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Analysis of Giardia As necessary to pass tests for giardiasis, tips

In the body of modern man can penetrate several hundred parasites that cause terrible consequences. But most often the infection of the subject children, as the child's body is not fully formed and the immune system is not as strong as that of an adult. One of the most common childhood diseases associated with the parasite is giardiasis, caused by the penetration into the body of parasites type Giardia.

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What is Giardia and how they are infected?

According to statistics, 7% of the world population are infected with this disease and if we are talking about children, we can say that every fifth child is infected with lambiaso in varying degrees of severity.

This disease occurs as a consequence of non-compliance with elementary rules of personal hygiene, drinking contaminated water or poorly washed vegetables and fruits. Habitats of parasites are the small intestine of man, and when injected into unfavorable for its existence in the environment they do not die but are transformed into cysts, which are covered by its own sheath and removed from the body along with the feces. Cysts are very viable and can survive up to a month in water at temperatures up to 20 degrees or up to three weeks in the stool. But, for example, the boiling kills them instantly, and the temperature is over 60 degrees — 5-10 minutes.

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Symptoms of infection with labiosa

Once in the human body cysts develop in Giardia, which spread rapidly through the digestive tract of humans. Depending on the degree of penetration this process has the following symptoms:

  • alternating constipation with diarrhea,
  • abdominal pain,
  • bloating, flatulence,
  • nausea, vomiting,
  • fervescence,
  • General weakness, deterioration of sleep.

In some hospitals, the diagnosis of giardiasis?

Where to get tested? Depending on personal preferences You can go to any private or state hospital or a laboratory, or a specialized diagnostic center. From Your chosen place of testing depends only on the cost and long queues.

Methods of diagnosis of giardiasis

Tests for Giardia performed mainly by using blood tests and feces of patients. Each of them has its own peculiarities of preparation and interpretation of results. Let's look at how to test for Giardia in each case?

Preparation for testing

How to pass a blood test for Giardia? This issue is of interest to all parents, it is therefore necessary to clarify the conditions for a correct diagnosis:

  • for the week before to be tested for Giardia it is necessary to exclude reception of all anti parasitic drugs,
  • you cannot load the body physical exercise the day before and on the day of testing,
  • the day before the examination to eliminate from the diet all fatty, spicy and fried food,
  • you can donate blood on an empty stomach.
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How to detect Giardia in the blood?

If a person has Giardia, then it will say the blood test. The presence in the body of Giardia is evidenced by the presence of antibodies IgM and IgG. If the person is infected, the body begins to produce these antibodies which is the indicator of the presence of parasites. But this method is not perfect, as it shows accurate results only after 1-3 weeks of infection and antibodies in the patient's blood can be detected within six months after recovery, making the treatment process is not entirely objective and correct.

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The study of feces

Stool for Giardia is a more precise method of diagnosing the presence of parasites in the body, but also has a number of features which need to know. First of all, it is worth considering that a single stool for giardiasis does not always give the correct result.The fact that the cysts are excreted from the body is not uniform, and with different intervals in time, so a negative result for their presence in the stool once is not exactly a guarantee about the absence of them in the body.

Therefore, this analysis should be conducted at least 3 times at intervals of 3-4 days.
The important point in the diagnosis in this way is the correct collection of fecal material. The chair should be collected in a special container for biological material, supplied with a spatula from different places of the stool.

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Capacity must be sterile and opened immediately before testing. Violation of these conditions may lead to incorrect results of the study. To deliver the material to the laboratory preferably within 20 minutes after collection, because over time it is possible to see mobile form Giardia. At the expiration of this period, but not later than 2-3 hours in the stool identifitseerida cysts. Exceeding this time period lead to critical reduction of the reliability of test results, making their implementation ineffective. If you put in the required period of time is impossible in advance to take in the lab a special preservative, which enable a longer time to preserve fecal specimen.

Typically, doctors prescribe comprehensive tests for Giardia in young children and adults to obtain full and reliable picture of the disease, if present.

Prophylaxis of giardiasis

It must be remembered that to prevent parasites in the body, including Giardia much easier than to treat them. A key rule to prevent sources of infection in the body is the observance of basic personal hygiene. You also need to consider the fact that if giardiasis found someone of Your family members, it is obligatory to use separate utensils, items of personal hygiene and disinfection of common areas.