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Pinworms — what are pinworms and parasites in the human body

The pinworm is a small helminths (worms) are white. The disease caused by these pest animals, called enterobiasis. Appearing in the human intestine, pinworm causes a burning sensation in the area of the anus, bowel disorders, increased sensitivity in women – inflamed genitals. They are dependent, and cannot exist long outside the human body, i.e. their entire life cycle takes place in the human body. Although there have been cases when the disease was diagnosed in puppies, but adult dogs pinworms were not observed.

Look like pinworms

Look like pinworms in humans many people know from childhood. Pinworm – small worms. Females are 10 mm long, males 5 mm. Look pointy sticks, needles, and gave them the name "pinworm". The end of the female is more pointed, while the male wrapped a little to the abdomen. At the mouth front is determined by the vesicle – a small swelling, which helps the worms stay in the intestine. View look like the eggs of pinworms. The eggs of pinworm are oval shape, flat on one edge and smoothly rounded on the other, have a transparent "shell".

Pinworms in feces

As usual look pinworms can be seen in the stool. Males, as already said, not more than half a centimeter, why not just recognize them. However, more females, approx size is a couple of centimeters, they can easily be seen in good light.

You should know that these pinworms are always bright, and the dark particles are reporting problems of a different kind. The pest discarded with the feces is already lifeless. Pinworms are visible in the feces of children, and they are recognized the same way.

Many are interested in appearance of eggs of pinworms on skin or underwear, because adult fish lay their just in the area of the anal sphincter.

However, you fail to recognize the unarmed eye balls pinworms in children pinworms in adults and children too small, only visible using a microscope.

Symptoms, causes of infection, distribution

The initial signal of an organism about the presence of pinworms usually appear after half a month after starting the bot.

They can have different severity of symptoms. This is on a mass trapped in the intestines of parasites ever obtained in chronic illnesses and how he responds the patient,

Usually you experience the following symptoms:

  1. Itching around the anal sphincter, which dramatically exacerbated in the night (the female becomes active), but with vigorous infection is worrying in the light of the day,
  2. With a significant amount trapped in the intestinal parasites itch spreading between her legs, in women in the vagina,
  3. Urinary incontinence during sleep,
  4. Cyclic pain in the belly,
  5. Possible loose stool to kiseleobraznogo consistency, sometimes with mucus,
  6. Insomnia, bad mood,
  7. Do women have vaginal discharge, pain during sex, itching of the genital organs caused by tissue destruction, wounds on them,


If the intestine got a large number of pinworms, or sick them repeatedly swallowed the circle (they are viable not more than one month), in addition to itching may occur: headache, pain in the right abdomen, which can be so severe that the patient urgently taken to the surgical Department and operated because of acute appendicitis, bloating, dizziness, attention deficit disorder, memory,


The Central route of infection, if diagnosed enterobiasis:

  • oral
  • everyday
  • contact

Casual transmission is possible cases when parents and children do not adhere to hygienic laws, which affects children the habit of not washing hands before eating. Even easier to get sick, ignoring the wash of fruit and vegetable fruits. Often the infection of children through toys with worms pinworms.

Oral infection in any case so that the worms or worm eggs are transported into the body through the hole of the mouth. By scratching of the anus the kids accidentally take the eggs of pinworms are right in their nails. Then from there they are transferred not only in the mouth and nose, but in General food.

The contact method of infection is possible in those random moments when man takes the parasites from vectors, infected humans and animals. Animals transporterowych pinworms secure on his fur.

Pinworms in children

Kids more often than adults exposed to the appearance of the infestation. The point here is that in the body of a child under a certain age, missing a triple barrier against parasites. In addition to mostsmall children alien

observance of rules of personal hygiene. That is why parents need to closely monitor the physiological state of their children and the appearance of the first symptoms of infection, immediately consult a specialist to undergo diagnostic tests.

In addition, you can visually meet pinworms in children pinworms in children at the same time found very often. The main reason lies in the peculiarities of behavior. The child starts to move, examines the situation, why has the great risk of catching the eggs of pinworms. The younger the baby, the more dangerous and harder enterobiasis.

Worms in the body of an infant clean of any valuable items, which he so often lacks. It turns out that the baby is deprived of adequate nutrition, and worms fleeting multiply, filling the whole intestine. Parents are able to notice them in the anal part of the baby in the evening or in the morning.

How to treat every specific disease will tell a doctor. If not immediately treated, the symptoms will inevitably worsen. The child disturbed digestion, it lose weight, will weaken the immune system, the body will poison the products of the pinworm life.

There were such cases when in the stomach of the baby has formed a voluminous tangle entwined pinworms, causing a painful sensation and abdominal pulsation.


For the prevention and treatment of pinworm are assigned a sedative. For the treatment of children and parents from pinworms are assigned to the same drugs. Except nursing women, women during pregnancy and very young children.

Mainly pinworms medicated. He was appointed a doctor, taking into account the individual condition of the patient and selection of the right dosage of substances. Use a variety of disastrous for pinworms drugs: Pyrantel, Vermoxum, Dekaris, Nematol etc. If taken alone, be aware of all the side effects and prescriptions.

During particularly difficult currents conducted a secondary course of treatment with a break of 2 weeks. You need to treat all the family as there is an opportunity to pick up the eggs of pinworms are all members of the family.

Also, during disease are advised to observe the following rules so the worms do not return after therapy and will not be passed on to other family members or neighbors living closely with infected.

  1. The bottom should be changed every morning, after washing mandatory to iron. High temperatures detrimental for pinworm eggs, which can remain relatively linen after washing.
  2. Underwear should be strongly adheres to the body, especially during sleep.
  3. After going to the toilet, the patient must wash their hands with antiseptic.
  4. You should wash as often as possible, three times a day. Will be reduced risk of the spread of parasites on the genitals, especially, this fact applies to women.
  5. You should not ignore the cleaning of the apartment where the patient lives.
  6. If you experience severe itching in the anus it is important to be patient, not to be scratched. Otherwise open the way to infection under the skin and eggs of pests will hide under the nails, on the fingers, which will make possible re-infection.

With the discovery of adult pinworms in the stool, on underwear, you should immediately go to the hospital. Defeat the pests is easier than to waste time and energy on healing from the effects of helminthiasis.

To cleanse the lower intestine of worms, resort to the soda enemas. In order to get rid of itching anestesiologia prescribed ointments and antihistamines medicine inside. And young children in the anal area in the evening make a swab with vaseline ointment. This procedure does not give worms to spread freely and eliminates the burning sensation. Child it is important to bathe every day, or at least to wash away. Parents should be daily to change his underwear. Clothes needed to be washed. It is important to maintain cleanliness prianalnoy region and relieve the itch of pinworm infection.

Vegetables and fruits (even grown at home in pots), it is important to rinse carefully, and it is better to omit a few minutes in boiled water. Cannot be consumed without treatment normal water from the tap- too much risk of infection not only worms, but also other similar diseases. It is forbidden to give a child not quite clean, raw fish and meat that is not cooked enough, avoided enough from all sides of heat treatment. In the summer it is advisable not to allow the child to dabble in the dirty waters. Trim the nails short of the child so that at them could not hide the filth and the eggs of various parasites, including pinworms.

But if you found the symptoms in yourself or your child, always consult physician – self in such a situation may not only improve the condition, but also to direct the course of the disease to the worst outcome.


It is recommended to carefully monitor the condition of Your overall health. People often ignore signals of the body about the trouble and do not know how these diseases are dangerous to life. There are many sores, which at first did not show themselves in our body, and people are not in a hurry to an appointment. When this happens, it turns out that the treatment will not help. All diseases are different from other signs, symptoms, impact on the human body. Accurate detection of the signs is the first step inthe treatment of diseases in General. To do this simply required twice a year to undergo examination by the doctor in order not only to prevent serious illness, but to preserve the common state of organs and the whole organism.