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Enterobiasis analysis — Pass the right tests for pinworms

Lesions of intestine as well as cecum, Appendix, pinworms. When migrating parasites have inflammatory processes in the genital and abdominal organs, there is a malfunction in the respiratory tract. That's what it is: a disease enterobiasis. Before to be tested for pinworms and other parasites, a person can detect in the feces of the child or your own little white worms. Another reason to get tested for pinworms, is constant itching in the anus. This is the most obvious sign of the presence of worms in the body.

At full survey on enterobiasis analysis sometimes have to go again or in the morning. Just at this time is likely to determine the number of parasites and the duration of their life cycle within man. Therefore, it is necessary to prepare for, how to collect material for laboratory studies, timely tested for enterobiasis. It is necessary to study in detail what constitutes this worm infestation.

What is enterobiasis

The development of conventional acute lesions the worms can have consequences. Themselves pinworms are not dangerous in case of single infection, timely detection and correct measures to combat them. There is a possibility of re-infestation, samsarajade or increase the number of parasites in the body caused by other reasons. Here's the definition: what is enterobiasis. In this case, there comes a deterioration of General health status in an adult:

  • disorder of the gastrointestinal tract. The allocation of stool with blood or mucus,
  • dermatitises,
  • exacerbation of appendicitis,
  • allergic rashes in the external urogenital organs,
  • disorders of the Central nervous system. Dizziness, migraine, nervousness,
  • pain in region of navel, belly,
  • dry unexplained cough.

Most at risk are small, and children of preschool age, which are often transferred and infected with parasites. But even a weak immune system and inability to fight against the microorganisms that lead to more severe complications and consequences of enterobiasis:

  • dysbacteriosis. The partial or total disruption of pinworms intestinal flora,
  • incontinence,
  • dermatological disease. Caused by an allergic reaction from the immune system to foreign cells. Manifests itself as weeping dermatitis, eczema,
  • acute appendicitis. Occurs when the attainment of the adults in the cecum,
  • conjunctivitis. Lesion of the mucous membrane of the eye,
  • delay with subsequent mental, physical, and mental development,
  • diseases of the organs of the reproductive system in girls. Inflammatory processes in uterus appendages,
  • disorders of the respiratory system. Observed in the form of asthma, pneumonia, bronchitis.

In this case, the contact is inevitable. During the initial study of the skin of the patient and complaints of itching experienced doctor will suspect the presence of pinworms and will conduct primary research on enterobiasis by careful examination of the anus the presence of worms. Further examination will occur in the clinic and which tests for pinworms will need to pass, just tell specialist.

Scraping on enterobiasis

In this disease, the main and most important method of obtaining data about microscopy pinworms is perianal scrape. What analysis could show they were deprived of other types of known surveys. Let's start with the versatility. Easy-to-hold scraping on enterobiasis prescribed for both children and adult. One rule, in this case, you will need to remember: must carry out the procedure in the morning. Doesn't matter where it will happen in the clinic or home. Provide a suggested step-by-step instructions on how you need to spend scraping on enterobiasis self:

  • to prepare a sterile cotton stick a small piece of duct tape, a small glass vial,
  • before the procedure, take a shower, not to go to the toilet,
  • a cotton swab, dip in solution of glycerin and held in the anal area,
  • tape to stick on the anus and gently remove,
  • place the collected materials in the prepared dishes and take to the lab.

If scraping on enterobiasis was carried out too early, can move the vessel in the fridge. Keep in mind that the temperature inside the chamber should not be below +4°C, and storage time should not exceed 8 hours. Results can be obtained within a few hours. Possible re-test.

How to pass a stool for pinworms

To results no doubt from the doctors, before you pass a stool for pinworms, you should prepare carefully. It will take approximately 5 days:

  • diet. The exception of meat, heavyfatty foods, legumes, berries and vegetables that can affect the color of the fecal discharge. It is blueberries, beets, blackberries,
  • the prohibition of enemas, laxatives,
  • do not brush teeth. In the case of bleeding gums.

For pinworms, which defines analysis as coprogram, to take the material a snap. Need only a small transparent container, which is sold in any drugstore or issued in the clinic, accuracy. Consider in more detail the analysis on enterobiasis, and how to pass it correctly:

  • a small amount of feces going in the morning or the night before,
  • storage to use only a small glass dishes. If you do not have time to buy in advance, use any jar. Pre-sterilize it with boiling water,
  • bring immediately to the lab. If the fence material is held in the evening, put the closed dishes for a night in the fridge.

In the case of pinworms, the analysis of feces to determine the disease, such as pinworms can be quite effective. And eggs, and adult fertilized individuals can from the intestines to go along with the secretions.

A blood test for pinworms

This method of research on parasites is probably the most accurate. He immediately identifies explicit changes in the chemical composition of blood serum for the presence of inflammation and foreign cells in the body. What can determine the overall analysis of the blood for diseases like enterobiasis:

  • the increase in the number of eosinophils. They first determine worm infestation, parasites, allergic reactions to their presence. Normal their number in 1 ml of blood against the white blood cells should not exceed the rate of 5 %. When the disease parasites, their numbers can grow from 20% to 90%,
  • hemoglobin in humans is directly in red blood cells. In normal healthy humans, it ranges from 135 g/l to 145 g/l. His function is the supply of oxygen and removal of carbon dioxide from the lungs to the tissues of the body. But by lowering the level, which is caused by parasites, it provokes toxic poisoning. First and foremost, suffers from a lack of hemoglobin in the liver.

PCR analysis on enterobiosis

Methodology based on laboratory research, using the latest development of the polymerase chain reaction. Quite expensive, but accurate examination. How is the analysis of CPR for pinworms:

  • blood sampling from a vein,
  • the use of special enzymes to increase the structure of the obtained DNA of the parasite,
  • comparison of DNA samples studied in advance of the representatives from worms and analysis of the composition in the blood.

This method is characterized by accuracy of definition and sensitivity. It allows you to determine the type of infestation, stage of infection, the estimated number of parasites in the body and possible prognosis of the disease.

All the tests that pass on the definition of enterobiasis often can be misleading, since point out other disorders in the body. Therefore, parasitic diseases require repeated studies in the absence of obvious symptoms and an accurate result of the diagnosis.