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Vacuole — structure and functions vacuole

The vacuole is the Central component in a living cell, and performs some vital functions.

Its structure differs from other structures of the cells inside vacuoles there is a free space and its membrane has a permeable structure.

Inside the vacuole is filled to a certain water solution (called cell SAP), that contains essential nutrients or waste products, such as pigments, which are painted in different colors of berries, flowers and other organs of plants, minerals, various sugars or waste.


These organelles belong to odnoimennym structures of cells. Some structures are permanent, while others appear to be any functions.

They arise in consequence of the distribution of vesicles of the Golgi apparatus and the endoplasmic reticulum.

There are three types of organelles:

  1. digestive are the volatile components that occurs when single-celled animals (or those organisms which feed through phagocytosis or pinocytosis) capture food. They swallow, digest food and absorb nutrients. This organoid can be compared with the human stomach, it digests the captured microbes or algae,
  2. contractile is a network of channels and performs the function of absorbing fluids and excretion of unneeded water. Some scientists suggest that this organelle is involved in respiration,
  3. in the cell of plants is a small odnoimennyi structure filled with cell SAP. In young plant cells, there may be more than three pieces. The main role of vacuoles in plant cells is the supply of nutrients and removal of unwanted and harmful components out.

Depending on the structure and the device they can store nutrients, dissolve them or remove from cells.

Main function

The functions of the vacuoles varied:

  1. In certain plant organelles are deposited the remains of life, after they produce chemicals capable of releasing the enzyme. These things scare away the animals that eat the grass (they have a bitter or astringent taste). A striking example is the plant dandelion or milkweed, if we tear a leaf, you will see a white jelly — this is the contents of the vacuoles.
  2. Using polupronicaema membrane, it can absorb water, as a result, increases the internal pressure in the cell. It is very important during the growth and water balance of the plant.
  3. In some of the vacuoles are pigments which color the flowers, fruits and leaves in mixed colors. Bright colors for flowers is very important as insects in the first place pollinate bright and large flowers.
  4. In plants these components are involved in the autolysis, it means that the cells are samoupravljanje.
  5. Some of these components perform the function of certain reservoirs, which store the essential nutrients. Such as sucrose, various proteins, organic acids, mineral salts and many other substances.

So, we found that the main function is the storage of essential nutrients, secretion, autolysis, and the selection. They are not only in plant but also in animal cells. Distinguish between permanent and non-permanent vacuoles.