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Roundworm Diagram of the treatment of ascariasis in adults and children

Rules of hygiene – a very useful thing. Their implementation ensures the reduction of threats to human organism from environmental hazardous microorganisms to a minimum. Cleaning the house, washing hands, preventing the ingress of foreign objects other than food in the mouth – anyone with children is familiar with the postulates. However, constantly monitor the execution of the hygiene regulations is impossible, especially if we are talking about young children. Meanwhile, over unwashed hands and uncut nails followed by a pair of rather dangerous consequences, the risk of Contracting worms. Worms spread by laying eggs, which fall on vegetables, fruits and berries, so you should thoroughly wash these products before consumption. How to treat tapeworms you will learn in this article.

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Worm parasite and its eggs are contained in many objects of the surrounding world. Quite common species such as worms roundworm.

Laying these worms are foods grown on the soil. Plant foods: vegetables, berries, fruits are a favourable shape for the life of the larvae of Ascaris. They get there from the soil, and the soil be after the sewage treatment plant filtered sewage. His life can be divided into several phases. First, they are in a microscopic oval eggs get into the human stomach, spreading through the gastrointestinal tract, the worms hatch and begin to run throughout the body using veins and blood vessels. Adult Ascaris has spines on the body, scratching all around.

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Since roundworm is a malicious worms, adults can reach sizes up to 40 cm Spread through the body, Ascaris human causes damage to organs exposed. Injury is the tissue damage of internal organs and the circulatory system, absorption, useful for body things and generation of toxic waste products circulating in the blood. This migration continued during the year. At the end of its life cycle the worm puts a new offspring which is released from the body through the allocation along with the feces, passes through the sewage system and wastewater treatment plant and back into the soil.


A disease in which the organism live and reproduce worms-ascarids is called ascariasis. Roundworm and their cure – a study of modern medicine. Symptoms of the disease is expressed in such consequences as headaches, temperature around 38 degrees, itching in the anus, recurrent abdominal pain, diarrhea, constipation and vomiting. As the worm moves through the body, pain can occur in many internal organs. For the same reason, the following possible complications: jaundice, biliary colic, intestinal obstruction, dyspnea, and appendicitis.

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There are two stages of the disease. First, the migration phase is in contact with larvae in the human body. Ways of getting a lot: ate unwashed fruit, the child was busy in the sandbox, and then ate without washing your hands – can become the prerequisite of the disease. During the migration phase the eggs of the parasite spread throughout the body. The second phase, referred to as intestinal, is accompanied by the appearance of the larvae of the worms themselves, their vital functions in the human body, breeding offspring and death. Phase to last around one year, after which the worms are dead leave the body through excretion of feces.

Infection by this type of worms is dangerous also for the reason that the activity of Ascaris undermines the immune system, opening the way for viruses and infections, which "the guardian of our health" it's getting harder to fight. It is therefore essential at the onset of symptoms, immediately consult a doctor for diagnosis.

Diagnosis of ascariasis

To cope with this disease in the 21st century have learned quite well and quickly as the disease is cured by drugs in 90% of cases. However, behind this reassuring statistic is the rapid response of the human ailment, subsequent diagnosis and therapy, conducted by doctors for the treatment of ascarids.

For pain in the bowels, dizziness, nausea and diarrhea, it is recommended to consult a doctor. If you suspect ascariasis specialist assigns diagnosis. This process consists in such procedures,like giving blood, feces, sputum smear, conducting FGS, ultrasound and x-rays of the internal organs. In each case the list of required tests may vary. Diagnosis is important for planning future treatment of the results depends on how effectively and quickly spelled out the means to cope with the parasites and cure you.


After the diagnosis and detection of disease ascariasis, a patient is assigned treatment of Ascaris. It passes in two stages or one, depending on the stage of the disease: the migration or intestinal.

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During migration it is necessary to eliminate the effects of intoxication with harmful substances and to stop the migration of the larvae. To treat the roundworm at this stage easier. At this stage, the following methods::

  • welcome antiallergic drugs such as Diazolin, Tavegil, Suprastin and Fenkarol,
  • the anthelminthic drugs: Mintezol, Vermoxum and Nematol,
  • supplementation that restores the intestinal flora,
  • liver protecting drugs that support the liver in fighting toxins,

The second stage, called intestinal, treated by some means such as Mebendazole, Pyrantel Pamoate and Decaris. At the end of the course of treatment can be administered chelators in the form of activated carbon and others.

After completing a full course of treatment still need to undergo re-examination, in particular the control held through the month.

Traditional methods of treatment

As described above, the treatment of Ascaris is medical methods. Used drugs with a strong effect and issued by prescription. Controlled treatment specialists. However, there are traditional methods, with recommendations on how to bring roundworm that can be used on their own for the treatment and prevention of disease.

The known method of outputting parasites garlic. The vegetable has a range of nutrients, helps to eliminate parasites from the body that are not transferred worms. The method is as follows: you must eat up to 10 cloves of garlic, drinking a glass of warm milk, a few hours later, a laxative is taken for removing the destroyed parasites.

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Can be used to fight against disease a tincture of onion. Mixing crushed fruit with alcohol and allowing to stand the product about one and a half weeks, you need to take the resulting tincture two times a day, two tablespoons at a time. A similar course is conducted over 5 days. Method is suitable for the treatment of ascarids in adults. However, this method can have adverse effects, so it is recommended to inquire about contraindications with your doctor.

In the course of another method, consisting in the use of enemas from garlic. The solution for enemas to prepare in the following way. Head of garlic placed in a glass of heated milk, then all this is boiled until tender, garlic, filtered and cooled to room temperature. Enema is put on twice a day during the week.

Disease prevention

The place to say that ascariasis can be prevented by avoiding the development of disease. Better not get sick than to cure. It is necessary to observe some rules, compliance with which will provide protection from the ingress of the larvae of the worm into the body.

This is, firstly, the rules of personal hygiene. Adults know very well that it is necessary to wash hands before eating, cut nails, take a shower and to avoid unnecessary contact with the ground. The children were all encouraged to constantly explain and remind to stop the child's actions, dangerous for his immune system.

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Secondly, it is recommended to keep clean the premises or land, taking measures to eliminate insects and the periodic disinfection of the house. Thoroughly wash food before cooking, especially cooking, because the larvae live in the ground and on what grows from it. It is also important to boil water before consuming, and in no case do not use water from the well for cooking, not pre-filtered or boiled. The latter refers to living in country houses or in the country. Recall that the output of roundworm in adults and children is possible, but you need to respond to symptoms and diagnosis.

Sum up

Thus, despite the risk of disease Ascaris, the disease is quite easily cured. When performing hygiene of the body and placing it can not be avoided. However, if you have symptoms of ascariasis, as set out in the article, you must immediately go to the hospital for diagnosis. Traditional methods, even recommended you to friends and trusted people, should be applied only after you consult the doctor.
