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Pinworms in adults — the Symptoms and treatment of enterobiasis in adults

Worms on our planet, long before the advent of not only Homo sapiens, but a person in General. They survived the dinosaurs, not washed them into oblivion the flood did not destroy the Ice age.

These creatures were so tenacious that have adapted to living in a different environment. Formed aquatic species of worms emerged excavation group, even ice. Most dodgy forms adapted to existence in other bodies, to put it simply become parasitic. In fact, why freeze in the ice, to forage in the swamp or mess around in the ground. It is much more convenient to live on all ready, in a pleasant damp and comfortable warmth.

One of the most famous and common helminths is the pinworm. And the resulting disease is called “pinworms”. Fossilized eggs of pinworms were found in the products of human activity, the age of which was 9000 years old. The first description was made by the Egyptians. The papyri on this subject Dating from the 15th century BC. The founder of medicine Hippocrates also took the opportunity to bring the parasite in the registry, and even a philosopher and thinker Aristotle did not disdain to classify helminths, and divided them into 3 subspecies where the first place took the pinworm.

Cause of disease

Enterobiasis in children and adults occurs when the eggs of worms get into their body. Infestation occurs through contact with an infected person. The carrier of the infection, often without knowing it, leaves eggs on household items, foods, clothing. Contact person will be contaminated with a high degree of probability.

Eggs ingested human, the larvae, which after a certain time grow into worms. Externally, the adults look like thin white thread with tapered ends. Size adult female up to 12 mm. Males are modest, their length does not exceed 7 mm.

The most beneficial place for the life of the worms is blind, small intestine and large intestine. Males females differ not only in size, they are responsible for procreation. Reaching maturity, they crawl out the anus and lay eggs in the perineum, where the humidity and temperature represent the ideal environment for laying. It happens mostly at night, when the sphincter muscles relaxed.

Females after the execution of parental duty are killed, their offspring and causes itching. The infected person is constantly scratching, holding up eggs under their fingernails. Then with food they are absorbed into the body. The circle is closed, it can break the only treatment.

Symptoms of enterobiasis

Symptoms of enterobiasis in adults depend on the General state of the infected and the degree of infestation. In most cases, the disease itself generally does not manifest and are diagnosed accidentally. As a rule, in case of outside inspection. If the disease is mild, it does not pose a threat to the life of the patient. More running enterobiasis in adults has the following symptoms:

  • itching in the anus,
  • constant flatulence,
  • frequent urination,
  • headache,
  • nervous disorder,
  • inflammation of the genital mucosa in women,
  • diarrhea,
  • troubled sleep.

According to the severity of the disease is divided into three groups: light, medium and heavy. Mild infestation is characterized by a complete lack of symptoms or minor symptoms. This means that the body has got a small number of pinworms, which can cause a lot of damage.

Stage of moderate severity has such features as intermittent itching in the anus, mild abdominal pain, dizziness. The strong form of the disease characterized by persistent itching in the perineum and anus, spasms in the abdomen, indigestion, frequent migraines.

Diagnosis of enterobiasis

Treatment of enterobiasis in adults begins with the diagnosis. Holding her does not represent special complexity. The preliminary stage of the study, you can clean it yourself to make it better in the morning.

The procedure is as follows: take a cotton swab, wound on a match or plastic rod, produce a scraping motion around the anus, and then placed in a closed container and get it analysed. The role of the tampon can perform a special adhesive tape which also should be attributed to the lab. For guaranteed diagnosis scraping should be performed at least 3 times.

Examination of feces for the detection of disease is an ineffective means due to the fact that the female worm do not lay eggs in the intestine and is used for skin, crawling out.

Be required to undergo examination for the presence of parasite needs workers preschoolinstitutions, school teachers, people who have been in places with poor sanitary conditions.

Treatment enterobiasis

As soon as the person showed enterobiasis, manifested symptoms and signs, treatment of adults and their families should begin immediately. To treat pinworms are not recommended. The surest way to get rid of infection is to go to the hospital. The doctor will prescribe treatment, prescribe the necessary drugs, determine dosage. If appropriate, propose treatment in a hospital.

In the treatment of enterobiasis using the following medications:

  • mebendazole – a drug that does affect the worms at the cellular level, which leads to irreversible consequences and death of the worm. The drug should be used 3 times a day for three weeks,
  • Pyrantel acts on the muscle fibers of the worm, causing their paralysis and death of helminth. The drug is safe, its application is possible during pregnancy and lactation,
  • albendazole acts on the digestive organs of nematodes, blocks the assimilation of glucose, which leads to cell destruction and death of the parasite. The drug affects the adults and larvae. To use it can both adults and children. The dosage is determined by your doctor and depends on the degree of invasion and the General condition of the patient.

When complicated forms of the disease use the drug “Ivermectin” in combination with “Mebendazole”. The first causes paralysis of worms, the second destroys its cells.

At the same time with the use of anthelmintic drugs is therapy aimed at the restoration of the intestinal microflora and its normal functionality. Cured, therefore the patient should three times to hand over the scrapings. Negative samples within two weeks showed complete healing.

Prevention of enterobiasis

Preventive measures in focal outbreaks carried out by the health authorities. Individual ways to prevent infestation are reduced to the following measures:

  • thorough hand-washing using soap and disinfectants, especially after using the toilet and before eating,
  • periodic clipping nails, getting rid of the harmful habit of nail biting,
  • the cleaning genital areas and the anus at least 2 times a day,
  • daily change of underwear. After washing, the pants must be ironed with the iron on the outside and the inner side,
  • sleeping in tight shorts,
  • cover left on the table food,
  • if you experience itching in the anus, you need to make soda enema rate of half a teaspoon in a glass of water.

Folk remedies

Has long been known for simple and effective remedies to get rid of pinworms. They can be used at home, but to rely on the old methods of pest control is not necessary. Be sure to visit the doctor and tested for centuries means to use the extra. To folk remedies to get rid of worms include:

  • the infusion of garlic. To prepare this remedy, take 3 cloves of garlic, pour 200 g of boiling water, insist 2 hours. Then, the resulting liquid is filtered and put enema. You have to a week,wormwood. Take approximately half tablespoon of herbs pour 0.5 liters of water, infused for six hours and taken orally 30 g before each meal, but no more than three times a day,
  • pumpkin seeds. Cure enterobiasis will help the following recipe: seeds are cleaned, crushed with a pestle, pour olive oil and mix thoroughly. The resulting slurry eat Breakfast on an empty stomach for 3 days.