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Giardia in the liver — the Treatment of giardiasis, symptoms and causes

Human infection by bacteria and viruses quickly manifests itself in different symptoms. But there is a "quiet" enemies, which are difficult to detect, and the damage they cause is huge. This protozoa — parasites. There are many types of such beings, they dwell in different organs. Especially dangerous Giardia in the liver. This body gets a big load, and infection of protozoa leads to the fact that can greatly hurt the entire body.

Lyamblii v pecheni — Lechenie lyamblioza, simptomy i prichiny

The danger of the disease

The defeat of Giardia is called giardiasis. This is a very dangerous disease. The simplest, settling in the human body, eat with him, so nutrients internal organs get smaller. Parasites secrete toxic substances in the course of their life are absorbed in the blood. Toxins affect the nervous system, especially in children. Also strongly affects the whole digestive system.

Threat giardiasis liver that diagnose it very difficult. A person can be treated for many years from other illnesses with varying degrees of success, but it will continue until you have identified parasites in liver. Giardia reproduce constantly with incredible speed, so infected is not only one man but his environment, his house. Curing the disease is difficult, it is easier to prevent infection, one must know the ways of transmission of parasites.

The possibility of infection

Giardia exists in two forms, which differ significantly from each other:

  • vegetative,
  • cyst.

These forms represent the life cycle of the parasites. Vegetative Giardia lives in the intestine, liver, actively feeding on the internal juices of the body and multiplying. When injected into the colon Giardia transferred to the stage of the cysts, that is covered by a protective sheath. Then all eliminated from the body with feces.

In the natural environment survive only cysts, they can survive outside the body of host for a few months. With food, water, the cyst re-enters a living organism. Protective shell securely protects it from the action of gastric juice and bile of the pancreas. The parasite safely reaches the intestines, there passes in an active vegetative stage, everything is repeated again.

Lyamblii v pecheni — Lechenie lyamblioza, simptomy i prichiny

You can become infected in numerous ways. Through the mouth – after drinking water with cysts, Zagrebnov when bathing in unclean water. You can eat unwashed fruits and berries. Upon contact with the media. Cysts survive well on the items, so catch in the transport, if you use other people's hygiene, clothes, toys.

Giardiasis hurt many animals. When dealing with them most infected children. They love to kiss animals in the face, allow to lick my face, which is a direct by insemination cysts.

The manifestation of the disease

Infestation by parasites is difficult to detect, it is necessary to seek the diagnosis to the experts, who identify the disease and determine how to treat. Adult continuing headaches, insomnia, irritability. Can bother lowering blood pressure, sometimes loss of consciousness. Pains in the navel area and lower abdomen.

Symptoms of Giardia in the liver:

  • tongue coating yellow in color,
  • flatulence, rumbling in the abdomen,
  • the increase in liver size and seal.
Lyamblii v pecheni — Lechenie lyamblioza, simptomy i prichiny

Without proper and timely treatment, the disease becomes chronic. Then with the digestive system, there will be constant disorders – constipation, diarrhea, nausea, belching. The skin will also react to the intoxication of the organism. The patient will torture rashes, blisters, itching. The color of the skin, especially of the palms and soles, will change, become red – brown shade.

The General condition will deteriorate to the extent that, as in the pathological process will include other internal organs. In adults, significantly increased lymph nodes, a few days can stay fever for no reason. In the mouth there is a bitter aftertaste, worsening appetite, is weight loss.

Signs of giardiasis in children

In children infected with parasites very quickly. The little kids all pulling in the mouth, sucking your fingers – it's much easier getting protozoa in the body. Symptoms of giardiasis in children are somewhat different.Infection may occur in contacts with the media, as well as breast milk.

Symptoms of infection in children:

  • constant colds,
  • a severe Allergy to even a small allergen,
  • the lag in growth and development,
  • poor appetite,
  • constant nasal congestion,
  • grinding the teeth at night,
  • lethargy, sleep disturbance.
Lyamblii v pecheni — Lechenie lyamblioza, simptomy i prichiny

If the body of a small child is a large number of parasites that can develop in the acute phase of giardiasis. Start temperature to rise, especially in the evenings, there will be strong nausea and vomiting, the stool will be greasy with fetid odor. The diagnosis can only physician, taking into account the symptoms and findings.

Diagnostic examination

To diagnose "Giardia in the liver" help no symptoms and tests. After all, to identify parasites is very difficult, because this disease has no typical signs. All manifestations of giardiasis are similar to other diseases. But if the parents found at least some symptoms similar to Giardia in children, it is better to err and to go to the doctor. It should be borne in mind that the child cannot always determine the location of the pain, need to rely on other symptoms.

Lyamblii v pecheni — Lechenie lyamblioza, simptomy i prichiny

To determine if Giardia in the liver is carried out immunological examination. It detects antigens of Giardia in the stool, a specific antibody in the blood serum. Helps to detect Giardia, a special sensing, which examined the duodenal contents (juices of the duodenum, pancreas mixed with digestive juices of the stomach). Also examines the stool for eggs cyst.

Sometimes additionally prescribe common blood test, inspect the pancreas and the liver Giardia by means of ultrasonography, conduct computer diagnostics. Change in the liver can be detected upon delivery liver samples for biochemical heptagrama. It is likely that this broad survey will be able to identify parasites.

Medical action

Getting rid of the parasites is carried out in the complex. Competent treatment can choose only an experienced, self-medication can cause harm to delay the disease. Basic therapy is carried out solely with medications, the recovery phase can be applied by traditional medicine.

At the beginning of treatment, the conditions that prevent the reproduction of Giardia. To do this, appoint choleretic agents, enterosorbents and antihistamines – this allows you to enhance the production of enzymes and enhance immunity. The patient should follow a diet that is to limit carbohydrates, increase protein.

Lyamblii v pecheni — Lechenie lyamblioza, simptomy i prichiny

Further treatment is carried out antiparasitic drugs that are detrimental effect on Giardia. Also, the overuse of decongestants and enterosorbents. At the final stage of treatment is necessary to boost immunity, so it can inhibit the growth and spread of the parasites. This is done through diet, which should contribute to the normalization of intestinal motility.

During treatment can be serious side effects, vomiting, allergies, abdominal pain, neurological disturbances. This is due to the strong action of antiparasitic drugs and toxic content of dead parasites. After about 3 days these symptoms are.

Prevention of infection

To detect and bring the simplest out of the body very difficult. Giardia in the liver can easily adapt under the environment and tolerate adverse conditions. But can not get infected is the surest way to combat protozoan parasites of all kinds. Preventive measures can protect people from such intrusion.

Lyamblii v pecheni — Lechenie lyamblioza, simptomy i prichiny

Since childhood it is necessary to inculcate the cult of purity. After the street, after talking with animals and for every occasion you need to wash your hands or use antibacterial means. 2 minutes spent on the cleanliness can protect us from the long struggle with the parasites. In children it is useful to form the correct sense of disgust that will not allow them to become infected from the animals, and help to observe cleanliness of body and clothing.

Regular wet cleaning of the apartment is not a relic of the past. So you can safely get rid of the Giardia cysts that fall from the street and are carried on clothing. It is necessary to deal with cockroaches and flies, which are often carriers of cysts of parasites. Upon detection of giardiasis should be immediately treated and monitored for the presence of parasites immediate environment.