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Pinworms — Symptoms, prevention treatment enterobiasis

The question is not idle. High-tech 21 century was marked by not one of the high-speed breakthrough in all fields of science and technology. A very unexpected and unpleasant surprise for the physicians was the return for neglected diseases. It seemed like cholera, chickenpox, measles, rubella and other diseases of mass destruction will forever remain only in the pages of medical textbooks. But where there. Among these diseases, the victory over which was incomplete is owned and enterobiasis.

Statistics from the world Health Organization is not happy. Every year this "surprise" from the distant past in Russia alone forces you to go to the doctors more than 1.5 million people. The lion's share of the patients are children of kindergarten and school age. Experts blame the uncontrolled migration of people, rampant noncompliance with sanitary and epidemiological requirements in the production of food, basic hygienic illiteracy of the population and other consequences of globalization of the world.

Meanwhile, proven ways to confront this unpleasant for children and adults the disease is acquired Russian medicine in the second half of the 19th century. But before I talk about them, you need a clear view: pinworms – what is it?

Small worm, Yes, angry. Enterobius

"Enterobiasis, what is it?"I will probably wonder for the reader who is familiar with medical terminology only on television advertising. And Latin enterobius vermicularis actually put it to a standstill. But it is found that the most confusing terminology dictionary aesculapian hiding simple diseases and their pathogens.

In this case the problem is caused by the pinworm. One of the most common naturally occurring parasites of the human body. Almost transparent whitish worm with pointed tips affects mostly the division of the large intestine. The first word of its scientific designation gave the name to the disease.

Despite the short two-month life cycle, this parasite is able to poison the existence of the patient for months, and even years. Nightly night itching in the anal area – means that fertilized females laid eggs are invisible to the naked eye the eggs. And if people scratched the itch, not washed his hands – re-infection is provided. The eggs of pinworms, remaining under fingernails can get into food and household items. Thus infected himself ensures their sustainability and further dissemination.

How to recognize the pest

The symptoms of the disease appear very noticeable to the victims of parasites. Itching and burning in the anal area is the main but not the latter.

Besides him there are so-called dyspeptic symptoms. They include loss of appetite, constant or periodic nausea, flatulence, and abdominal pain. All this directly affects the condition of the nervous system. Sleep disturbance and discomfort, increase irritability, lead to migraines. However, as the experts in this case, all individually and depends on many factors.

For the patient and his family (if we are talking about the baby) these symptoms – a guide to immediate trip to the clinic. Because the diagnosis of Enterobiasis and to prescribe effective treatment can only a doctor.

Pinworms – diagnosis what

Treatment enterobiasis begins not in the cabin of the doctor and in a laboratory with a microscopic of tissue in the perianal region. This is one of the most accurate methods of diagnosis. It is made to podbivaniya. Usually in the morning or, more rarely, in the evening. If needed, scraping may be repeated after three days. In the case of already started treatment, the study was conducted three weeks after the appointment of the drug to assess its effectiveness.
Additionally this can be used method of diagnosis is by adhesive tape. The results of imposing a known area has been under the microscope.
In some cases, may be appointed by the General analysis of blood. Like any other parasite – the pinworm releases in human body the products of its life, which naturally leads to his intoxication. Elevated levels of eosinophils in the blood may indicate the break of the body to expansion of the helminth.
On the basis of these indicators, the attending physician decides on the appointment of the necessary preparations.

Treatment enterobioza

Fortunately, to cure the "shameful" disease is not too difficult. Even before the weighty word said qualified doctors and pharmacists, their methods of expulsion of pinworms since the middle ages looking for folk medicine. The basic rate of the last made drainage therapy. Regular cleansing enemas with chamomile whose antiseptic and other medicinal properties are known since ancient times," was quiteeffective means. And in combination with garlic and cereal products in the diet not only contributed to the destruction of parasites, but also cleansing of the stomach and the motility of his work.
Medical science has gone the other way – medication. In its Arsenal a wide range of antiparasitic action of drugs, equally suitable for children and adults.

However, with regard to kids, doctors all over the world in one voice to convince the parents not to engage in the initiative. Not to run to the pharmacy for anthelmintic medication, making sure that the pinworms in a child really is. Otherwise, you can do it health serious damage. After all, with drugs, as with fire – not kidding.
Often the doctor recommends the patient to treat enterobiasis: adiantum, valkin, vermox, naftamonom or pieperazinom.
Kids infants and pregnant women are prescribed: flowers Artemisia Cina or pyrvinium pamoate.

The duration of treatment usually depends on the patient's condition at the time of treatment in the clinic and drug selection. The average medication takes up to 5 days, followed by a repetition after 4 weeks.

Prevention is the best remedy

The last half dozen years in narrow circles of specialists there is a hot discussion about: produced if I had been ill immunity to pinworms? But most of them do not venture to give this bill a positive response. Numerous laboratory studies it is not confirmed. Therefore, the most reliable means of prevention is hygiene.

On the territory of the Russian Federation found about 70 species of helminth parasites. Already referred to pinworms liver Fluke. And the path of contact with the human body all the same: through dirty hands. Hence, a simple but proven methods of protection.

  1. Always wash your hands before eating and not only. Especially after visiting the toilet, and travel on public transport. The lion's share of bacteria and parasites clinging to the hands of the future owner there.
  2. Teach to observe strictly the rule of her child.
  3. Refrain from street fast food. Other people's unwashed hands can be costly not only to you but to your entire family.
  4. Do not buy meat, sausages, fish and fish products on the market. As shown by studies of Roskomnadzor, in washings from waste such outlets contains a huge number of various pathogenic organisms. From the helminth eggs to bacteria.
  5. If possible, limit consumption of raw meat and raw fish (the main ingredient of sushi now popular).
  6. Don't forget about regular wet cleaning with disinfectants. The eggs of the pinworms can get in the house on the soles of shoes of any of the family members.
  7. Parasite eggs cannot tolerate high temperatures. If a family has a sick lot, all linens and clothing should be carefully ironed with a hot iron. A wet cleaning should be done at least once in 2 days. This will significantly reduce the risk of re-infection.
  8. If ill one of the members, antihelminthic drugs as a preventive measure have to take the whole family. The right medicine will be prescribed by your doctor.
  9. Make adjustments in your daily diet. In conjunction with prescribed medicines, garlic, dairy products with lactic acid bacteria and various cereals will only speed up the healing process.
  10. Getting rid of the disease, follow the item no 1.

All this may seem a truism. But they are saved from the problem and its consequences for generations. Therefore, we should not ignore centuries of experience. Whoever they should, they are worth nothing. But the health benefits and savings of money, time and nerves are tangible.