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Pinworms — Cycle development and structure of pinworms in the body

Enterobiasis is the infection of a person with a special sort of helminth parasites in the large and small intestines. The female pinworm lays eggs in the immediate area of the anus. Failure to comply with personal hygiene, they through dirty hands get on household items, thus man infects others and puts secondary infection in your body.

This is a helminthes disease, more exposed to infection body of a child up to 12 years.

The causative agent of enterobiasis

Is the pinworm, nematode white color, small size, female is 5 mm, male 12 mm., the Male has a twisted end, the female genital. Ahead of a marked vesicle – oral part of the parasite, with its pinworm is attached to the walls of the body

What to eat pinworms

The vital functions of the parasite, at the expense of the intestinal contents, the main component of the diet are beneficial bacteria person. Can also feed on blood. With the result that patients have is indigestion and diarrhea.

Maturation of larvae

In a suspended egg of the parasite is not completely Mature larva. Final maturation occurs within 4 to 5 hours, reach adult size in a month. Then the ripening cycle is repeated. The necessary favorable conditions, a given human body temperature not lower than 36, 5 degrees, humidity 70% to 100%(optimal place the crotch of the person).

The life cycle of a pinworm

The life cycle of pinworms is not great. Individual lays eggs with the embryo, which for 5 hours is converted into a larva. In a supportive environment, the eggs live for about one month. Infection occurs by contact with patients or contact with things contaminated utensils. Larvae penetrate and hatch in the small intestine, then move into the large intestine.
Two weeks later the larvae becomes fully grown, able to lay eggs, but she keeps them in her body, she gradually migrate down the colon. During the night, the female comes out through the anus and around the anus lays up to 20 thousand eggs. The development cycle of pinworms in the body does not exceed one month. The male dies immediately after fertilization the females.

When the female dies?

  • after oviposition, the patient can crush the individual during combing,
  • dies before the start of egg laying, but after decomposition of helminth larvae are released and start their livelihoods.

For the infected, not so much discomfort, frequent diarrhea, such as irritability and itching in the area of the anus. As more worms come out and lay their eggs by night, the person may disrupt sleep, appears fatigue, on the part of the nervous system nervousness and unpredictable aggression towards others. The loss of nutrients in the body, people lose much weight, the level of hemoglobin in the blood drops sharply.
Children, because of their age don't understand what's happening to them, can comb an itchy place, so the eggs get on the hands, under the nails. Girls often egg is placed in the vagina and cause inflammation – vulvovaginitis. The girl lead to a female doctor, however, the cause of the disease often remains not known.
The patient becomes a peddler of worms by touching contaminated hands, toys, clothes, dishes. Further, the parasite safely through dirty hands emigrated back to the body and the development cycle of a pinworm repeats.
Importantly! It is known that the hygiene, the worms die in the body and come out in three months!

The life cycle of this parasite is quite simple, and reproduces only in living organisms, does not require another host. He infected may be the only and the intermediate carrier of helminths.

Detection of enterobiasis

To detect the parasite simply need to pass two stages.

The first stage includes a thorough survey:

  • what to complain about
  • the appearance of the first symptoms
  • complains if any of the nearest environment on similar symptoms
  • is it a rule of personal hygiene (clean hands constantly).

In the second stage

  • conducted laboratory examination of feces,
  • take the scrapings around the anus using sticky tape,
  • research the General analysis of blood from the finger (there are characteristic indicators of the presence of parasites).

The main indicator is the low level of hemoglobin, the normal level is 120 – 140 g/l, erythrocytes – 3,5 – 5,3 withlow rate anemia occurs. Anemia appears when running the course, with a large presence of parasites and inflammatory process in the body.
A complication of the disease
Inflammation of the genital organs, mostly the girls

Appendix – there is no reliable data that the worms getting into his lead to inflammation of the Appendix.

The gallbladder is involved in the procession of digestion. The active pinworms may move through the intestines not to yield to the anus, and Vice versa in the other direction to the front gastrointestinal tract. Though the biliary tree itself penetrate into the gall bladder and irritating the mucous membranes of the walls cause inflammation cholecystitis.


All contact, including family members without symptoms, it is necessary to treat for prevention. Most adults do not feel the deviations in the health, have no signs of disease. But still need to get tested and proper treatment. Otherwise, you can re-infect survivors of a family member. After all, if one person is a carrier of parasites, then the probability to infect the rest of society increased significantly. Come to the conclusion that the treatment needs of each carrier of the bot!
Deworming is the main method of treatment of enterobiasis with therapeutic drugs. The most widely used drugs are drugs:

— Vermoxum, white pills to 0.1 g. Have a paralyzing effect on the parasite. Worms die after ingestion and excreted out with feces.
Children from 3 to 10 years of age are given 0.5 g of the drug for Adults 0.1 g of the drug. Doctors recommend to treat the entire family, under the supervision of the attending physician or infectious diseases physician.

— Madamin – tablets № 10, penetrating orally ingested, paralyzes the pinworms, they in turn can't hold the mucous and output.
Dose 10 mg per 1 kg of body mass applied once to 3 times a day.

— Piperazine – pills n 0,2, 0,5, Has a devastating effect on nerve impulse of the muscles, parasites come out by yourself.

Dose the physician individually, depending on the age and weight of the patient. The drug is carried out for 5 days.
For babies up to the age of three, is forbidden to administer drugs. Must be limited only to preventive measures. The product does not contain in the annotation chart for infants!

At pregnancy

During pregnancy during the first three months of treatment with medications is prohibited. Must be limited to preventive measures. At observance of rules of hygiene the worms die on their own. But if the doctor considers it appropriate to prescribe the drug, Mebendazole which he recommends, also does not have licensed permission to receive pregnant women.

Through breastfeeding

It is also prohibited treatment anthelminthic drugs. Enough to preventive measures.

The products are useful in enterobiasis

It is recommended to eat spicy and bitter foods. Walnuts, pumpkin seeds, flax. Beneficial effect of vegetable oil in irritation and inflammation of the intestinal wall. All sour berries, fruits and vegetables.

Preventive control

  • upon detection of enterobiasis immediately begin treatment to prevent infection of others,
  • good hygiene,
  • regular change of bottom and top underwear,
  • hot treatment raw food,
  • don't hesitate to tell adults about the presence of itching in the anus.

After the treatment is General cleaning with disinfectant, washable means, kvartsevanie premises.
Upon detection of the epidemic enterobiasis, persons in contact with patients to prevent use of anthelmintic drugs.