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Malaria parasites is the Primary host of Plasmodium falciparum

Classification. Malaria parasites: type Apicomplexa (Apicomplexa), class (Protists) Sporozoa. Belong to the order of Coccidia (Eucoccidiida), the suborder Blood Sporozoa (Haemosporina) and Plasmodia genus (Plasmodium). This type includes a great variety of species but only four species parasitical and are the causative agents of malaria. This is the simplest single-celled "just one tiny cell", which acts as an independent parasite. In the continuation of its existence, the parasites undergo several stages. The malaria Plasmodium is first divided, growing, then changing, as well as all can reproduce sexual and asexually.

Life cycle

Life cycle (cycle) is a very challenging development. People can be the causative agent of many famous disease of malaria. Infected people may only if he was bitten by a female Anopheles mosquito, the secret of which there is a pathogen at a certain stage (sporozoite). Man is the intermediate host of Plasmodium falciparum.The primary host of malarial parasite is the female mosquito.

Consider this cycle. First the person needs to bite an infected female, which will bring (actually the malaria virus) sporozoites of the malaria mosquito, which in turn get into the blood channel, blood is attached to red blood cells (erythrocytes) and are found in the liver. Where there is "pre-erythrocytic schizogony". It can be compared with the initial period of the disease. Tissue schizonts begin to develop from sporozoites in the liver cells. Then they become larger and there is a division by schizogony (multiple asexual reproduction of protozoa). After that, the liver begins to degrade, namely its cells, and parasites in phase merozoites enter the bloodstream. Attached to the red blood cells, they degrade the hemoglobin in the blood and also reproduce asexually. Schizonts grow through the power of the hemoglobin, turning into a stage nebovidy of schizonts, but after that they don't stop destroying the hemoglobin (to eat them) stretch, taking the form of a circle, their nuclei multiply repeatedly. This phase is called morulae and blood merozoites are cells sharing the erythrocytic schizogony. If the protective membrane of a red blood cell will disintegrate under the influence of merozoites, they will be released into the blood and then into the plasma (Marussia). When this happens, an infected person an outbreak of malaria. It is expressed in excessive excitement (rush), the person feels cold, it feels cold. Merozoites are again in the red blood cells and eritrotsitarnoj cycle of schizogony is repeated again and again. After several cycles, there is a preparation for sexual reproduction. A group of merozoites goes into the sex cells (called gametocytes). Female gametocytes are more masculine in size. Only subsequent their formation is probably only in the body of the Anopheles mosquito.

If this sick person be bitten by a mosquito, in his ventricle. Merozoites, the asexual who were killed by or absorbed in the digestive tract, and gametocyte move into a phase of gametes (Mature form). The male and female gametes unite. The result of their Union, the zygote, consisting of a single cell. After that, the zygote passes into the intestine of a mosquito, being increased in size, passes oocysts in very large sizes. After a certain time, it falls apart, and leaves a pretty decent number of sporozoites (this development is called sporogony). After the sporozoites migrate to the brain and collected in an iron spit. Now sporangium passed to the next host (man).

For whom the threat malaria

Who first and foremost can be infected with malaria? People living in hot countries (Africa, Latin America, outbreaks happen, and the middle East). Infants and children under 5 years, pregnant women plus people migrants (who have no immunity).

Phase of malaria

The world is four phases of malaria. The particular forms of the features. Common signs it is only fever, anemia and increase of internal organs (such as liver and spleen).

«Vivax malaria.» A week before the attacks starts with chills, headaches, feeling of weakness and despair, nausea. After start their own attacks, they are alternating in nature (chills, fever, sweating). Increased liver and spleen, anemia begins. The disease lasts two to three years.

"The four malaria". Is in the form of light. Starts with a fever, the internal organs slightly increased, anemia develops does not always. Sometimes high blood pressure, occurrence of edema, large amount of protein is removed together with urine. Often seen in children. Flowsvery long time from three to fifty years.

«Falciparum malaria.» Immediately malaise, weakness, headaches, joint pain, sharp decline of appetite, nausea, light fever. The pattern of the fever is permanent, the impairment of renal function. These symptoms complicate the detection of malaria, leading to severe symptoms (coma, renal failure). The duration of illness up to one year.

"Malaria oval" Symptoms similar to "three day malaria". Fever begins much earlier, duration of the disease three or four years.
There is the concept of "malarial coma" is the corresponding deviation in tropical malaria, stands very rapid, progressive and sophisticated Outlook. There are three phases of coma: "somnolence", "SOPOR" and "deep coma", a death in which close to 100%.

The symptoms of malaria

This is an acute convulsive disease. Have an intermediate host (man), which has a weak immune system, the symptoms are already visible after one to two weeks after the actual carrier (female Anopheles mosquito) will transmit the disease. The first sign is a fever, headache, shivering, vomiting, possible. Symptoms may not be pronounced, it slows down the detection of malaria in the initial stages. If the disease is prolonged, the intermediate host may die. Complications that can worsen the condition of man: reduced number of red blood cells, namely hemoglobin (anemia or anemia), affects the liver, the lungs can appear heart failure, damaged brain activity (in consequence of convulsions, loss of consciousness, paralysis or even coma), loss of consciousness, it all leads to death.


If a person has the first symptoms appear, and it is at risk, the First thing he should is to take a blood test, and conduct a biochemical analysis that will reveal anemia (low hemoglobin and red blood cells), low platelet count and exceeded the value of the white blood cells. A second analysis to determine in the blood of malaria parasites (for a detailed consideration of the drop of blood). When the detection is assigned to a particular therapy.


At this time, there are many drugs that can help ease and even completely cure malaria, important to diagnose at an early stage. Medicines are used in accordance with the type of species and site location. Medications often need to be applied orally ( tablets, capsules). When running the form intravenously. Malaria refers to this disease, which at any moment can be felt (to be back). In liver cells can remain dormant merozoites. When re-emergence of symptoms, you should immediately contact the experts. Is strictly prohibited more than three years to donate blood as a donor.


Unfortunately, vaccines against malaria does not exist, they are still in the process of creation. The main goal is to protect themselves from mosquito bites and take antimalarial medications, under the supervision of a specialist. Being in the risk zone (hot country) should follow some rules: the most Important thing to protect yourself from mosquitoes (namely, stings), you should wear tight clothes, especially at night. The use of certain tools that are repellent, apply as often as possible, as they have property of weathering. Before heading to a hot country, need expert advice on the use of antimalarial drugs.

There is also immunity in malaria

«Innate immunity.» Intermediate carriers of genetic measure, manifest a certain resistance to parasites.

"Acquired active immunity". Manifests itself only when the person ill with the disease. Increases the level of immunoglobulins.

And "passive acquired immunity". Manifests itself when introduced into the body ready-made antibodies.