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Antiparasitic drugs — Drugs against parasites of wide spectrum of action

Modern science knows about the twelve thousand species of protozoa microcell, capable to harm the health of animal and man. On the globe they are common everywhere, and their environment and development at various stages becomes another living being. Not all of them are able to infect humans, but dangerous to humans parasites is also solid.

Folk remedies or other methods of dealing with them is only effective in some cases for some types of protozoa, they do not always show good results when used.

To provide effective methods of dealing with various types of foreign microorganisms in the human body is capable of anti-parasitic drugs.

The dangers of parasites for human health

The ideal environment for bacteria and protozoa is the human body. Areal of their distribution almost everywhere.

In Russia due to the harsh temperature, long winters, the number of parasites is much less than in countries with a humid and warm climate. But they are able to have a significant impact on health. In addition, along with a wide variety of meat products, fruits and vegetables from foreign countries on our shelves, there is a probability of contamination is not peculiar to our area parasites.

The human body for many centuries of existence in the defined area developed their own methods of dealing with infections, bacteria, and germs. And the lack of adaptation to new media can be a source of contamination and disease for which no immunity.

So what is the simplest threat that indwells our body? Require any special medications?

Settling in the human body, the parasite begins to consume necessary to power the cells and tissues of nutrients. Getting into a positive for the environment, it begins to rapidly multiply, taking the body even more nutrients. As a result, the affected organs and tissues lack necessary to update and cell metabolic substances.

Organs whose cells affected no longer function properly and begins to develop the disease, the degeneration of the function. People experiencing apathy, depression, fatigue, weakness and lack of appetite. Weakened cells are easily destroyed under the action of free radicals, are dying, are more susceptible to infections and diseases.

Waste products of these microorganisms, in turn, accumulate in the body, poison it, contribute to the accumulation of toxins. People infected with protozoa, can experience lethargy, to have violations of a chair and sleep, looks terrible and is aging rapidly.

Such internal environment of the human body that occur during the life of the parasite, contributes to the development and emergence of diseases, which become chronic over time.

Many microorganisms can be carriers and a source of threat to body health infections, some are able to parasitize in the cells of the immune system, reducing the body's defenses against infections. In such a situation to cope with the source of infection and the infection that it carries, the human immune system is not able to. You need to use anti-parasitic remedies.

Methods of infection

  • the most basic and common way is when dealing with skin. The natural environment contains a large number of protozoa, which are in the so-called "hibernation". This is understandable, because most of them for the development and reproduction of the necessary intermediate host. Suffice it to say that many of them do not have their digestive system and are beneficial substances created during the process of digestion the digestive system of the animal or human. Upon contact with the body of the potential host microorganism aktiviziruyutsya and moves to the human body. Most of them are passive and enter the body by skin contact with saliva or secretions. But some have special adaptations that help them to get into the internal environment of the carrier through the outer protective layer of the skin,
  • the second most common way is with food or water. Water solieva environment is a natural place of existence of microorganisms. Drinking tap water is chlorination, cleaning and disinfection, so the rule does not contain any harmful organisms. But spring, well springs, natural pools full of a large variety of bacteria, germs.

Cause of food contamination can be any non-treated, poorly treated or defective product of animal and vegetable origin: meat, fruits, vegetables, dried,smoked, raw fish, caviar.

Some microorganisms that enter our body with food, is deadly dangerous and can be lethal. For example, trichinosis, which affects the muscular system. By eating undercooked meat is very easy to get bullish tapeworm.

Take particular care with fresh fruits and vegetables from their own plot in the harvest season. They usually lay their eggs roundworm, pinworm.

  • the third most common cause of infection – contact with animals. Animals and people have a large number of common parasites that can be transmitted from animal to person through contact. At risk here are the children. A child patting the cat or dog, it may catch, for example, toxocariasis, which in its advanced form causes death,
  • insects. Most species are potential carriers and vectors of infection. Very easy to get infected through bites of bloodsucking insects,
  • through the urinary system and the digestive tract. Very often this happens when contact with water. Just a few times to swim in the natural pond to get a nasty infection of protozoan microorganisms.

Prevention of infestations of the human body

To prevent infection it is necessary to strictly observe the preventive measures.

  1. thorough processing of food. Many organisms are resistant to various types of heat treatment. Therefore, when eating meat if fish is not superfluous double treatment: it is advisable to pre-boil, and then carefully roast thoroughly. Should abandon dried, smoked products. Buying food items in designated places. All vegetables and fruits before eating should be thoroughly rinsed. You can soak in water before taking,
  2. strict control over water. You need to consume only drinking water past boiling. It is desirable to use filtering. On the nature of water is to bring. Water from untested sources should not eat,
  3. strict adherence to hygiene. Hands should be washed after contact with animals, before eating. It is advisable to use disinfectants,
  4. constant monitoring of the child's contact with animals,
  5. periodic tests for the presence of parasites in the body for the entire family.

Means parasites

To make sure that prevention will yield positive results can can use preventive drugs antiparasitic action.

Linlith – effective remedy for parasites of plant origin with a wide spectrum of action used for the prevention of infection. Antiparasitic preventive tool is absolutely safe for children. The drug based on the birch leaves, ginger root, walnuts, and other herbal remedies effective against the emerging larvae, eggs and adult parasites. Dissolves them, waste products, at the same time, accelerating the cleansing processes of the liver, stimulating the production of immune system cells to fight them.

Biological additive – helmetag of a series of antiparasitic agents. Effective against worms. Improves the condition of the digestive tract, speeds up the elimination of parasites from the body.

Nematol – a drug against parasites with complex action for the treatment of worms.

Nematol. It is a universal antihelminthic drug used for the treatment of most helminths. At the same time stops the development of parasites in the body and removes them from the body.

Preparations of broad-spectrum

If preventive means against parasites did not help, you need to use a therapeutic agent. Good results of treatment can achieve products with wide spectrum of action.

Levamisole – a universal remedy against parasites, is effective against all round worms. The action is based on blocking of the nervous system that causes paralysis of muscles. Cheap ugg boots – a day after taking one tablet worms not only destroyed, but removed from the body together with the waste products. Form release: tablets or capsules. Contraindications to the drug: liver or kidney insufficiency, leukemia.

Mebendazole – a drug against parasites for the treatment on the stage of development of microorganisms. It effectively prevents reproduction. Acts as a toxin against larvae accumulate and poisoning them. Form release: tablets 0.1 g dosage or suspension. Taking the drug for three days one tablet two times. For serious diseases, the treatment lasts for 6 days. Medication in suspension with a pleasant taste, no side effects that is suitable for the treatment of worms in children. You should not use the drug in children up to two years, patients with hepatic insufficiency.

Drugs of plant origin

High efficiency in the fight against parasites demonstrate the drugs of plant origin. If the tablets and suspension of drugs of wide action are contraindicated for people with hepatic impairment, plant-based formula is completely safe and non-toxic. That is why it is an effective drugs for children.

Invasin –universal antiparasitic drug against all pathogenic organisms: protozoa, bacteria, fungi. Has a positive effect on digestive and immune system. Has no side effects, contraindications.

Miraculous effect has a range of Liberta. This Botanical complex developed on the basis of Pau d'arco, wormwood, fiber, yarrow, Echinacea. The drug is not only effective against gelmintov at any stage of their development, but able to eliminate the consequences of stay of the parasite in the human body.

Contained in its structure element – dihydroquercetin clears away the byproducts of life of gelmintov 100% of all cells.

While improving the blood circulation and metabolic processes at the cellular level, boosting the immune system. The complex is produced in the form of a gel, contains a large number of enzymes for the liver and kidneys. Not only has no contraindications, but useful for people with liver failure.