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Roundworms — intestinal Worms symptoms and treatment of roundworm in adults

For all parasites round worms, including the common representative Ascaris, characterized by the penetration in the human body, lose important systems and organs, toxic effects on the body. Like other varieties of worms, Ascaris causes many diseases related to the gastrointestinal tract, respiratory and Central nervous system, organs like liver, pancreas and others. All this is due to the fact that the parasites are able to migrate through the bloodstream and lymph nodes, get into the subcutaneous fat and muscles.

Askaridy — Glisty simptomy i metody lecheniya askarid u vzroslyh

Time to detect roundworm of the ordinary man means to save him from the accompanying consequences. And the most important thing is to prevent complications of the disease Ascariasis. Timely detection and proper treatment of worms will lead to full recovery.

Ascaris human

The inhabitants of the small intestine, and freely migrating not only the gastrointestinal tract but throughout the body, roundworms are a kind of parasites. What about roundworm?

The surface of the Ascaris, its epithelium forms a multilayered protective shell, which is necessary for the parasite to avoid exposure to gastric juice and damage to the remains insufficiently digested food. 10 layer kind coating reliably provide the Ascaris security and in the interaction with cells and walls of the organs.

Askaridy — Glisty simptomy i metody lecheniya askarid u vzroslyh

The inner part consists of the muscles that extend along the entire body. The senses expressed by the special tubercles, and the nervous system are presented in the form of nerve clusters, ganglion. At the end of the parasite is the intestinal tract in the form of a tube. In the middle intestine is the absorption of necessary for the growth and reproduction of nutrients that get roundworm from the remnants of the human diet. It is therefore very important in the treatment of parasites to limit yourself in food and to follow a strict diet.

The female has characteristic features: 2 ovary, uterus and unpaired vagina. A day Ascaris is able to allocate up to 240 thousand eggs. Length is up to 40 cm, Males smaller, up to 25 cm Has a distinctive sexual characteristics, such as the testis and the VAS deferens.

Infection with Ascaris

Parasitic round worms prefer to stay in one medium. It is to him they come as larvae and remain throughout its life cycle, feeding, breeding within the same person. How are worms in children and adults? Regardless of the warning and preventive measures, regular personal hygiene, the parasites enter the body:

  • both domestic and stray street animals are carriers of many bacteria and worms through the skin,
  • seasonal insects, such as beetles, flies, wasps, mosquitoes and other too are a threat,
  • water treatment in the river or lake, the pool or the beloved of the bath – the perfect habitat for parasites,
  • playgrounds with sand, suburban areas and lawns. Be careful. Strictly prohibited to walk barefoot, work in the garden or yard without the protection of skin and hands,
  • dirty public places. Avoid common composting toilets, dressing rooms, dirty dining,
  • raw fruits, vegetables, citrus,
  • seafood and milk products, eggs, cottage cheese should be purchased with caution only from bona fide sellers,
  • you cannot use items of personal individual hygiene, even towels and combs.

Even poorly washed utensils at a party or gift, which held the carrier of roundworm that can become a cause of worms. Always try to handle your hands after walks, work, handshakes and other daily familiar and seemingly safe actions.

The symptoms of roundworm in children

Little newborn baby is not exposed to worms. The immune system protects against contact with the body of parasites. Also contributing to the protection and the fact that baby equipment is regularly treated with boiling water, the clothes is processed thermally, to care used only antibacterial special tools.

But the children after 1 year, which learning objects to touch and taste the toys, the crayons, especially it concerns the period of teething, may be infected.

treatment of ascarids in adults" title="Roundworm — Worms symptoms and treatment of roundworm in adults" />

How to determine what children have intestinal worms roundworm:

  • complaints of pain in the abdomen,
  • not associated with aging weight loss,
  • failure or noticeable reduction meals,
  • abdominal distention,
  • periodic diarrhea,
  • possible vomiting,
  • itching in the anus,
  • involuntary nighttime urination while sleeping,
  • interrupted sleep,
  • periodic gnashing of teeth.

Every this symptom suggests that the child has health problems. So be sure to contact an experienced children's doctor to undergo a full examination and testing.

Ascariasis in adults

People gradually cease to pay sufficient attention to their health. This is caused by the long working day, it's too difficult living conditions, lack of time and energy. Increasingly self involved, not even knowing that many diseases have similar symptoms, but the consequences are different.

This also applies to roundworms, treatment which symptoms are often mistaken for ordinary food poisoning. The result is the deterioration of the existing signs and manifestations more severe. Not to be mistaken, we must remember how to identify the ascariasis in adults.

Askaridy — Glisty simptomy i metody lecheniya askarid u vzroslyh

Look at common symptoms of the disease:

  • unbearable pain in region of navel, belly,
  • heartburn and belching,
  • vomiting frequent urination, constant nausea,
  • diarrhea. Possible fecal spotting and blood clots,
  • the release of large amounts of saliva,
  • weakness, fatigue, alternating with irritability,
  • redness, rashes on the skin,
  • attacks of dry cough and dyspnea,
  • convulsion,
  • Strong dizziness and loss of consciousness.

What symptoms may lead a small worm of Ascaris class. But this is only the beginning of its effects on the bodies.

Dangerous parasites roundworm

Not all clearly understand and recognize how human Ascaris threat. Taking many medicines can only aggravate the existing symptoms. And if you do not address to the expert, the poisoning can lead to unpredictable and irreparable consequences:

obstructive jaundice. Swelling and inflammatory processes in the biliary tract, entering the bile into the blood. Causes an unpleasant taste of bitterness in the mouth, gives the skin a yellow tinge, appear capillaries,

  • liver abscess. The formation of suppurative inflammation in the body increase in size. Accompanied by a temperature of 38C, pain under right rib,
  • peritonitis. Inflammation of the abdominal cavity,
  • appendicitis. Serious, requiring surgery inflammation,
  • coronary heart disease, hemorrhages,
  • pneumonia, bronchitis, asthma,
  • tuberculosis.
  • meningoencephalitis. A dangerous process in which there is inflammation of the meninges of the brain, with possible consequences in the form of paralysis,
  • epileptic seizure. Impaired motor mechanisms, suddenly manifested seizures,
  • full or partial violation of the auditory, optic nerve,
  • Ascaris unisinos is the cause of tumors of the intestine, stomach,
  • in the nasopharynx appear tumors, cysts, adenoma.
Askaridy — Glisty simptomy i metody lecheniya askarid u vzroslyh
Roundworm absolutely silently penetrate into the body, and equipping within it, provoke a lot of diseases

Almost all parasites move around the body, gradually poisoning all the organs and important significant systems normal functioning of the body.

Tests for roundworm in the body

To get qualified antiparasitic treatment, it is necessary to exclude the presence of other worms in addition to Ascaris, examination. Referral to a specialist or independently tested, using the services of one of proven private pay clinics:

  • standard a feces on eggs of Ascaris. In the early stages, the possibility of obtaining a reliable result may not give. But worth a try. For the procedure acquired a special Cup, a fence of Kal is done in the home beforehand. The result for the lab,
  • total traditional blood test. Here only a doctor can determine the deviation indicators, which indicate the presence of parasites or infection in the body,
  • immunological analysis of blood on antibodies: IgE, IgG. A positive result indicates that the parasites in the body is.
Askaridy — Glisty simptomy i metody lecheniya askarid u vzroslyh

Identification of ascariasis can be added still and x-rays. But all of the above data and so will give a complete answer about the presence or absence of infection with worms.

Treatment of roundworm

Recovery will take some time, especially if the parasites identified onthe early stages of exposure.

It will be enough to take drugs and pills for worms on the advice and recommendations of the doctor:

  • «Albendazol.» Not for children under 2 years of age. Adults – 50 mg 2 times a day. Daily dose for children 2 to 10 years – 25 mg,
  • "Dekaris". Can not be applied to children under 14 years. A single adult dosage is 150 mg, teen – 2,5 mg per 1 kg of body weight,
  • «Pyrantelum.» A single dose of. 10 mg per 1 kg of weight,
  • "Piperazine citrate" and others.
Askaridy — Glisty simptomy i metody lecheniya askarid u vzroslyh

If roundworm require special treatment, and the symptoms point to it in the form of complications, you must get a referral for further hospitalization. Diabetes, asthma, neoplasms, appendicitis and other serious consequences is assigned to a course on body recovery, as well as getting rid of parasites in the office of the municipal hospitals or private clinics. It all depends on Your choice.