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Protozoan cysts — What is protozoan cysts: pictures and definition

Protozoa – single-celled forms of microorganisms which feed on organic substances present in cells. Can you imagine a small colony. Mostly small specimens, and is well recognized by microscopic examination. Functions of microorganisms in the ecosystem are to defeat and the transfer forms as protozoa cysts, other representatives. Parasites are single-celled and affect animals and humans. Manifest helminths protozoa in stool in temporary storage or final master.

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Causes of protozoan cysts

The Kingdom protozoa representatives of microorganisms that affect human, quite a lot. They all have different structures, behaviors and bodies localization.
What is the simplest cyst? This is one of the stages of development of the parasite, which appears when moving from one host to another, and is a form of resting.

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Persist in the environment until the moment of infection different classes of protozoa:

  1. flagellates. Representatives: Giardia, Trichomonas,
  2. sporozoa. Individual Toxoplasma gondii,
  3. ciliate. Parasite ʙalantidij,
  4. sarkodie. Entamoeba histolytica.

Each of these simple cysts are the sources of infection and subsequent growth and development of the parasite in the body.

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Protozoan cysts: infection

How does the penetration of microorganisms into the body until the discovery of cysts in the feces.

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Consider the main sources and parasites that cause severe disease, infecting person:

  • the cysts of Giardia. Under adverse conditions goes into spore form and can be excreted from the anus together with the stool for further development in the new host. Infection occurs from rodents, Pets, through the soil, fresh water, fruits and vegetables,
  • tissue cysts of Toxoplasma. This kind of spore forms of the existence of parasites. Penetrate the human body through contact with stray animals when eating poorly cooked meat. Recorded in medical institutions of blood transfusion, from infected mother to fetus,
  • cyst of ʙalantidij. Enters the body through herbal products, contact with farm animals, farms,
  • the cyst of an amoeba. This form, when the future is a parasite in the resting stage. Resistant to chlorine-containing substances, high temperatures and dry climate of the external environment. Are in fruits, vegetables, herbs. Are transmitted sexually by anal. Flies and roaches are often carriers of amoebas,
  • the cysts of Trichomonas. Contamination by air from person to person.
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The trophozoite is one of the stages of development of the crawlers have formed from the sporozoite and turning then to schizont

Here's how simple the future simple organisms begin their life cycle. But only on the process of infection, their activity ends. They continue to develop and grow inside a person, contributing to the weakening of his immune system and leading to serious consequences and violations.

Cysts in the stool: symptoms and diseases

If, during a routine medical inspection, stool test identified cysts, it is necessary to consult a specialist. This requires urgent intensive treatment. What diseases and symptoms can trigger parasites.

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Giardiasis. Trigger the disease – Giardia. Symptoms: temperature 38°C, swollen tongue, allergic rashes, swollen lymph nodes, keratinized part of the skin near your mouth. No less dangerous and effects: nervous system disorders, allergic reactions, enteritis, cholecystitis, dysbacteriosis, a pancreatitis, enlargement of the liver.
Toxoplasmosis. Toxoplasmosis is caused by parasites. Characteristic manifestations: enlargement of the liver, temperature up to 39°C, the deterioration or complete lossof vision, migraine. After a long course of disease is observed paralysis the onset of coma. In newborns, the lack of physical and mental development, death.
Trichomoniasis. Source – Trichomonas. Manifests itself in burning, itching, discharge men and women. Leads to prostatitis infertility.

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Amoebiasis. Characterized by activity in the body and the colon amoebas. Against the background of helminths appear disease and symptoms are: dysentery, indigestion, bloody stool with mucous secretions, impaired function of the brain with subsequent encephalitis. Gradual anemia, weakening of the immune system.
Balantidiasis. Symptoms of infection with the parasite ʙalantidij lead to the fact that the person has a liquid bloody stools with mucus, ulcerative colitis, hemorrhoids, dysentery, rectal prolapse. The cases of a lethal outcome.

Tests for the presence of cysts of protozoa

Alone to make the diagnosis and determine further treatment is not necessary. Better for an accurate diagnosis in specialized clinics in laboratory conditions. To determine the simplest must undergo a series of tests on microorganisms:

  • duodenal intubation. The use of a special probe that is inserted through the esophagus and reaches the duodenum, the bile ducts. To fence material of gastric juice and bile,
  • the stool test to determine the cysts. Laboratory the morning of discharge the patient for the presence of cysts, eggs and parasites themselves individuals,
  • proctosigmoidoscope. Often carried out if you suspect parasites and the symptoms they cause. Prescribed for hemorrhoids, rectal prolapse. If the patient has stool with mucus and blood discharge. The procedure is performed using a special device consisting of a metal tube, anoscope, light bulbs and other supporting elements, which are introduced in the anus for inspection.
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And only after the confirmation of the class and species of parasite, the doctor will prescribe medications appropriate to the stage and prolong the duration on the background of helminth diseases.

Treatment of cysts of protozoa

Depending on the microorganism, which was discovered in the course of the study, begins a long treatment. All protozoa must be removed from the human body, including their cysts, and eggs. The entire period of completion of the course, the patient is monitored in the form of analyses and forecast compliance with treatment disease.

"Fasigyn". A strong de-worming medications. When amebiasis daily intake of 600 grams of 2 times. The duration of treatment is 5 days. Giardiasis – 2 grams once. Repeat for 7 days. From trichomoniasis 150 mg 3 times a for 5 days.

«Trichopol.» From Protosenya infections. If trichomoniasis – 250 mg 2 times a day. The course is 10 days. From giardiasis – 500 mg 2 times a day Course – 10 days. When amebiasis – 1.5 grams 3 times. Duration – 5 — 10 days. Against balantidiasis prescribed daily intake is 750 mg 3 times. Treatment to 6 days.

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"Dekaris". From toxoplasmosis daily intake is 150 grams a time. Course duration – 3 days. Repeat therapy in 1 week.

«Metronidazole.» Trichomoniasis involves receiving daily 250 mg – 400 mg 2 times per day. The course is 10 days. From Giardia is prescribed course of 5-7 days. Daily dose – 500 mg 2 times. Amoebiasis is treated with 10 day course. Daily dose – 1.5 grams 3 times. From balantidiasis the length of treatment is 6 days. Daily dose – 750 mg 3 times.

These drugs not only eliminates the diseases, sources of parasites, but also removed the consequences to which they lead. In rare cases, restore the original function of a healthy bowel.