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How you get rid of parasites in the child — Signs, symptoms and treatment of worms

Parasitic infestation in children identify quite often. Small children actively exploring the world, trying everything to taste, because at this age the taste sensations they are crucial in understanding the world.

The presence of worm infestation in children is very dangerous symptom. This disease should be treated as early as possible. Therefore, parents should know the symptoms of this disease that will allow you to begin treatment at an early stage, when the infection has gained a broad scope.

Parents should teach children from early childhood to wash their hands before eating and to ensure that they do not played in the mouth. It is also necessary concurrently to know the symptoms and methods of treatment of parasitic infection.

Should know how to bring worms in young children with gentle medicines that do not cause any side effects and allow you to gently get rid of worm infestation.

Assistance can be provided by a physician and medical specialized sites that host such information and where you can get advice of a doctor.

Symptoms of worms in children

Parasites in children can appear from the time. When the baby starts learning to walk. Especially carefully it is necessary to look after children between the ages of 1 -2 years, when the kids already have enough to move freely. At this time they are all pulling in the mouth.

And since the infection occurs through dirty hands and objects, which can be the larvae of the parasite, it is very difficult to completely prevent the possibility of infection. Knowing the symptoms will help parents at the early stages to bring the worms to the baby.

The complexity of the disease of parasitic etiology is that its symptoms are very similar to symptoms of other diseases. Because parents treat their children from diseases which they do not. As a result, kid can rapidly deteriorate health and can cause delays in development.

Parasites are able to penetrate into all the organs of the body:

  • easy,
  • liver,
  • skin,
  • heart,
  • stomach,
  • blood.

Children can begin:

  1. allergic reaction,
  2. weight loss,
  3. catarrhal disease,
  4. dyspnea,
  5. rhinitis,
  6. loose stool,
  7. skin lesion,
  8. itching and burning sensation.

All these symptoms parents most often attributed to colds or viral infections, even knowing that the kid's body appeared worms. Children begin to act up, poor eating and sleep. They may start bed-wetting, headaches, pain in the muscles.

The symptoms are very diverse and to understand it without medical training very hard.

It is best to diagnose will help the tests. No need to focus on certain symptoms. Only physician-based tests can accurately tell which parasites appeared in the body of the child and say what it is better to get worms in children.

Features of worm infestation

Full picture of the disease can only give the tests. In the lab, he will check feces, urine, blood, and identify the parasites that lived in it. The specificity of this disease is that at different stages of treatment should be applied to different drugs.

If parents are looking for simple folk remedies, it should be understood that they may be ineffective as the disease at different stage of development requires different approach to treatment.

The parasites may be a different habitat. A variety of types of worms require the use of different preparations of directed action. Some medicines are dangerous only for certain type of worms and can have no effect on the worms of another species.

In medicine, describes more than 300 species of parasitic worms, which have:

  • their physiological characteristics,
  • a life cycle,
  • different susceptibility to the medicinal forms,
  • the specific chemical composition of waste products,
  • special pathogenic influence on an organism.

To identify the types of parasites and to determine what is treated from them. Different worms cause different symptoms. To determine the exact method of treating a helminth infection is required to accurately determine the species of worms that live in the body of the child. Only then can be assigned effective the child's treatment.

How dangerous are worms for children?

Parasites that can dwell in the human body, weaken the immune system. Most of all they are dangerous for children because growing bodies because of the stay, and parasitic protozoa does not receive the nutrients, minerals and vitamins.

Worms constantly poison himwith their waste products, cause mechanical damage to internal organs, resulting in infestation. A large crowd of parasitic worms in the stomach, liver, lungs or heart can lead to very serious consequences for the child.

For a healthy adult, the larva of the worm can be destroyed by acidic substances contained in the saliva and digestive juice. Younger children and school-age children are less protected because of their age. Their body is still growing and only forms a protective mechanism.

Therefore, the presence of parasitic infections always affects the health of the baby.

The kinds of worms

Source of parasitic infection in children may be:

  1. ascarides,
  2. pinworms,
  3. lamblias,
  4. opisthorchis,
  5. hookworms,
  6. filarias,
  7. trihozefalez.

They all live in different parts of the body and different effects for the baby. Pinworms cause itching and burning in the anus and vagina.

In the presence of ascarids overt symptoms are observed. A large number of parasites in the intestine of the baby may cause severe attack. Folding ascarids in the tangle leads to the fact that the child becomes very bad.

In such situations, the tangles of worms even can be felt in the abdomen with your fingers. They are presented in the form of dense tumors.

Only laboratory tests can accurately determine the type of worms and the doctor on their basis can tell me how to get worms in the baby.

Self-medication in the best case will allow to extinguish the acute course of the disease, but will not provide the complete disposal of the child's body from worms. Only a doctor can make an accurate diagnosis and to determine how to treat baby for worm infestations.

Examinations and tests

As soon as parents notice their children's symptoms, reminiscent of the presence of worms in the body, you must immediately send the child for testing.

Children under the age of 2 years usually do not suffer such parasitic diseases as they are under parental supervision every minute and are most often feeding in the form of breast milk. Moms always strictly comply with hygiene, so the risk of infecting the baby parasitic infections are minimal.

As soon as the baby starts to walk he falls into a risk group. Therefore, when the first symptoms similar to the presence of the worms in the body, you should immediately be examined by a pediatrician and be tested.

Children's doctor not only tells you how to bring the worms in the child, but will also ensure that preventative treatment was administered and all family members who reside with the child.

The tests will help to ascertain the kind of worms. For accurate diagnosis, the stool should be taken at least three times, as in the one-time passage of such an analysis possible error.

Parents need to put in a separate disposable container with a lid, a stool, making sure that it does not fall urine. The containers are sold in pharmacies, complete with a spoon So that you can collect to make some fence parents of child's faeces will be easy. Each container must have a label with date, age and name of child.

The tests also include blood testing for immunoglobulin, which allows you to determine exactly what the worms in children, how to bring them and what is best to prescribe therapy.


Treatment of worm infestation in children consists of three stages. Before bring worms out of a child's body, the doctor conducts the preparatory procedure that can help to remove their waste products. Commonly used vegetable oils, or sorbents.
Then the pediatrician assigns selected for a child anthelmintic drugs.

Remember that to acquire effective medication without a prescription impossible in pharmacies. Therefore, you should always contact your pediatrician for medical help against parasitic infections.

At the last stage of the therapy, allowing to restore the activity of the digestive tract, liver, heart, kidneys and other internal organs that are exposed to the parasites. In the third stage, antihelminthic therapy, it is important to restore the function of the liver, poisoned worms and their waste products.

The use of folk methods

The use of folk remedies against worms is possible only under the supervision of a physician. Only a pediatrician can recommend the appropriate safe removal of the worms. Uncontrolled herbal remedies .including pumpkin seeds can have dire consequences for the child. At best, he simply will not give a proper result. In the worst – will cause side effects.

The specificity of the treatment folk remedies is that they need to take at least one month. With a small child it is very difficult to sustain such a long course. Untreated helminth infection is fraught with migration of worms through the body. They leave one body and inhabit another, which is very dangerous and leads to chronic helminthiasis.

Medical statistics prove that most effect people's means are when they are combined with medicines prescribed by your doctor.

Treatment of helminthiasis should be always individually selected physician. Only in this case it is possible to achieve recovery of the baby.


Parents should monitor their children constantly, especially at a younger age and to teach and to observance of personal hygiene. This is especially to do when the summer comes and the kids most of the day spend.

Should teach children not to eat food with dirty hands, and all the vegetables, fruits and berries should be washed. If parents will teach children awareness about the dangers of dirty hands, unwashed fruits, berries and vegetables, you can minimize the risk of infection of children with helminths.

To start awareness and prevention should be as early as possible. This will help parents be sure that kids will not drink water from unreliable sources of water, eat unwashed fruit. The sooner the child will be accustomed to personal hygiene, the healthier and stronger will be his immune system.

You must also enter in the diet of foods that help to strengthen the immune system of the child. These include garlic, onions, strawberries, pumpkins.

Children's room should always be in perfect order. Young children playing on the floor should not be subjected to the probability of infection with larvae of worms from the dirty floor.

Mom needs to watch that fell to the earth toy must be processed before it may again obtain a child. If the home has animals, you need to regularly conduct their gostovanje, processed wool after a walk.

Human roundworm, and Giardia can be transported on the fur of Pets. They fall on the bed if cats or dogs have the opportunity to climb into bed. Thus can cause the contamination of the child.

Regular replacement of bedding, conducting wet cleaning, handling animals, toys and household items will help to avoid infection of children in the home the worms. A carrier of larvae of intestinal worms can be flies. So the house should maintain perfect purity, if the family has a small child.