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Parasites — Some parasites kills the garlic, the dosage and recipes

It is no secret that in ancient times people have used garlic for healing and prevention of ailments. It is not only a great seasoning for dishes, but a good healer to cleanse the body of harmful microorganisms.

Parazity — Kakih parazitov ubivaet chesnok, dozirovka i recepty

In Ancient Egypt it was known that eating kills parasites. The Pharaoh Cheops is even introduced him to the diet of their soldiers and strengthen the body. Slaves building the pyramids were given that they were less susceptible to disease. Also history tells that Magellan and Columbus took vegetable in travel and some lemons.

The nutrients and vitamins in the vegetable

Therapeutic effect have bulblets or cloves. They contain in large quantity of essential oil that causes the presence of sharp odor.

The oil has bactericidal, antiparasitic and medicinal effect.

Parazity — Kakih parazitov ubivaet chesnok, dozirovka i recepty
In the composition of the bulbs are from 7 to 28 % vitamin C, 6 to 8 % proteins, 20 to 27 % polysaccharides and 0.5 % sugar

In addition, the teeth contains inulin, ascorbic acid, vitamin B, vitamin D, fatty oils, silicon. Widely used as a cure for worms. The combination of these components will help to get rid of worms. Volatile also contained in the composition have disinfecting properties in combination with air. Simply RUB a few cloves and leave them in the room.

The viruses of influenza and other respiratory disease will die. The combination of silicon helps to remove toxins, harmful substances from the body. So the recovery is faster. Decreases the negative impact of intoxication in a body that occurs due to waste products of individuals.

What are the properties of the plant?

  1. the content of volatile silicon and kills viruses and bacteria influenza,
  2. expels worms, Giardia, liver Fluke and other,
  3. stops the reproduction of putrefactive processes in the intestine,
  4. appetite,
  5. cheer up,
  6. strengthen immunity,
  7. used as a prophylactic drug.

As there are parasites in the body?

Infection occurs in several ways: together with the use of dirty water or dirty food.

Inadequate hand hygiene or following contact with animals. You can catch tapeworms by eating undercooked fish or meat. Once in the human body the eggs begin to develop in larvae. Growth helps the environment, also the consumption of carbohydrate food. Flour, sweets, fizzy drinks only accelerate their growth. The larvae gradually move into the esophagus, which are transformed into Mature individuals.

Females can lay about 200 thousand offspring per day. 70% of the nematodes are killed when exposed to gastric juice, the remaining 30% breed quickly.

Parazity — Kakih parazitov ubivaet chesnok, dozirovka i recepty
Penetrating into the human body, the parasites provoke the disruption of the functioning of various organs and systems

At high development there is a strong intoxication. Delayed treatment can lead to tragic consequences, because the constant movement of invasions injure internal organs, depletes the protective force.

Worms can invade the liver, spleen, gall bladder, ocular organs. The greater their accumulation in the respiratory tract leads to the fact that a person can suffocate. Upon detection of Ascaris important time to take action.

Symptoms of helminthiasis

After getting the worms comes the incubation period. Lasts 2 or 4 weeks. It is characterized by:

  • weakness in the body,
  • allergic rashes on the skin,
  • loss of appetite or refusal to eat,
  • indigestion,
  • bad breath,
  • irritability and nervousness,
  • poor sleep, insomnia,
  • rise in temperature,

If it was not conducted cleaning of the body of pinworms, the infection moves into the chronic stage. At this stage, the symptoms become blurred. The person does not noticethe presence of nematodes. Only the presence of larvae in the stool indicates this.

The chronic form leads to exhaustion, because the pathogens feed off the host, literally sucking it from all substances and trace elements. Movement of individuals injure organs, which can lead to bleeding and anemia.

Bioelement sometimes reach huge sizes, if we don't get parasites, they can simply tear the internal organs. When the failure to render aid results in death.


To identify the roundworm will be able to deliver the tests. To do this, use scatological study material.

Parazity — Kakih parazitov ubivaet chesnok, dozirovka i recepty

Feces the patient is examined for eggs of the pathogen. The truth is, this diagnosis is not always reliable. Sometimes pinworms just do not have time to lay eggs, they are not seen in the smear.

General blood analysis will indicate the status of leukocytes and eosinophils. On the x-ray will see if there are worms in the respiratory tract or not.


If the parasite has been found, then you need not to waste time, and bring the invasion. Many trust people's methods. For example cleansing the body garlic.

Is it possible to treat it and how to take the garlic from parasites?

Essential oils detrimental effect on pathogenic flora, they are as high temperatures kill the worms. Against any parasites it will help to get rid of. Folk medicine destroys not only adults, but also larvae and eggs.

Parazity — Kakih parazitov ubivaet chesnok, dozirovka i recepty

The main methods of struggle include:

  • eating food 2-3 cloves of prevention,
  • enema with the juice of the fruit,
  • broth and cooked mixture,

Enema with garlic

In order to carry out cleansing you will need one head of the fetus. Clean it and soak in warm water overnight. In the morning press, we collect 150 ml of the infusion and enter into the rear hole. To do so for 3 days. After a bowel movement should do the washing again, but with just boiled water.

The second method of flushing the gastrointestinal tract is done with the milk. Does the head of the plant, boiled in 100 ml of milk until tender, then drain and introduce into the anus. For complete purification it will take at least 3 times.

The juice of the plant

A very effective way to remove pinworm is the fresh juice of garlic. One should consume it 3 times a day, not more. You need to increase the dose to 10 drops a week. On the day the measure 2 teaspoons juice.

If you need to strengthen the effect, after taking means drink a decoction of wormwood.

Parazity — Kakih parazitov ubivaet chesnok, dozirovka i recepty

To protect the immune system you can eat 1 tea spoon of honey or lemon slice. In the first days of reception there will be a slight burning, headaches. Experience is not necessary, the body gets used to the medication and eventually it will pass.

It is important to know that if the course lasts for 3 months, then the dosage should be reduced in the reverse order.

Garlic tincture

You need one fourth Cup of grated horseradish and a paste of cloves of vegetable. Everything is poured into 200 ml of vodka. Insist 10 days. You have to take 2-4 weeks, depending on the result. Before use, strain through cheesecloth. To use 20, 30 minutes before meals, at least 3 times a day.

Parazity — Kakih parazitov ubivaet chesnok, dozirovka i recepty

Roundworm in the respiratory tract are removed by the apparatus for inhalation. The treatment is performed with a garlic broth. Pour into the infusion device include, keep, like, 10 minutes. You want to repeat several times a day. Complete clearance occurs in 1 or 2 weeks.

Besides excellent method to eliminate viral infection and strengthen the immune system.

A mixture of fruit and juniper

You will need a fresh head of garlic and juniper berries. Pour the head with boiling water, let stand 3 hours together with berries. Drink 2 tablespoons in the morning before eating. Also in the evening in the same proportions.

Parazity — Kakih parazitov ubivaet chesnok, dozirovka i recepty

The excretion of these methods are difficult when children infected by worms. Very difficult to put an enema to a child or to give to drink garlic tincture because of its pungent smell and taste. However, for adults this is a wonderful methods.

Natural medicines have a minimum of contraindications, affordable, not expensive, but it is always better to prevent disease than to treat it.