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Worms in humans pictures, worms that can live in man

Parasitism — a form of coexistence of some organisms in which one uses the other as a way of livelihood or habitat.

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A parasite called the body which leads nahlebnichesky lifestyle. Distinguish the parasites at the site of localization — ectoparasites and endoparasites.

Ectoparasites — being parasitic on the body surface of the body, not penetrating the internal environment (fleas, lice, leeches).

Endoparasites — need in-tional existence, they like to live in the body. Endoparasiticides individual in the course of evolution have lost all necessary for independent existence of bodies, therefore her life is out of another organism impossible.

Owner — the individual providing the conditions necessary for the parasitic life of the individual. Influenced by the parasites of plants, animals, people.

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The relationship between man and parasitic species

Parasitic species are introduced into the body uninvited, and uninvited guests are few loves. Unpleasant appearance and method of existence of these creatures, many people disgusted.

Some types of parasites into the human body for a long time can remain unnoticed, usually the damage to the human body is applied is minimal, because the real owner of the Prime location to use it for their own purposes they can.

The primary infestation is manifested by symptoms similar to other diseases, so that people do not even suspect that his body has become a habitat of parasites.

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Toxins produced by the pests cause microstripline that over time ceases to actively speak ie the signs simply disappear. The human body adapts and stabiliziruemost. Independently, the human body is unable to get rid of the new neighbors, this requires appropriate therapy based on the strict measures of hygiene, the use of drugs that act on a certain kind of different.

For effective treatment, the doctor needs to know what kind of parasites it is necessary to save the patient, because each type need to choose the correct drug is given human characteristics: an Allergy, intolerance to the components, additional diseases that should be taken into consideration when the treatment.

The species of endoparasites:

  • protozoal (protozoa),
  • helminths,
  • other parasites.

Protozoan parasites, their localization, symptoms, methods of infection, prevention and treatment

Protozoa inside human cause protozoal infection, or protozoa. Protozoan parasites that live in humans are localized depending on their varieties.

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There are about 50 species of protozoa leading a parasitic way of life, among them the most dangerous are:

  1. amoeba,
  2. ʙalantidij,
  3. leishmania,
  4. lamblia,
  5. plasmodium,
  6. Pneumocystis,
  7. sarkozist,
  8. toxoplasm,
  9. trypanosome,
  10. Trichomonas,
  11. chlamydia.

Localization of the protozoa, because of their huge size, they can penetrate into hard to reach vital parts of the body through the blood and lymph, populate them and gradually destroy.

Organs affected location: myocardium, nervous system, brain, intestines, etc.

It is necessary to diagnose at an early stage of the spread of harmful microorganisms,to avoid irreparable change as a result of their activity, as well as other potential invasive impacts.

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The symptoms of amebiasis:

  • diarrhea mixed with blood,
  • mucus in the stool,
  • fever, chills,
  • pain in the right hypochondrium (related to liver).

Detection Of Amebiasis:

  • Bacterial stool test. Endoscopic examination.
  • Precautions to be observed for the prevention of Amoebiasis.
  • Disinfection of hands with visits to places of General congestion. To adhere to hygiene standards at home. Food and water subjected to heat treatment.
  • A way of dealing with already developed disease only appoint a doctor.

Balantidia — a disease caused by Balantidium

Characterized by the formation of erosion in the intestine. Carriers are sick pigs in feces which contains forms of the parasite are able to give rise to disease. Also carriers can be sick dogs, and even people in some cases. Alimentary route of transmission.

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With the help of numerous cilia of balantidia actively moving, often while rotating around its axis


  • high temperature, is not stable, skachkoobraznoe,
  • diarrhea up to 20 times a day,
  • abdominal pain,
  • headache.

The consequence of the progressive disease can be bleeding. When such symptoms should immediately call a doctor.


The disease is caused by Leishmania, typical for subtropical and tropical countries, transmission is carried by biting insects (vector borne transmission).

Leishmaniasis is characterized by fever, Chills, loss of appetite and body weight, up to cachexia. Leishmaniasis damages the skin, neolithische shell, in the later stages of a cough that is associated with the distribution.

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Leishmania in the lungs

Trypanosomiasis and leishmaniasis is transmitted by vector-borne. A deadly disease that can be cured if promptly get medical help.

Symptoms speaks feverishly as, headache, joint pain, itching.

Human parasites transmitted only sexually chlamydia, Trichomonas.

Diseases caused by these microorganisms form the inflammation in the urinary system in men and women.

The development of the disease leads to infertility in both sexes, also, the mucous membranes in the body. A symptom of the disease is discomfort when urinating, Muco-purulent discharge.

Helminth lose of the human body

Helminthiasis is a disease caused by the lower worms — helminths. There are several groups of helminths:

  • bioelement,
  • soil-transmitted helminths.

Bioelement a group of parasitic worms requiring several hosts to achieve its maturation, each stage of their development needs under certain conditions.

Geohelminths this is a group of worms which does not require mediation for development into an adult.

Worms are of three types:

  • a type of flatworm, class tapeworms,
  • a type of flatworm, class flukes,
  • a type of round worms.

A type of flatworm, class tapeworms

Common representatives of this class are: beef tapeworm, Echinococcus, a tapeworm. Are Bioelements.

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Beef tapeworm begins its life in the body of a cow, there is formed from the egg, the larval form, which when ingested with food (undercooked beef) is formed in the adult, Mature person, continuing to dwell in his body.

Larval forms develop broad tapeworm in fish. This kind of parasite is Bioelements. Causes infection of flatworms is insufficient heat treatment.

A type of flatworm, class flukes

The most common representatives of this class: liver Fluke and cat Fluke.

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Liver Fluke parasites in the liver of cattle. People can get this kind if you will not drink purified water. Infection is possible by eating insufficiently cooked fish, either salted.

The class of tapeworms and worms, the flukes refers to the obligate parasites reside outside the body, they can not.

A type of round worms. Typical representatives: Ascaris, pinworm,whipworm.


Roundworm worms, parasites living in the person eat the food we ingest we are, therefore, a symptom of the disease is weight reduction, on the background of increased appetite.

Ascariasis infection is by ingestion of Mature eggs with vegetables, fruit or upon contact with sick Pets. The bloodstream the eggs of the worms spread throughout the body, including the lungs, in this case, there may be cough with blood sputum and the specific pain behind the breastbone.

Roundworm secrete very allergenic toxins which cause different reactions in the mucous membranes and on the skin. Abdominal parasitic worm causes discomfort, upset stomach, and diarrhea.

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Pinworm cause the disease enterobiasis. Enters the body by ingesting eggs potowatomie can be on the dirty hands, vegetables. Fecal-oral route, directly from person to person.

The Mature worm living in the lower part of the small intestine or in the upper part of the large intestine feeds on its contents, and intestinal bacteria. Worm eggs can also be transported with wool Pets, but the animals themselves do not suffer from this. Regardless of the type of bot, there are a number of common features.

Symptoms of helminthiasis:

  • meningoencephalitis,
  • fever,
  • rashes,
  • lesions of the mucous membranes of the eyes — conjunctivitis,
  • loose stool,
  • bruxism (teeth grinding during sleep),
  • itching in the anus,
  • weight loss with good nutrition and increased appetite,
  • allergic reaction (rash covering body, itchy).

Some types of helminthiases is in the early stages of development, after the human body adjusts itself to the new roommate and the person does not notice his presence, except for some symptoms that still remain, but the person with them gets.

Depending on the localization in time, the development of individuals distinguish between methods of transmission of helminths:

  1. alimentary,
  2. contact-household,
  3. food (insufficient heat treatment).
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The consequences of parasitic diseases:

If the cause of the disease is simple, then the consequence may be severe changes in the structure of tissues, until the violation of the functions of the authority and further deaths.

Some protozoa (Leishmania, Trypanosoma) in a few days cause the human body to serious irreversible consequences, brought a man to death in a short time.

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Disease formed by the presence of helminths often lead to bowel obstruction, to eliminate this pathology it is necessary to resort to surgery, jaundice, cirrhosis of the liver. To death causes aspiration of parasites in the lungs.

Infestation in pregnancy

Pregnant women need to be more vigilant and prevent the development of pests in your body, because the fetus still does not have its own immune system, the bodies just laid, harmful organisms and worms cross the placenta and blood flow gets into the baby's body and harm him.

The mother is not able to protect the baby with your immunity, so you need to know the precautions, prevention, and symptoms that cause parasitic worms in the human body.

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Some worms living in the human body are themselves?

Subject to all the rules of hygiene pinworms leave the body alone. The main thing is to avoid re-samsarajade. All other types of worms and parasites living in the human body should be displayed with the help of medicines.

Prevention of helminthiasis

In order to caution helminth infection is sufficient to comply with hygiene standards, to carefully monitor hand hygiene, to disinfect after visiting public places, using alcohol wipes when cooking to follow her willingly, carefully heat treated.