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Worms in the liver — the Symptoms and treatment of worms in the human liver

The presence of parasites in the body – a phenomenon quite common. It may provoke a variety of factors. From non-compliance with elementary rules of personal hygiene and to social causes.

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Generally afflict helminth infection in humans, the digestive and biliary system.

Worms in the liver and intestine to absorb the necessary nutrients, affect the healthy cells and often eat blood, products of hormone synthesis.

Parasites in the liver

Among the huge number of representatives, causing worm infestation, only fabric worms can penetrate the human body.

Consequences of infection often become deterioration, pathology, and even the development of tumors. Not the exception and the organs of the biliary system.

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What are helminthes in the human liver:

  1. ascarides. From the intestinal mucosa via the portal vein gets into the bile duct and then into the body. Leads to jaundice, cholelithiasis, cholangitis, abscess,
  2. amoebae. Provokes the protein and fatty degeneration hepatitis, liver abscess,
  3. Echinococcus alveolar and unilocular. Contribute to the formation of cysts in the liver are metastases relative to other organs. On the background of evolving symptoms: anemia, jaundice, tumors, fistulas pleurotaenia,
  4. lamblias. Develop inflammation of the biliary system, showing the degeneration of the lobules of the organ, bile stasis, leukocytosis,
  5. shistosoma. The result of their vital activity are the symptoms: enlarged liver, hepatomegaly, obstruction of the portal vein body, development of appendicitis, necrosis of tissue,
  6. liver Fluke. The most dangerous parasite. Cause biliary colic, cholangitis, in which there is inflammation of the bile ducts. Contribute to cirrhosis, viral hepatitis.

Without exception, all hepatic tissue worms dangerous to humans.

When striking a body which does in the body function of eliminating toxins, stockpiling vitamins B12, A and D, and is also involved in the process of circulation and digestion, the synthesis of enzymes and hormones, parasites completely disrupt the body's ability to function. Lead to death.

Worms in the liver: signs and symptoms

People often do not give much importance to the manifestations of diseases associated with biliary ways. And in most cases the reason of occurrence of inflammatory processes in the liver are parasites. A sign that the person had parasites in the liver, not the only one.

There are specific defining symptoms of worms:

  • drastic weight loss, loss of appetite,
  • hair loss, brittle nails. Lack of calcium,
  • migraines, fatigue, lethargy,
  • a sign of the inflammatory process, fever,
  • dermatitis, rashes, rough skin,
  • itching in the anal area,
  • pigmentation, freckles,
  • unpleasant smell, a bitter taste in your mouth,
  • pain in right side of body. Mostly under the ribs,
  • heartburn,
  • increased sweating,
  • urine of dark color.

Naturally, all these symptoms indicate that in the human liver occur severe inflammatory processes and disorders.

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Treatment in this case must be intense and immediate. Incorrect operation of the biliary system can lead to total toxic poisoning of the whole organism.

Liver worms: tests and examinations

Each parasite has a life cycle that determines the growth, development and the timing of becoming an adult Mature individuals. Stage migration is no less important to determine the location and further movement of the helminth. It depends on the right implementation of the survey.

The main tests that is carried out on the determination of parasites in human liver:

  • biochemical blood,
  • feces on eggs a worm. Some individuals propagating, isolated embryos together with the stool outwards. Often determined visually. For the reliability of the research will be conducted several times,
  • immunoassay. Selection in the human blood serum of antibodies produced by the body protective reaction, IgM, IgG,
  • PCR. To undergo this diagnostic method can be taken any material with subsequent isolation of the DNA of the parasite and compare it with previously studied samples,
  • duodenal intubation. The collection of material samplesof bile from the duodenum, part of the extrahepatic bile ducts,
  • endoscopy. Internal examination by inserting a special probe. Is determined by the degree of liver damage,
  • ultrasound, radiography, CT. Are used to find localization in the body of worms. External hardware diagnostics.
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Using these methods, examination of the patient, the professionals determine the type of alleged parasite, the number, the duration of its life cycle and the damage it caused.

All these data will affect the subsequent treatment and prescriptions depending on comorbidities and complications.

Treatment of parasites in the liver

Getting rid of worms in the liver is a long process. Provides comprehensive intensive treatment, consisting of several stages.

The first step is to cleanse the body of toxic life processes of the parasites and to restore the liver:

  • "Lactofiltrum". Restores intestinal flora, used in disorders of the liver, allergic reactions. Daily dosage is 2-3 tablets 3 times. Duration of reception – 2-3 weeks,
  • "Smectite". Daily admission – 3 times 1 sachet,
  • Diet. Limit spicy, fatty and filled with high fiber food. Allowed the use of dairy products, cereals, salads, natural juices.

After this phase is necessary to reduce the sensitivity of the organism to toxins. To do this, assign a number of antihistamines.

They relieve Allergy symptoms:

  • «Suprastinum.» Has antiemetic effect, reduces spasms and relieve. Application: 1-2 tablets 3 times a day,
  • «Tavegilum.» Daily dose of 1 mg 2 times. Reduces itching, used as a local anesthetic.

The following actions should be aimed at the parasites themselves.

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The specialist selects individually antihelminthic drugs, depending on the source of infection:

  • «Furazolidone.» Very effective for giardiasis. Daily admission — 4 times 400 mg,
  • «Ornidazol.» Widely used in amoebic liver abscess. Daily admission – 2 times in 0.5 grams,
  • «Piperazine.» When Ascaris intake is 1.5 – 2 grams 2 times a day,
  • "Praziquantel". A single dose of from 40 mg to 75 mg per 1 kg of patient's weight will help to get rid of liver Fluke and Schistosoma,
  • "Vermin" will protect against tapeworm and other worms. Can be treated and symptoms of mixed helminth infections. A single dose of 100 mg.

For the full recovery of the whole organism, experts recommend to complement the healing process In b vitamins, ascorbic and nicotinic acid. You can receive immunomodulatory complexes.

Folk remedies for worms in liver

Many people prefer to get rid of parasites and help the healing recipes of traditional medicine. Damage this treatment the body will not bring, but it is better to consult a specialist about the feasibility of using additional impact on worms.

"Monastic antiparasitic syrup". It can be purchased at any pharmacy. Contains only natural ingredients, like yarrow, sage, oak bark, wormwood, camomile. Has anti-parasitic effects, and eliminates toxins from the body. Restores the stomach, biliary tract. Daily admission – 3 times 1 tablespoon. The course of treatment is 21 days.

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The herb and flowers of tansy. Anti-inflammatory, choleretic, anthelminthic. Used in the liver, such as cholecystitis, hepatitis, jaundice caused by parasites. To prepare a tincture, you must take 1 tablespoon of dry grass, pour her 1 Cup of boiling water and allow to steep for 15 minutes. Allow to cool and add 200 ml of warm boiled water. Every hour, take 1 tablespoon.