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Pinworms — Treatment pinworms folk remedies in children and adults

Small intestinal parasite the pinworm, in fact, very dangerous for the baby. The baby is suffering from severe itching in the anal area, feels periodic bloating, flatulence, anxiety from sleep disorders or even allergic rashes. Complications that causes the prolonged presence of worms in the body cause the disease enterobiasis. It provokes inflammation of the urinary system, asthma, and dysbiosis. Disposal and treatment enterobiasis long and tedious.

The traditional way, as a drug with the chemical composition, not always suits kids. Treatment pinworms folk remedies more gentle and has no side effects, rarely has contraindications. They can only be associated with allergies to components or herbs. But choosing natural products is so rich and varied that to give up this method is not necessary.

Pumpkin seeds from pinworms

The most popular and proven folk remedy enterobiasis in children and adults is, of course, recipes with pumpkin seeds. What is special about them? And why not use the pumpkin?

It is the seed that contains b vitamins, A and E, calcium and potassium, sodium, magnesium, iron and zinc. And that's not all the nutrients in its composition. The necessary amount of fats, carbohydrates and protein contributes to a large nutrient and energy value of the product. Helps pumpkin to cure and pinworms in adults and children. To begin with, like giving pumpkin seeds to children:

  • pumpkin with honey. Grind the seeds to pulp and add a tablespoon of homemade honey. This remedy pinworms children under 6 years should take 50 grams every day. To hold the enema through 3 hours after admission,
  • porridge with pumpkin seeds and milk from pinworms in children. Warm milk – 200 ml, seed – 200 grams. Mix in a blender and ready to give the child instead of Breakfast.
    How to treat pinworms in adults pumpkin seeds:
  • pumpkin and mugwort. The crushed wormwood and pumpkin seeds – 100 grams, pour vodka – 0.5 liters. Tincture will be ready in 10 days. Should drink 50 drops twice a day,
  • raw sunflower seeds. Preparing a slurry of 100 grams of seeds and 100 ml of olive oil. Eat on an empty stomach daily in the morning. It is recommended to eat only 3 hours,
  • garlic with pumpkin seeds. Pre-fry in the pan 200 grams of raw seed, minced garlic – 5 cloves in a blender. Leave for 12 hours. In the morning on an empty stomach to drink means 1 teaspoon.

Recipes abound, they can prepare their own meals. Only with caution should treat treatment pinworms pumpkin seeds in young children. In large numbers they are harmful to the stomach and intestines of the child.

Enema from pinworms

The traditional way of detoxification and elimination of intestinal parasites. Comfortable enema from worms is carried out in the usual home environment and does not require special skills. How is enema from pinworms:

  • herbal. Ingredients: wormwood, tansy, celandine. To prepare them you will need 60 grams of dry herbs 0.5 liters of boiling water. Keep on low heat for about 3 minutes. Leave for another half an hour to infuse. Allow to cool to room temperature. Duration of therapy is 10 days,
  • soda. In half a liter of warm boiled water dilute 10 grams of baking soda. Stir. The procedure to do before bedtime,
  • garlic enema. Choose milk or boiled water – 0.5 liter, 2-3 cloves of garlic for children, 5-6 for the treatment of pinworms in adults. Crushed garlic infused up to 6 hours. Repeat the procedure daily 1 time. Treatment not continue more than 2 weeks.

Takes enema from pinworms a lot of time. It is desirable to do in the evening to have the opportunity to visit the ladies ' room, immediately after that be sure to take a shower.

How you get rid of pinworms at home

Convenient treatment of folk remedies of pinworms and pinworms is best done at home. All components are on hand, and prepare medicinal medicinal drug yourself. All products are natural and fresh, do not contain chemical additives and unknown elements. Home treatment pinworms easy:

  • rice porridge. She prepares with the addition of components like ginger, cloves. At night you must soak the groats – 50 grams of boiling water. The next day drain the remaining water and put the rice to uvarivaetsja. In the finished porridge add the crushed cloves, dry ginger 2 tablespoons of each. To continue taking at least 6days',
  • olive oil and onions. Prepare a simple suspension of 115 g of usual chopped onions, a pinch of salt and 50 grams of butter. Reception — 3 times per day. Course duration – 6 days,
  • garlic juice. Squeeze a few cloves to make 1 teaspoon of tincture. Be sure to drink warm milk. Treatment pinworms – 3 days,
  • Unguentum Zinci. Apply on the area around the anus and the folds of the night. Morning all well washed. Repeat is not more than 14 days,
  • the seeds of the watermelon. With the help of a blender grind the seeds to get 3 tablespoons of powder. Take daily 2 times with a glass of water. You can see the result after a week,
  • carrot puree. Prepared in a blender from raw vegetables. It is possible to taste add a spoon of honey. Have daily for about a week.

Most of the recipes prepared by a few methods. In this case, you can store them as foods in the refrigerator or a cool dark place.

Folk remedy for pinworms in children

All recipes offered by green pharmacy, safe for baby, even the smallest. Options, how to withdraw and get rid pinworms folk remedies:

  • infusion of herbs thyme. Prepared in a sealed container or thermos. The boiling water – 200 ml and dry herb 2 tablespoons. Leave for 2 hours to infuse. Taken daily for 5 days,
  • oak bark with medicinal Valerian root famous. The crushed components, 1 tablespoon of each and pour boiling water. It will require about 200 ml. Leave on for 4 hours. To drink in the morning before a meal. After prepare the means of garlic cloves and 3 tablespoons of sunflower oil. Drink after 1 hour. The course duration is 10 days.

Caution should be taken to the recipes that contain garlic or onions. They are not always suitable for kids. Can cause problems with the stomach and digestion, can cause gastritis and heartburn.

Pinworms in adults: treatment of folk remedies

The elderly folk recipes offer not only teas, but the alcoholic tincture. Sometimes used cognac base. Children such funds is prohibited. Traditional recipes, how to treat pinworms in adults:

  • blueberries, honey, and elecampane. Elecampane root crush to obtain a powder which is 10 grams of blueberries make a paste – 10 grams honey – 2 tablespoons. The resulting composition is applied daily. An hour later, you must do an enema,
  • vaseline ointment. Essential tea tree oil – 2-3 drops, and a little paste of vaseline mixed and applied at night to the anus. In the morning rinse. Repeat 7 days,
  • fish oil on the brandy. 50 grams of each component. Drink 1 times a day on an empty stomach before bedtime. The treatment lasts 5 days.

You can use recipes designed for kids. The therapeutic effect they lose. Be aware that the number of doses per day, calculated on the child's body.

Pinworms: treatment of folk remedies children

Before carrying out the self-treatment, consult your doctor. A large number of parasites is dangerous for the baby. In case of complications it is better to use drugs from the pharmacy and folk remedies for the treatment of enterobiasis in children to use as auxiliary:

  • beet juice. Your home-made fresh juice taken on an empty stomach in the morning and before going to sleep for 100 grams. The length of treatment is 2 weeks,
  • wormwood. In half a liter of boiled water to brew a teaspoon of dried herbs. Leave for 4-5 hours in the room. Daily admission – 3 times before meals,
  • decoction of enterobiasis in children. Components: part hops, Hypericum, sage and chamomile, two of the caraway seeds, leaves, blueberries and sage. Grind in a blender. Pour 0.5 liters of boiling water 0.5 tablespoon of herbs. Leave for 15 minutes. The daily dose is half a Cup 2 times.

Don't forget to pass the examination with the child for the presence of pinworms, hand over analyses, to evaluate the results of treatment. Consult with your doctor.

How to treat pinworms in adults folk remedies

Untimely appeal to the doctor leads to complications in the form of enterobiasis or pinworm in the intestine. To cure the disease and its symptoms more difficult. We offer the following national treatment of enterobiasis in adults:

  • tincture of brandy. Ingredients: castor oil and good quality cognac 50 ml. Take before bedtime to 5 days,
  • alcohol tincture of birch. Buy or prepare yourself birch buds – 25 grams, fill with alcohol – 100 grams. Infuse miracle drink will be not less than 14 days. The daily dose is 20 drops 3 times. The course is not less than a week,
  • onion medicinal drink. Mush large bulbs filled with alcohol in equal amounts. 7 days to squeeze the juice out of the mixture and drink a tablespoon 2 times a day. The course of treatment – 5 days,
  • cider vinegar. Add 2 tablespoons of acid per Cup of warm water. Daily intake.

If the body's condition is not improving, it is better to consult a specialist for help. In chronic enterobiasis effectiveness of folk remedies is not proven.

Pinworms and pinworms prevention

Choose patients treatment pinworms home remedies or prefer pharmacy approved drug, they should understand that it is necessary, first, to warndisease. This requires preventing the spread of pinworms and disease enterobiasis:

  • daily change of bed and underwear,
  • taking a shower after the restroom,
  • trim the nails short,
  • heat treatment of clothing,
  • damp cleaning of premises.

It is important not only to independently practice good personal hygiene, but also to teach a child to this child. To tell him about the need of maintaining cleanliness, the possible consequences and diseases, which can lead to untidiness and dirt.