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Parasites in the human body — which doctor to contact if you have parasites

To what doctor to go with worms? What kind of doctor treats and gets rid of parasites?

The worms are found not only in children but also in adults. Parasites can settle in any organ of man. The symptoms of finding the parasites in the body are very similar to signs of other diseases. Therefore, it is possible to go astray and to go to the wrong doctor.

If you make an appointment with the therapist, it will not be wrong. As the doctor will prescribe some tests and help figure out which doctor to go.

But the main thing is not to lose much time. Because worm, a parasite in the body can lead to the development of serious diseases.

How to catch worms

The infection can occur anywhere. The most common ways written below:

  1. non-observance of rules of personal hygiene is the most common method of infection (hands should always be clean after the animals, toilets and streets),
  2. very often insects, especially flies carry worms. Therefore, fruits, vegetables should be washed thoroughly,
  3. undercooked meat and fish, smoked products infested by larvae,
  4. you should not drink unboiled water. It is better to boil or buy from the store,
  5. Pets are carriers of these diseases,
  6. after bathing in the dirty waters of the high risk of Contracting parasites (after swimming you should wash in the shower or in the bathroom).

Symptoms of worms in adults and children

If in the human body there are parasites, he displays certain symptoms that indicate their presence. The main grounds on which it is possible to understand that the body is infested with parasites:

  1. a weakened immune system (constant colds and infectious diseases),
  2. change in stool (diarrhea, constipation),
  3. strong protoplanet, weakness and constant fatigue,
  4. a sharp change (weight loss),
  5. the problem with the mentality, strong irritability,
  6. problematic skin (acne, rashes, freckles, papilloma),
  7. constant itching in the anus.

The above symptoms mean that you need to make an appointment with a specialist.

But to what doctor to address? The name of the doctor that deals with that problem.

What kind of doctor will help to get rid of worms

So, what kind of doctor removes and treats intestinal worms in adults. Before you ask this question, to what doctor to address, should be tested for definition in the body of parasites. Such as: immunoassay blood test will show whether you are infected with parasites or not, the analysis on eggs a worm, scraping on enterobiasis, and others.

You can just pass some tests and to contact the therapist, who will send you to the correct specialist. Also gastroenterologist cure this disease, because the parasites habitat is the gastrointestinal tract. Consequently, people can contact him with this sensitive issue.

If you are already sure that the body is infested with parasites, you should make an appointment with the doctor – parasitologist. This doctor can call the infectious disease.

The doctor is engaged in research and carrying out preventive and therapeutic measures for human infection diseases, which are caused by parasites.

  • to determine the exact diagnosis (which organ is infected by the parasites and what kind of worms are in the human body), the doctor will ask you some questions. For example: what Pets you have, what diseases are, whether there are allergies, whether surgery and other questions,
  • after a doctor has to deal with the examination and appointment needs surveys. The tests will discover what worms are in the body. For example: blood tests, ultrasound and other,
  • on the basis of the tests, the treating doctor prescribes medication, severe cases can be shown surgery.,
  • in addition to medical treatment, you should follow the rule of personal hygiene (washing hands), changing his diet and eating habits (eliminate from the diet of undercooked meat and fish, salted and smoked products). It is possible to treat your Pets.

If you want to start to take care of your health, you need time to go to the hospital. To cure the disease will be much earlier and better (without any consequences).

It is not necessary to wonder what kind of doctor treats and gets rid of worms, as not all hospitals have the physician parasitologist, you can go to a normal therapist, who has a right to prescribe treatment. And do not try to get rid of worms for yourself, because you can lose a lot of time and the disease will begin to progress.

For prevention against worms use walnuts and pine nuts, pumpkin seeds and some herbs (chamomile, wormwood, St. John's wort, clove seeds, tansy, and others).