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Worms in the anus — Worms in the anus, effective treatments

A huge number of people at least once in their lifetime experienced itching in the anus. If this happens simultaneously and is not repeated any more, the man with the big share of probability will just forget about this unpleasant incident. But it happens that the itching and discomfort not only persist, but increase over time.

In our day to solve this problem easily. But the trouble is that people often hesitate to contact the medical institutions with such matters. They believe that talking with your doctor on these topics is simply indecent. This misconception not only prevents a person to get rid of itching in the anus, but may entail many more serious trouble.

In this article we will look at the causes of this problem, methods of diagnosis cause of illness and measures for its elimination.

Varieties of anal itching

The anus can itch completely different. Sometimes people feel a slight itching, which almost does not cause discomfort. And sometimes it is very pronounced, noticeable and causes pain and suffering. These sensations may appear in certain circumstances (for example, during the bathroom, bathing, night time) or to accompany the patient on a regular basis.

In some cases, itching in the anus accompanied by other symptoms.

Often the skin in this area thickens or, on the contrary, begins to thin, peel and flake off. Sometimes the skin in that area for no reason constantly gets wet. It happens that the discomfort is not limited to the anus and spread to the crotch.

Parasites – one of the main causes of discomfort in the anus

The theme of worms be dirty and shameful, like the subject of anal itching. And a very good reason. Earlier, people believed that worms can appear only in those who are not attentive to personal hygiene. But we have already proved that in our days the worms are very often struck by the very clean citizens who regularly take a bath, change underwear and wash their hands after using the toilet and before eating.

Be infected with a bot quite easy. Helminth eggs can be brought into the house from the street on the soles of shoes. And if you have Pets that roam freely on the street, the risk of worms increases significantly. After all, we usually "glistogonno" dogs and cats, but forget about ourselves.

To catch this infection in catering establishments, in stores, in public transport. To enumerate this list can be long.

It is important to understand that if you are experiencing burning and itching in your anus – the reason for this may well be parasites. And in this situation no need to be embarrassed doctors. Their duty is to help you solve the problem.

Why parasites cause itching in the anus

As you know, once in your body, the parasites do not sit there idle, and lead a very active life. In particular, they tend to breed and lay eggs. This occurs most often at night. At such moments, you may notice that there is itching in the anus.

If it usually happens at night – with a high probability the issue is caused by worms, and not something else.

Sometimes worms and does "go for a walk" outside. They are not so many exits from our body, so to leave they prefer through the "back door". It also usually happens during night time. In children, this phenomenon occurs more frequently than in adults.

If you noticed in bed or on the underwear of your baby worms – do not assume that they crawled it from the street. Most likely it is worms: pinworms, roundworms, etc.

What to do if problem is caused by the worms

So what measures can be taken if itching in the anal area – a consequence of parasitic infection?

The answer to this question is simple and obvious. In order to eliminate this severe itching in the intimate area, we should get rid of the root cause – that is, from the worms. And then the discomfort will go away by itself. But this will happen only after the last worm leaves your body.

Fear that treatment is not necessary. It does not last long and does not cause any discomfort, in contrast to the worms.

So, if itching in the anus, you need to first check to see whether parasites are to blame. Diagnosis is fairly simple. You only need to hand over a feces on eggs a worm. Just collect it in a sterile container and take it to the lab.

Experts will conduct the necessary diagnostic procedures and check whether your excrement of worms. And if (or rather,their eggs), there remains to determine what parasites have you encountered. After that, the doctor will prescribe treatment aimed at their elimination. Along with this, he may prescribe antipruritic remedy to relieve you from the painful sensations caused by helminths.

However, don't relax immediately after your anus stop itching.

First, remove this symptom can remedy itching prescribed by your doctor.

Secondly, without the repeated (and often repeated) analysis cannot be sure that the worms have left you completely. The diagnostic method here is the same: testing for worm eggs. Only after your stool will be recognized as "clean", you can breathe easy and forget about this trouble.

Why is it important as soon as possible to get rid of worms

It happens that the discomfort in the anal Department is quite small.

In such cases, people often think: why go to a medical facility if it is easier to scratch the anus if necessary?

This approach is fundamentally wrong. Thoughts of this nature can be visited only by those who have never thought about what the consequences may lead to infection with worms.

Somehow, it is believed that in contact with helminths in the human body immediately needs to lose weight. It doesn't always happen. In some cases, people infected with the parasites, by contrast, actively gaining weight. This is due to disturbances in metabolism caused by uninvited guests. But the change of body weight in one direction or another is the least of the problems that bring the worms.

The main danger of worms is that many varieties get into various systems and organs, disrupting their work.

Innocuous at first glance, the worms sometimes cause great harm. They can cause serious diseases of the digestive, respiratory, cardiovascular system, liver, brain, etc.

Symptoms and signs of infection with worms

If you think that only one itching in the anus is not a sufficient reason for going to the doctors – we will briefly tell you about other signs that the body has settled uninvited guests. Perhaps, after discovering some of them yourself you can easily make the right decision and will go on reception to the expert.

So, what other symptoms indicate infestation?

First and foremost, this is a violation in the intestines: constipation, diarrhea, flatulence, dysbacteriosis, etc.

Second, infection with worms often entails a loss of the skin. On the body and face may be areas of peeling, pimples, sores, redness, etc.

Often the presence of parasites speak of disorders of the respiratory system. When you bot there is often a chronic cough that cannot be treated neither drugs nor traditional methods.

Sometimes it may be accompanied by the same causeless and not a passing cold. And even when helminth infections are disorders of the nervous system, sleep, anemia and many other negative phenomena. So upon the slightest suspicion of worms do not delay going to a specialist.


As you can see, very often the cause of itching and burning in the anal area are the worms. Noticing this symptom, immediately go to a medical facility. Do not be ashamed of doctors, because their aim is to help you.

Do the tests and follow the doctor prescribed a course of treatment, after which you will be able to forget about the discomfort in the anus. If the cause of the itching are some other disease – the technician will help you to get rid of it, and at the same time from burning in the anus.