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Pinworms Effective pills pinworms for adults and children

"The disease of dirty hands", otherwise called all manifestations of helminthiasis, it's very common in our time. All around more of a hassle, and many people simply do not have time to monitor their health as it should be. This article is aimed at clarifying how the drug can help against pinworms more efficiently. Choosing the right drug that would suit only your body, depends on many factors. One of them is knowledge about how these worms are parasitic in the human body.

Infection and development

So, it all starts with getting eggs of pinworms on the skin. They often hide under long fingernails. Entering the body oral, the pinworm egg travels through the intestines until thin. For some time out of it and the larva hatches. She eats the walls of the small intestine, slowly destroying the tissues. Two weeks later comes the moment of maturity. The female mind is slightly larger than the male, heading to its natural exit from the intestine, but not in order to leave the body, and to lay new eggs between the folds of skin around the anus. Mostly this happens closer to the night the time of day when there is peak activity of these parasites. The average number of eggs is about 5-15 thousand pieces at a time. And then comes what is called samsarajade. Mucus secreted future pinworms, irritate the skin, causing intolerable itching. If the person timely pays no attention to this first and major symptom, he starts combing the place of egg laying. Those, in turn, again into fingers. The unsuspecting man continues to be household items, spreading contagion or any thing that had been touched by the hands. And so it is endlessly, until the carrier doesn't understand that he is suffering from enterobiasis and begins to actively treat themselves. In the fight against helminthes well help various pills that pinworms will be out of action for a long time.

Diagnosis and prevention

Treatment of pinworms — it is difficult and very unpleasant. The first thing is to make the patient suspect that his gut was densely settled worms, to go to the hospital. The attending doctor must conduct a survey and send to appropriate tests, identifying parasites.
Scraping on pinworms. It is produced in two ways. The first is by using adhesive tape. It was applied to the affected area for a few seconds, and then transferred to the glass. The second method is more "home". To hold the cotton swab in the anus and remove it in a jar, tightly closed lid. After it is delivered to a laboratory for further diagnosis. Experienced infectious diseases can easily detect you have signs enterobioza in the process of inspection due to signs of scratching, and possibly themselves of worms on the surface. Excess of eosinophils in the blood — also a sure indicator of infection. But the stool will not help here, as pinworms lay their eggs in the intestine.

If the worms have made themselves felt before you went to the doctor, it is best to take simple actions for prevention and, as a consequence, for treatment. You must first wash all the sheets, both the lower and bed, and carefully ironed. Wash hands after the street, before eating, if you didn't do it sooner. Take a bath, if it is not possible to complete the procedure at least thoroughly wash the place of the infection. In addition, it is important to carry out wet cleaning of the premises. The latter is done to eliminate the possible helminth eggs, already prevalent in the surrounding atmosphere.


Many resort to traditional medicine, but not all are suitable. For example, it is not recommended from pinworms for children to use as a medicine garlic herbal teas, as this may damage the internal tissues. Adults also do not fit all people's therapy. Fortunately, today, the pharmaceutical market is full of various drugs, by which worms are eliminated from the body virtually painless. There are several criteria to choose the correct medicine.

  • The first factor is the physical age infected.
  • Its weight.
  • The intensity of development and reproduction of worms in the body.
  • The presence of any abnormalities in the body.
  • Individual peculiarities of perception of the individual components included in the particular medication.

Forms and types of different drugs, but doctors agree on the opinion that tablet means better than others have an effect on the worms. But this is only if the treatment is pinworms in adults. The child, due to immature of the body, it is easier to perceive suspension means. However, there are medicines are absolutely safe not only for children but also for women in the state.

  1. Pyrantelum. Its forms range from tablets to suspension. The principle of action — blocking of the neuromuscular system of the parasites, so that they easily and painlessly removed from the body in natural ways. Good job on both the larvae and adult specimens of pinworms.
  2. Piperazine. Morea well — known name- Piperazine adipat. Form — tablet. Causes paralysis of the muscle pinworms. Also depends on the stage of development. To drink course of five days.
  3. Dekaris. Or Levamisol. It is noteworthy that in the beginning of his career was used by people as an immunomodulator and as antihelminthic already — much later. Paralyzes the nerves pinworms, brings them within one day of application. It is unacceptable to use lactating women and is not recommended for children under three years.
  4. Mebendazole. By this means the worms are deprived of normal ATP synthesis and stable utilization in organisms is glucose. Contraindicated for pregnant women and children under the age of two years. It is strictly forbidden to use the medication for people with liver problems. Also should not be consumed before, after or during drinking alcohol.
  5. Zentel. He is — Albendazole. Disrupts the transport and disposal of glucose in the helminthes that leads to their death and removal from the human body. Appearance — suspension and tablet. Can not be applied to children under years, pregnant and lactating women.
  6. Worm. Perhaps the only thing not having the second name in this list. One of the most powerful tools prescribed by the doctor in the most extreme cases — when a patient of more than fifteen varieties of parasites. In any case, it cannot be used for children up to two years and pregnant or planning a pregnancy, the fairer sex.

Of course, all these tools are there side effects of the overdose and the treatment from her. The main unpleasant consequences when you exceeded a dose of any of drugs are:

  • nausea and vomiting,
  • dizziness,
  • anemia,
  • headache,
  • convulsion,
  • diarrhea,
  • high temperature,
  • rash, itching,
  • sleep disturbance.

The latter, Vormela, more severe consequences of overdose. In addition, some wastes can acquire orange color, patients have dangerous symptoms, starting with increasing the size of the liver to the visual process.

Of course, besides all this, there are contra-indications. But mostly they are calculated from the individual characteristics of the patient and the presence of Allergy to any component of the drug. Therefore, it is necessary to first consult with your doctor to be prescribed the exact dosage, showed a big reaction to a particular component of the cure for pinworms and, of course, controlled the adoption process. Do not forget that pinworms in children is more dangerous disease than in adults. Children have control issues and are unwittingly spreading the contagion. Well, if the first signs were seen on time. Otherwise the catch can not only family members, but surrounding and in direct contact.

Pinworms, drugs for excretion which are carefully designed and tested by leading experts in the field, like all living things, can evolve. So be quite vigilant and prevent their occurrence in the body at all. The answer to the question, what pills help stronger in the fight against parasites, does not exist. From pinworms in adults well, there are almost all kinds of medicines. With children is more difficult, but it is possible and you need to find something that would fit under any one particular case. If for whatever reasons pinworms pills do not help, then you need further advice. Perhaps, in the body there are some other diseases that impede the stable operation of the products. But do not despair — under the careful supervision of a specialist of this disease is fairly quickly. In the end, you can always resort to traditional methods, although many of them do not support, for centuries people have been treated the same gifts to their nature, and can lead long debate about what is more effective in a particular case. The most important thing — to believe in recovery and to monitor the cleanliness of the apartment and linen related to direct contact with the skin.