinal obstruction, and with the defeat of the respiratory tract can occur in mechanical asphyxia.


Usually round worms and their eggs are detected in stool of the patient. Also often assigned to the laboratory analysis of blood, scrapings and biopsy. In rare instances, imaging techniques: x-ray, ultrasound, CT, magnetic resonance imaging and computed tomography.

The drugs are selected by the attending physician taking into account the severity and characteristics of the infestation which causes a type of round worms. Usually prescribed:

  1. Mebendazole, the drug is absorbed worse, thus allows to achieve a lower concentration of toxins during the treatment of ascariasis and pinworms,
  2. Albendazole is widely used in the treatment of most infestations, as well as to eliminate larvae and outside intestinal pathogens,
  3. Levamisole prescribed for the hookworm,
  4. Pyrantelum. The advantage of the drug is low toxicity. It effectively removes all types of intestinal parasites, but has no effect on the larvae,
  5. Piperazine is the least toxic and safe. Widely used in the treatment of pinworms in young children and pregnant women.

Among the popular treatments is widespread decoctions on the basis of oak bark, pomegranate peel, and onion. And also recommended to use garlic, pumpkin seeds, carrot juice, having pronounced anthelmintic properties.


Because the types called round worms live in almost any environmental conditions and are found everywhere, it is recommended to observe the following rules:

  • Regular cleaning of apartments, houses, playgrounds, and other surrounding areas,
  • To refrain from recreation and swimming in questionable waters,
  • Boiling and treatment of drinking water,
  • Careful processing of vegetables and fruits.
  • Roots should be cleaned from the skin,
  • Hygiene practices (thoroughly washing hands and the use of antiseptics, especially after contact with stray animals, walks),
  • Timely visit shower or bath, take a bath,
  • To avoid landfill, and to send a message to local authorities and to encourage them to take environmental measures to fix the problem,
  • In field conditions it is desirable to use disposable dishes,
  • The organization of the effluent according to the requirements of sanitary norms,
  • Regular cutting of nails,
  • The use of individual household items, clothes and linen,
  • Careful heat treatment of meat dishes.

For Pets and farm animals should be periodically dewormed. To stop rapidly breeding species of plant parasites will help special chemicals.