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Pinworms in children pinworms Treatment, symptoms, folk recipes


Before seeking ways of breeding various parasites from the body, you need to understand how the infection occurs to them. Having the necessary knowledge about the method of parasitism of microorganisms, it is possible to make a choice in favor of the most effective cure for pinworms.
Pinworms don't like Sunny and hot atmosphere, which is why the incidence of this disease greatly reduced in areas with hot conditions. Most often, this type of microorganisms found in children, age ranging from 2 to 10 years. However, pinworms can be diagnosed in adults. So, consider the most common reasons for their occurrence:

  • Insufficient attention to personal hygiene, particularly hand washing,
  • Contaminated household items,
  • Infection from Pets (however, they are solely carriers).

How is the infection

The pinworm egg is ingested into the body through the small intestine can contribute to this unwashed hands of a child or close communication in a team with other children. Once the egg ripens, it to appear the larva, which attach to the intestinal wall. It affects the mucosa, feeding on the contents in the small intestine. After two weeks, this larva becomes adult, which is already completely ready for fertilization.
The adult lays its offspring in the folds of the anus, and when the maggots have appeared, the first symptom manifested in the form of itching in this region.

Symptoms of pinworms

Pinworms — a medical term defines the presence of pinworms in the human body. The most pronounced and determined the primary symptom of itching in the anus, discomfort. Can also manifest with intestinal colic, frequent stools of a liquid character, the admixture of mucus in it.
Waste products, harmful microorganisms can cause a lot of trouble for their carriers, they can be expressed as frequent pain in the head, dizziness, nausea, an allergic reactions and also General weakness. The child may also be subjected to weight loss, loss of appetite, anemia.

How to choose a drug for the treatment of

Traditional medicine provides many methods to treat pinworms, such as tansy, onion, wormwood, pumpkin seeds. However, such ways to kill pinworms differ in duration, and their effectiveness is not accurate evidence. Cure pinworms in most cases help to get rid of "unwanted guests" in a short time, painlessly and efficiently.

To select the most effective means, you must seek the advice of a qualified physician — infectious diseases. Then, you should pass all the tests, which will prescribe the doctor. A special category are pregnant or nursing women, young children, elderly people. In this case, the doctor prescribes the most suitable drug and also with maximum accuracy calculates dosage.

The main drugs against helminths

There are several drugs that have been proven as the most safe. Let us consider these drugs more.


This tool is available to buy in the form of tablets, chewable tablets or suspension. The package is just one pill. The main purpose of this preparation is the blockage of the neuromuscular system of harmful microorganisms. After the adoption of the drug after a certain period of time, the worms are freely excreted from the human body. This tool operates regardless of the stage of development of parasites, in addition it helps to eliminate not only the type of worms like pinworms, but several other types.

A common occurrence is determined that in case of detection of worms in one person are most likely infected all the rest of the family. That is why the treatment must be assigned to all. This means you can take pregnant women and children, however, it is necessary to observe all precautions. Taking this medication can have side effects such as: diarrhea, fever, rash, allergies, vomiting, pain in the head, sleep disturbances.


This drug can be administered in order to make the treatment of pinworms in children under two years of age, in the earlier period the drug is not appointed. He is one of the most effective remedies for pinworms, can be in the form of tablets or suspension. To exercise the greatest caution in thepeople who have disorders of liver function. The main advantage of the drug is no need to follow a special diet or make additional funds.


The tool with the same effect struggling with different types of harmful microorganisms. The remedy is prescribed mainly to adults, but for children side effects also do not exist. The only difference of the use of funds from pinworms for young children: proper selection of dosage. The drug "Vermoxum" has no side effects in case of proper use, no more than the recommended period of time (average 3 days).


Dekaris is a good assistant in struggle against harmful Ascaris and other helminths, which live in the body of both child and adult. Recommended for different age groups. Make it need only one time, in the evening. If after repeated delivery of the analysis, discovered pinworms, the drug use a second time.

Treatment of pinworms in children up to one year. What drugs to take

In the event of the employee's child pinworms, it is better to avoid a panic condition. For the treatment of young patients it is possible to use tools such as:

  • Pyrantel,
  • Piperazine,
  • Medamin.

Treatment the child must be under the strict supervision of medical personnel and only with their permission. Treatment of pinworms is necessary to make not only to improve the condition of the child, guards him from the very unpleasant sensations, but also to prevent very serious consequences. Treatment of all family members is the most rational solution to this situation.

Precautionary measures

Almost every medication has several side effects. Drugs whose action is directed against pinworm, are no exception. Precautions in this case almost all of the funds are similar.

  • Do not take drugs of this type, in the case of violations on the part of the nervous system,
  • People who are diagnosed with chronic kidney failure, also prohibited the use of drugs,
  • Pay attention to the use of drugs to women in the state, or breastfeeding. In this case, without the advice of a qualified specialist is necessary.
  • You should carefully study the manual before use the product, because the manifestation of individual intolerance of any element of the drug.
  • Additional funds

Any therapy aimed at the destruction of harmful microorganisms determines the application is not only directly antigelmintnyj funds, but also some auxiliary components. It can be sorbents, as well as anti-inflammatory agents. To take a laxative after drugs against pinworms are not necessary.
The most pronounced symptom of pinworms is determined itching in the anal area, which increases in the evening. This is attributed to the fact that in this period the worms are active laying eggs. To minimize such feelings, it is possible to use Allergy drugs such as loratadine or Effective. The alternative can also serve as douche on soda basis.

The more dangerous parasites for kids?

In most cases, the symptoms of the development of harmful microorganisms, the child so small, that parents simply do not betray them. Should look closely and you can yourself determine whether you need to see a specialist on the issue of worms. There are a number of reasons why this disease can be dangerous and harm the health of the child.

A common problem in children identifies violations of the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Moreover, they are of a different nature: it may be constipation, diarrhea, and bloating. Child complains of pain in the abdomen, decreases the activity in General. Elements of life pinworms themselves are defined as very strong allergens, so if you are infected by harmful microorganisms can occur allergic reactions, and sometimes their symptoms are very severe.
Fatigue syndrome is also a signal that the body develops pinworms. The efficiency decreases, there is excessive fatigue without reason, greatly reduced appetite, thereby decreasing body weight. In girls, may occur inflammation of the bladder, diseases of the genital organs and even urinary incontinence at night.

Pinworm infection is characterized by another unpleasant symptom grinding teeth in sleep. This factor leads to depletion of tooth enamel, which is very difficult to treat.

Prevention of worms

The initial preventive action against the appearance of pinworms is banal washing hands, and to do it as often as possible. Especially children, as adults they are distinguished by an overwhelming desire to try everything to the touch.

You must also be sure to wash before eating all the fruit, vegetables and berries. The best solution is to douse them with boiling water. Water from the tap needs to be processed and clear, because inadequate cleaning can lead to the emergence of worms. It is also highly desirable to bathein unfamiliar waters. Contamination could even occur through the skin on the feet if you walk barefoot on the ground! Soil is a favorable environment for the development of helminths.

All products before use must be subjected to intensive heat treatment, for example, is not well enough cooked meat can cause worms. The salting of bacon, fish, or eggs is best left to professionals, because the wrong technology can lead to colonization of harmful microorganisms.