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Dilated pupils — Symptoms and causes of dilated pupils, experts

Dilated pupils can occur due to natural causes or it could be a symptom of emerging diseases that appear in people of all ages.

Rasshirennye zrachki — Simptomy i prichiny rasshirennyh zrachkov, mnenie ekspertov
If you notice that your pupils are permanently dilated, be sure to consult your doctor, otherwise you can skip to any disease or pathology of the eye

Dilated pupils also called mydriasis, what does the pupil with an expanded diameter.

The pupil changes size due to the contraction of circular and radial muscles. Circular muscle responsible for constriction, and the radial for its expansion.

Rasshirennye zrachki — Simptomy i prichiny rasshirennyh zrachkov, mnenie ekspertov

Dilated pupils, natural causes:

  1. reaction to light. Appears in people of all ages. In the absence of other symptoms of any disease, experience is not necessary,
  2. reaction to eye drops. Some of the methods of treatment of the eye cause dilated pupils, but gradually the reaction fizzles and there are no negative consequences,
  3. reaction to the darkness,
  4. stress,
  5. attraction to the opposite sex.

Scientists during the study it was found that dilated pupils are also a reaction to:

  1. naked women men,
  2. children of women.

From this we can conclude, except for medical reasons people can be dilated pupils when they see what they like.

Medical reason

In addition to the natural causes why pupils dilate?

They can expand due to the emergence and development of pathologies and diseases in the human body.

Rasshirennye zrachki — Simptomy i prichiny rasshirennyh zrachkov, mnenie ekspertov

Such pathologies include:

  1. aneurysm,
  2. the defeat of the optic nerve,
  3. the emergence and development of brain tumors,
  4. increase in eye pressure caused by glaucoma,
  5. long and frequent migraines,
  6. the tumor is a lymph node located in the upper part of the chest,
  7. diabetes,
  8. contusion,
  9. lack of oxygen,
  10. skull trauma,
  11. reaction to medication,
  12. intracranial pressure,
  13. intoxication,
  14. epilepsy,
  15. worms.
Rasshirennye zrachki — Simptomy i prichiny rasshirennyh zrachkov, mnenie ekspertov

Wide staring eyes, in most cases, can be observed in the use of drugs, the manifestation of disease and injury.

It is known that pupils can grow in the dark, this allows a person to see better in the dark. However, if the output light does not dilate the pupils — this may be a symptom of intoxication. In this case, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Syndrome Adey-Holmes

Syndrome adey-Holmes or another syndrome enlarged pupil. The characteristic paralysis of the eye muscles, causing the eye to lose sensitivity to light.

The main symptom of the syndrome of ad-Holmes — a dilated pupil, but its diameter may be different. When a person with this syndrome is considering anything from a close distance, the pupil narrows and then expands instantly. Vision syndrome adey-Holmes drops significantly.

Some of the factors that trigger its occurrence:

  1. metabolic disorder,
  2. damaged ciliated node. This causes a disturbance of innervation of ciliary muscle and sphincter of the iris. Because of this, there is a dilation of the pupils and appears myopia,
  3. avitaminosis,
  4. infectious disease.
  5. symptoms adey-Holmes:
  6. the pupil increases only in one eye,
  7. weak reaction to light or its complete absence.
Rasshirennye zrachki — Simptomy i prichiny rasshirennyh zrachkov, mnenie ekspertov

The syndrome is most often seen in women after the age of 30. Possible, to restore the sight that has fallen due to the development of symptoms, and reaction to light may be lost without possibility of recovery.

Psychological factor

The nervous system has a direct effect on the optic nerves, as well as the emotional stability of a person. Because emotional instability is the release of hormones in the blood. The result is an increase in pupils.

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The reasons due to which there is dilation of the pupils:

  • fright,
  • fear,
  • extreme situation,
  • attacks of aggression,
  • sadness.

If there are such reasons must refer to specialists for medical care.

There are cases when the extension is caused by genetic factors and be accompanied by certain signs:

  • redness of the eyes,
  • cramps and pain in the eyes,
  • distortion of vision in bright light. Spots may appear in the eyes or a sudden flash,
  • the decrease in visual acuity.
  • people with these symptoms are practically blind in the dark.
Rasshirennye zrachki — Simptomy i prichiny rasshirennyh zrachkov, mnenie ekspertov

The use of third-party substances

Among other factors, to the increase in human pupils affected by alcohol and drugs. After their use, the pupil is dilated at least another two days.

Rasshirennye zrachki — Simptomy i prichiny rasshirennyh zrachkov, mnenie ekspertov

Besides the fact that a person took drugs pupils are dilated, their use can be recognized in a number of ways:

  1. the redness and Shine of eyes,
  2. the lack of reaction to light,
  3. distinct blood vessels in the eyes,
  4. unhealthy looking skin. Pale or sallow,
  5. poor coordination,
  6. the change of speech. Slow, fast or too clear.

Mydriasis in adolescents

This files most often have dilated pupils teenage drug abuse of drugs or alcohol. Parents should be very careful and pay attention to the condition of the child.

Drug use is not as easy to recognize as alcohol. Taking drugs is not accompanied by a specific smell unlike alcohol.

In addition to advanced pupils, there are signs that, first and foremost, you need to pay attention:

  1. irritability or weakness,
  2. mood swings for no apparent reason,
  3. insomnia,
  4. strong thirst,
  5. unhealthy view: circles under the eyes and severe loss of weight.

However, it should be remembered that the presence of one of these signs could be a precursor to disease. For example, worms are accompanied by under eye circles, insomnia, weight loss. And the infected are constantly dilated pupils.

Rasshirennye zrachki — Simptomy i prichiny rasshirennyh zrachkov, mnenie ekspertov

If you observe one or more signs it is better to reduce the child to a specialist and solve the problem until it was too late.

Constantly dilated pupils

If the pupils are dilated constantly — it could be a sign of damage to optic nerve and loss of sensitivity of the pupils to light. Thus when a person looks at the light pains the eyes.

Rasshirennye zrachki — Simptomy i prichiny rasshirennyh zrachkov, mnenie ekspertov

People who have these symptoms need to be careful in the dark, as to see in the dark they almost can't. It is advisable not to drive at night.

This vision problem is typical for adults. Because children's eyes more sensitive to light.

Rasshirennye zrachki — Simptomy i prichiny rasshirennyh zrachkov, mnenie ekspertov

You should not treat the emergence of such symptoms carelessly. You must immediately consult a doctor who will be able to make the correct diagnosis and prescribe treatment until irreversible damage to the eyes.

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