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Pinworms — How old are the eggs of pinworms in humans

Pinworms – a variation of helminth parasites in the human body. In the body they enter only through the mouth, and pinworms live in the human body – in the intestine. These worms represent a threadlike worms, white in color and in length from 2 to 13 mm, they cause itching in the region of the sphincter, disorders of the bowels, allergies, and women and inflammation of the genitals. The name of the disease caused by round worms, pinworms. Ill they can, and adults and children, but children get sick more often. Adults usually become infected if a family has a sick child. Cure enterobiasis easy enough, but recovery is impossible without the observance of hygiene. To completely get rid of pinworms, a person must take the full course of treatment and strictly to observe some rules of hygiene.

Symptoms of enterobiasis

Signs that had been diagnosed with pinworms, appear to be either weak, or not occur at all. Since the pinworm in the form of larvae or eggs enter the body through dirty hands, and the observance of strict hygiene almost impossible, for example, a child has a bad habit during the execution of lessons to chew on a pen, which he touched with unwashed hands, or one of the members of the family, without washing the streets with his hands, took the house the handle of the kettle, which, unlike ware, wash rarely, and poured into a glass of water, and the symptoms are weak, people may not even know that they are sick. Given the fact that in the environment under favorable conditions the eggs of a pinworm can live outside the human body for up to three weeks to get infected almost everyone.

Often, even a healthy-looking man in the pool, the gym and such establishments shall present a medical certificate about the negative result of the analysis for the presence of pinworms.

Indirect symptoms that pinworms live in the body, is itchy and sphincter around him, and in the genitals in women causing constant discomfort and not being able to sleep. Also can appear the inattention and irritability. When infected with these parasites may experience sudden and rapid weight loss. In some cases, a slight fever, accompanied by abdominal pain.

No survey, direct evidence that people have contracted the disease is the presence in Calais inclusions of white color. The adult pinworms can be seen in the stool very often.

To establish exactly how many people live with the pinworms inside, impossible as they have no signs of illness. There are only approximate statistics on the diseases helminthiasis, based on the number of referrals of patients to the doctor.
Many are interested in how many live and how many pinworms live eggs of pinworms? The answer is simple: how long life of this parasite, so quickly perhaps even medication to get rid of worms of this type subject to strict personal and household hygiene – the more carefully observe the rules, the higher the chances of ending enterobiasis forever.

Pinworm from birth to death

Wonder where they live, pinworms, scientists have found – this kind of worms can live and multiply only in the intestine. The doctors referred them to the class of nematodes – roundworms. These creatures are parasites, i.e., living in the body through microflora of the host, they use human to feed off the environment of his intestines, not giving him anything in return – for example, any allocated good for the human body substances. In addition, they provide the host (the medical term for individual infected with a parasite called pinworms) a lot of physical discomfort (anus and genitals are constantly itchy) and irritate it.

Reproduction pinworm

The main condition for the reproduction pinworm – moist environment. The more moisture in the atmosphere surrounds the eggs of this helminth, so they are viable. For this reason, the eggs of a pinworm can't stand the heat, but can survive at low temperatures – two-thirds of the eggs continue to be viable even eighteen hours at a low temperature.

When the eggs of this helminth fall into the gastrointestinal tract, they begin their maturation and transformation into Mature individuals. To get inside the eggs of a pinworm can with poorly washed hands, by eating dirty vegetables and fruits and even boiled water. Once in the small intestine, Mature eggs, and they hatch the larvae are so tiny, that to see them without a microscope is not possible. Their growth surprise – after twenty days the larvae turn into pinworms in that form in which they are visible in the stool. Then the worms move to the large intestine, whereis their main activity.

The livelihoods of pinworms as an adult

Mature pinworms moves from the small intestine into the large intestine and begin to parasitize. In the intestines pinworms are living in a period of 4-6 weeks. In the large intestine pinworm eats, reproduces, and then leaving it dies. During the breeding season, the female pinworms, and filled with fertilized eggs, and gradually moves toward the rectum and out through the sphincter. The female larvae of this helminth are already lays out of the human body – in the folds of skin around the anus. (That is why after using the toilet you always need to wash hands thoroughly with soap and water or wipe with a damp disinfectant cloth. Touch the place of a mass congestion of pinworm eggs, as eggs instantly adhere to the skin of the fingers.) One female of this helminth lays on the skin up to 15 thousand eggs.
Males pinworms die in the colon immediately after fertilization, and females die during the egg laying, since the area of the sphincter itches, and people combing the area, injure the females release their eggs. The life of the adults ends. Subject infected during treatment, personal hygiene, re-samsarajade could have been avoided, as the larvae hatch from the eggs only in the human intestine.

Is it possible the self-recovery from enterobiasis

Based on the information about how many still live pinworm eggs outside the human body, it becomes clear that self-recovery is possible, as to avoid re-samsarajade, if you carefully observe good personal and domestic hygiene, because pinworms is only getting into the body through the gastrointestinal tract of larvae of helminths, of which are already in the intestine hatch into larvae that grow into adult individuals, which in turn somehow are unable to continue their existence in man: males pinworms die immediately after fertilization the females females leave the limits of the human body for egg laying and end up outside it. Thus, with careful hygiene and self-recovery from enterobiasis possible in the life cycle of pinworms.

Basic rules of protection from infection by enterobiasis

  1. Wash hands thoroughly after visiting public places and after street and before each meal.
  2. To prevent excessive contamination of the upper and lower clothing and regularly change underwear.
  3. If the house is infected, to teach loved ones during his illness carefully observe rules of personal hygiene.
  4. If the house has a separate child, and sick child, the time of his illness, whenever possible, it is better to limit the use of his room those family members that are out there, there is a great need, as children do not always obediently follow the rules of hygiene, and increases the risk of infection for the family.
  5. In order not to accidentally eat along with fruits, vegetables, berries larvae pinworms, be sure to wash them before eating.

Helpful information about enterobiasis

To get enterobiasis can only be from an infected person or through objects which he touched with unwashed hands.

Animals are not carriers of pinworms, as to grow, develop and reproduce this kind of worms can only be in the human body.