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Helminth infection — Symptoms of infestation in adults and children

Worm infestation — a set of diseases caused by the penetration of parasites in the human body, mainly worms.

There are more than 200 species are possible pathogens. The complex of these diseases dangerous because it masquerades as other, for example – poisoning, Allergy. For this reason, to diagnose the infestation is quite difficult, and therefore, treatment is often delayed or not performed at all. There are cases when the patient has had worm infestation only through the tests that he did not suspecting.

The bot threat in both adults and children in the event of delay of treatment and can lead to devastating complications, including damage to organs and even death. On the other hand, timely treatment to the doctor gives a guarantee of recovery.

As the source of this complex, serious diseases can be infected in proshestvii incubation period of the parasite.

The carrier can be as people and many animals, mostly mammals. Infection occurs through contact with infected people.

Many infestations are well known to most people carefully avoided. It is widely known, for example, about enterobioze those who have children, because no tests for pinworms children do not take in the children's garden, nursery, school or other large group.

Classification of diseases

There are active and passive types of infestations and provide the types depending on the type of parasite.

Active Statute given disease if the parasites in the body came through the skin. In this case it is easier to move and the consequences will be seen sooner and stronger.

Passive status is given to those who have contracted the infestation while eating or through dust particles or dirty water.

Parasites also secrete location. There are fabric, preferring the soft tissue, skin, intestinal that live in the gastrointestinal tract, the lung, causing complications like bronchitis and difficult breathing, as well as parasites of the hepatobiliary system.

Distinguish types of the disease and the name the parasites themselves:

  1. Ascariasis. Develops when ingested roundworm that lays at day 200 thousand eggs. Transmitted by the fecal-oral route and is living about a year in the small intestine.
  2. Giardiasis. Giardia are parasitic in the bile ducts, the Mechanism of infection is the same Thu and ascariasis. The disease is widespread not only in humans but also in Pets.
  3. Trihozefalez. The parasite is blind and colon, infected only oral route. The parasite has a long development cycle, and people and large mammals — this is his final masters.
  4. Echinococcosis. Cause tapeworms, parasitic in the intestines of humans and mammals. Maybe when acute form can damage the liver and even the brain of a person.
  5. Opisthorchiasis. In the human body parasites in the fall mainly through fish or through contact with infected people. Characterized by a chronic course.

Causes of infestation

The cause of worm infestation is often in poor hygiene.

This General concept is divided into many ways of catching the infection:

  • The first and most obvious – problems with hygiene, irregular hand washing.Contact with an animal, even a pet, after which the person also didn't wash my hands.
  • In the case of aspergillosis, the parasite may enter through the skin, i.e., through contact with other infected people.
  • Raw or insufficiently cooked food.
  • Eggs of parasites may be lurking even in dust particles that are so easy to inhale or accidentally swallow.
  • Untreated water is one of the most common causes of worm infestation.
  • Vectors eggs can be not only Pets, but insects like mosquitoes.
  • The child may simply get dirty hands in the mouth.

Type of parasite

Among the most common species are found Ascaris, pinworms, flatworms, trihinelles, a tapeworm. Will help to determine which caused the worm infestation, symptoms, and tests.

Depending on the species of worms differ not only symptoms, but also the consequences of the disease, as well as the location of parasites. Most of them live in the intestines. But, for example, flat worms can be located even in the eyeball.

In the latter case, the symptoms are dramatically different: there are problems with vision, inflammation of the cornea and the surrounding area, discomfort in the eye.

Symptoms of worm infestation

At first glance, the symptoms can be confused with other diseases, but their combination together with an analysis makes clear that the cause of the problems – it is worm infestation. The symptoms are the same in both adults andchildren's.

The primary symptoms can be digestive problems: constipation or the opposite diarrhea, and problems with health.

The latter include unexplained constant fatigue, headaches, nervousness, which is able to grow on very unclear grounds. After development of these symptoms in the symptoms as well as problems with the skin, namely visible red rashes, loss of hair and nails.

At first unnoticed, poor appetite and wanton allergies can also be a symptom. The sign opened only when tests and indicating the infestation is anemia.

The following is a more complete list of symptoms:

  • anemia,
  • allergic reactions by type of itching,
  • skin rash,
  • drowsiness,
  • constant fatigue,
  • irritability and nervousness,
  • problems with the gastrointestinal tract: diarrhea, constipation,
  • rarely – pain in the eyes, inflammation of the cornea,
  • pain in the areas of different authorities blunt the growing,
  • anemic for no apparent reason, it can cause,
  • the development of a number of chronic diseases-complications.

As a separate symptom is called weight problems. As a sharp decline, and weight gain may indicate worms, which break the algorithm of the internal organs and cause problems in the gastrointestinal tract.

Rapid weight loss says about parasitic organisms in the intestines, a set – on extensive toxicity and strong effect of parasites on body functions. There is a constant feeling of hunger in relation to reduction of blood sugar levels, which also consume worms.


Parasites with a long presence in the body produce toxins, leading to atherosclerosis, heart disease and even cancer. Tapeworms, reaching enormous size, can clog the intestines and cause peritonitis the abdominal region.

In high-risk cases, when it affects the human brain, is at the forefront of epileptic seizures, bouts of dementia, in General, problems with memory and orientation. Vision impairment also on the list of unpleasant consequences.

In the worst case, when a patient refuses medical care, the infestation can lead to death. If the patient is lucky a little more, he will get a bunch of chronic diseases: diabetes, bronchial asthma, dermatitis, permanent impairment of the immune system, pancreatitis, colitis.

Helminthic infestations are different in that the symptoms, even cure the disease may not pass, and only be exacerbated with the emergence of chronic diseases. To avoid this, we need qualitative diagnosis and timely treatment to the doctor.


There are many methods, from traditional and not completely accurate to modern and gives one hundred percent confidence. To the method, not giving accurate readings, is macroscopic, i.e. the examination of feces for eggs of the parasite.

This method does not give accurate results, because it is impossible to identify with certainty the parasite, who left the eggs, and they can be confused with other secretions of the human body, not being a product of parasites.

To help can also conduct skin Allergy tests, microscopy of smears (also inaccurate method), serology.


The mainstay of treatment for worm infestation is anthelmintic means to paralyze the parasites, and then bile, deducing them from the body. In advanced cases when organs appears cyst, it is necessary to resort to surgical intervention, and in the case of enhanced intoxication to treatment aimed at smoothing the effects of toxins.

In children, the treatment differs only in the prescriptions, depriving itching, while adults can do without it.

Of course, also varies and dosage. In General, the principle's the same: extortion of primary symptoms and prepare the person to the treatment, the doctor then assigns intensive anthelmintic and choleretic funds.

As in many other parasitic diseases, invasion requires a course of rehabilitation, consisting of vitamins and minerals, tools that serve to prevent the resumption of the disease.

Intoxication in the average form requires the use of drugs, such as Activated carbon, absorbing foreign enzymes in the body. Cure for worms can have side effects similar to the symptoms of the disease, including cause headaches drowsiness. Data smoothing effects for the patient all the necessary drugs and the moral and physical peace.

As methods getting rid of worms use of both folk and professional tools. Better, especially when severe, to have recourse to the second. As the drug against a helminth infection are pratiquaient, levamisole, treatment which is renewed in repeated symptoms or stops and resumes a while of natural causes.

Allergic reaction take an antihistamine, such as cethrin, tavegil, suprastin. Sorbents like activated carbon are in the acute phase of infection, especially in children, which get rid of toxins is necessary in the first place. To maintain the state of the patient, the doctor may conduct desintoxicacion also a toxin and allow the patient to get rid of manythe unpleasant symptoms.


In the case when the treatment is completed and you want to avoid re-infection or before the diseases the best prevention. Some of its measures will protect not only from a helminth infection, but also some other similar disease.

Finding out what a worm infestation, it is easy to conclude that the prevention measures.

Will help avoid worm infestation:

  • regular inspection of Pets. As one of the main sources of contacts, they should be harmless, not infected,
  • food that has not undergone processing (greens, fruits) should be thoroughly rinsed before use,
  • as for the fish, meat and other products that are not consumed raw, should be thoroughly to make sure that they have enough processing,
  • one of the most important items – personal hygiene and thus the elimination of harmful eggs that could stay on the palms,
  • dehelmintization,
  • and sanitary educational work among the population aimed at explaining the measures against parasitic invasion,
  • obligatory boiling water,
  • keeping fingernails clean and short, especially in children and people with the habit to chew on them.