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Treatment of Giardia in a child — Giardia in the stool, methods for the treatment of giardiasis children

Intestinal parasites or Giardia. It is the name given to these small microorganisms, which affect, primarily, the small intestine. But to discover the results of their activity, though rarely, and biliary system.

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Giardia is often manifested in children and in infants from 3 months of age. They are special risk group of the penetration of parasites in the body.

Long impact on the child intestinal parasites starts to develop disease such as giardiasis, which affects the General condition, it becomes a source of injuries and disorders of the organs, exacerbates the symptoms of existing chronic diseases.

To successfully cure it, you will need to undergo a thorough examination, blood tests and confirm the diagnosis on the basis of which a specialist and prescribe the subsequent course leading to recovery.

Cysts and Giardia

How to look and differ from each other, these two varieties of the same parasite?

Every organism has its individual life cycle development, which is characterized by a change of conditions, stages and activity in the body.

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Giardia in the feces of the child can be detected in two forms:

intestinal, mobile. A sexually Mature adult, capable of reproduction. Has a pear-shaped structure, up to 18 micrometers in length. Giardia equipped with two cores, capable of division, 4 pairs of flagella and two medial, the main bodies. Its habitat are the walls of the small intestine. Here it feeds on the remnants of digested food.

These anaerobic organisms do not need oxygen to produce energy. When dividing to form trophozoites, excreted with feces and die,

fixed temporary cyst. The next stage of the life cycle of Giardia, which falls in the direct intestine. Under the influence of unusual conditions gradually becomes more dense shell and ceases to be active. In this form is excreted in feces into the environment.

Giardia cysts are source of infection of children. Giardia not sensitive to temperature changes. Die only at temperatures below 13 °C and above +60 °C. the Protective layer does not conduct ultraviolet sunlight and prevents the effects of chlorine solution.

Briefly consider the life path of this microorganism, Giardia leads to violations of organ systems, and the cyst – its carrier from one host to another. And the last representative of the lives almost everywhere except in salt water.

How do people become infected with Giardia parasites

After the cysts from the intestine into the surrounding environment, they even 3 weeks can be in the soil or a month and a half in the water. And all this time they are waiting for a new owner.

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Consider the main ways of hitting them in the body:

  • the objects of common use. The most common way of penetration of the parasites in the body of a child using toys, pencils,
  • plumbing. Many parents allow kids to drink unboiled tap water. And because the chlorine used in the purification system, does not affect the cysts, the introduction of even small amounts of fluid in the body triggers the infection,
  • rodents. Cellar rat, mouse, in private homes and even hamsters in pet stores are the vectors, intermediate hosts of Giardia future,
  • soil, sand. Playground, sandbox, where you can often see the feces of animals or their remains
  • fresh reservoir. Many people like to be around picnics, to swim. Even the livestock grazing occurs near small rivers. And because they also drink water, which is inhabited by microorganisms,
  • the raw fruits, freshwater fish, eggs, milk. Insufficient thermal impact on fruit, vegetables – a cause of infection. Do not forget that the skins are still germs and bacteria,
  • homeless animal. Four-legged friends of all children. Do not allow your child to wear on hands or limit his interaction with street cats and dogs,
  • seasonal insects. Especially in warm and hot seasons. Flies, beetles and mosquitoes often legs or to touch contaminated water or fecesmasses. Are not masters, but only carriers,
  • infected person. Direct contact with the skin of an infected adult or child with the items he was holding.

Causes of microorganisms abound. Most important, perhaps, is failure to comply with hygiene standards. Even the usual procedure is to wash hands, will help prevent parasites and subsequent treatment of the disease giardiasis in children and adults.

The symptoms of Giardia in children

Through the mouth the representatives of the cysts are in the stomach. Under the influence of gastric juice is freed from the dense protective shell and become a full – fledged parasites- Giardia. Migrate to the intestine and begin to repeat its cycle, which is not lost on the toddler.

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What are the first symptoms of giardiasis in children and infants can be observed:

  • the increase in temperature to 37,5 °C,
  • pain in the upper abdomen, near the navel,
  • periodic flatulence, bloating of the abdomen,
  • alternating constipation and diarrhea. And mucus stool,
  • restless sleep,
  • absence of appetite,
  • change of mood,
  • retching,
  • redness of the skin, symptoms of itching.

It's a clear sign of the inflammatory process and associated toxicity. But to make an accurate diagnosis of the disease as giardiasis, does not work, because the symptoms only manifest themselves after 9 days and prompt treatment in children parasites is carried out later. And during this time, adults already reaches the sexually Mature forms, gradually destroying the body.

Chronic giardiasis

Advanced stage of late detection of the disease. At this stage, the strengthened specimens Giardia from a small, exhausted child's disease, not only affect the state of the intestine, but bile ducts.

Characterized by severe signs of the disease:

  • temperature spikes to 38 °C. mainly in infants,
  • refusal to eat,
  • the weight loss,
  • frequent diarrhea,
  • dry persistent cough, difficulty breathing,
  • rashes all over the body, severe itching,
  • bad breath and swollen tongue,
  • the appearance of the dead sites in the region of the corners of the mouth,
  • in the liver possible pain symptoms,
  • visible swollen lymph nodes.
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It is only those symptoms which you can define yourself at home. And only an experienced doctor will be able to conduct a qualified inspection with the subsequent medical examination. That can show, in turn, the appearance of related complications of established disease, treatment is to be implemented together with existing agent, as giardiasis in children.

What violations lead parasites:

  • gastrointestinal tract dysbiosis, pancreatitis, dysentery, salmonellosis,
  • integument. Allergic effects, such as urticaria, eczema, atopic dermatitis,
  • respiratory system: asthma, bronchitis, and pneumonia,
  • the biliary system: cholecystitis, liver enlargement.

Such effects and many more. Most of them can go into acute and chronic forms.

Threat giardiasis for the smallest, babies. It can cause developmental delays, manifestations of underdevelopment.

Tests for Giardia

Conduct a full examination and identification of causes for deterioration of the health of the baby takes place in a more gentle way than in adults:

  • the standard study of the intestinal material. Determines the presence of cysts and Giardia in the stool. The fence is home, sure in the morning. In a special glass container, which can be purchased at any pharmacy, personally transferred to the laboratory,
  • duodenal microscopic method of research. Is only in children from 10 years. Introduction into the duodenum of the small probe, which triggers the secretion necessary for the analysis of bile,
  • the polymerase chain reaction. To pass the test it is necessary to conduct blood sampling in children. The essence of the research: the organism is quickly determined on any stretch of DNA using a highly sensitive technology,
  • enzyme immunoassay a laboratory study of the antibody of the acute form of the disease, when IgM result indicates the presence of cysts, and chronic – IgG, detected Giardia. Coloring agents can detect parasites.
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For confidence in the correctness of the obtained results, it is recommended to undergo some tests at the same time and repeat them in a few days. Only in this case you can be absolutely sure. And then only a specialist will help you select the right course to treat giardiasis and its consequences.

Make sure that you follow the instructions, immediately start to implement all of the testimonydoctor's.

Diet for giardiasis

Before you treat any disease, the necessary preliminary preparation. Special diet for giardiasis is necessary. It will reduce the amount of consumption of energy for parasites products and items.

The more manifest Giardia, the longer you should stick to the recommended diet:

  • eating at least 6 times a day. The intervals between them – 4 hours,
  • small portion,
  • a large amount of protein,
  • complete exclusion of carbohydrates. Permitted only honey,
  • natural juices without sugar,
  • milk products,
  • all types of porridge,
  • greens, savory fruits and vegetables,
  • lean meat,
  • low-fat soups,
  • forbidden pastries, white bread. Resolved to take bran.

Do not use condiments and sauces. Sweets is strictly prohibited. Dietary supplements and other types of additives will not help.

Treatment of giardiasis in children

That offers modern medicine?

Naturally, intensive and complex treatment of the disease giardiasis, and related issues in children and infants takes a lot of time. It all depends on the time of infection, number of parasites, the complications that they caused and the age of the little patient. Usually prescribe several types of medications.

To start with the sorbents. "Smectite". To cope with dysbiosis, restores the mucous membrane of the stomach, reduces, but not eliminates completely from Giardia in the intestine. You can even take infants and children from birth.

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After the body is prepared for the process of the treatment, proceed to the next stage – the process of deliverance.

It happens using several different, based on age categories of drugs:

  • babies under 1 year", Intetrix". The tool used in the fight against single-celled microorganisms. Daily dose of half a tablet 3 times a day. Children from 1 year to 7 years tablet 3 times a day. 7-14 years – 1.5 tablets also 3 times a day. Feature of: after eating. Course duration – 10 days,
  • babies from 2 months to appoint a "Nifuratela". Daily dose morning and evening for 15 mg per kilogram of body weight of the child. Duration of reception – 7 days,
  • children from 1-3 years it is possible to apply the "Enteral". Daily dose – 1 capsule in the morning and before bedtime. Course duration – 5 days,
  • "Macmiror" is recommended from 2 years. Accepted at the rate of 15 mg per 1 kg of body weight 2 times a day. To continue treatment is needed 7 to 10 days.

After a difficult getting rid of giardiasis requires comprehensive restoration of the child's body.

To do this, apply vitamin complexes and preparations containing beneficial bacteria, immunomodulators:

  • 1 year of baby's life – "Enteral»,
  • 6 years appoint "Polyoxidonium", "Limited»,
  • teenagers from 14 years – "Bion 3" and others.

And only after accurate execution of all the items involved in treatment, the long-awaited recovery of the child. Then again to be examined to verify the absence of giardiasis in the body.