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Flagella in bacteria — Types, functions, structure, and movement of bacteria

Bacteria is a form of organisms that appeared on earth at the origin of the planet. For a long time bacteria was not only the first but also the only inhabitants of the earth. The body is Bacillus unicellular, does not have the exact kernel and the whole vague, bacteria are the simplest single-celled organism, over time the earth began to populate, and many other substances, but the structure of the microbe is still the most elementary. In structure they are: rod-shaped, spherical, convoluted and spiral. Rare microbes with dvuletny body structure.

The reproduction of microorganisms is very fast 3 hours can occur more than 100 thousand bacteria. Reproduction occurs by cell division into 2 parts, then the body instantly acquires shell and therefore a new body is ready. For breeding germs use a favourable environment, but the requirements they have to this is not that big. To diversify the breeding of bacteria can be carried across the planet by wind or water, they are very light and can carry them very easily.

Optionally, the bacteria may form a seal by accumulations of organisms, if they want to organise an obstacle or try to stay crowded. Microbes are divided into groups based on certain differences. This kind of bacteria as saprophytes feed on the remains of dead animals and plants, it was with their help the process of decay. Parasites live on the surfaces of living organisms, plants, they violate the microflora and it is on this basis of living organisms happen to disease and infection. Autotrophs-adapted to food through photosynthesis, that is, live on algae and other plants.

The purpose and meaning of bacteria

Some bacteria are able to grow and multiply only in the oxygen shell, without it, it dies, and some kind can absolutely do without the oxygen, the third and no matter in what environment to exist, they adapt to any of them. It should be noted that anaerobic bacteria are directly involved in the protein digestion of dead plants and animals. Thanks to them the process of rotting and spreading unpleasant smell. Many people, this seems unpleasant and difficult tolerated, although it must be remembered that it is thanks to these bacteria in nature, there is a circulation and exchange, the dead cells break down and disappear.

The value and meaning of the bacilli is exceptionally high and all activity cannot be called parasitic, some of them ruin lives and expose people, animals and plants against diseases, but without bacteria there would be no development of the world, no wonder they appeared first and originally processed the entire planet and the earth's atmosphere. They have created a favorable environment for the further development of life, they organized layers of mail and peat, has created and still supports the circulation of substances, as well balance the ideal ratio of carbon dioxide and oxygen in the earth's atmosphere. Undoubtedly, some microbes exacerbate the processes of disease and put even more infection, but others are involved in the process of digestion and who knows how would have worked the human body without the involvement of intestinal microorganisms.

The structure and nutrition of bacteria

No wonder bacteria called protozoa, their single-celled structure is really very simple. The body consists of inner core, where all biochemical processes and plasma, which performs a protective function and damage resistance, as well as involved in obtaining nutrients, passing them through themselves, and recycled products and gases easily come out. In certain conditions, and habitat cell can develop and surround yourself with special protection – plasma. It does not always surround the cell, and only when it is required that the cell had not been dried.

The main part of the cell is filled with a dense fluid is the cytoplasm. It is arranged in layers and all the nutrients find their place within it. Core, as in animals cellular organisms, but the function does not change. In the center of the cell concentrated substance, endowed with hereditary information and is directly involved in the growth of bacteria.

Eating bacteria is also completely different organisms, each bacterium is designed for processing certain substances. Some feed on dead cells and facilitate their processing, and some on the contrary eat live that brings great harm to living bodies. The microbes that live on plants, in many ways makes their lives easier, treating the root and external part of the structure, bringing great benefits, but processing and use better carbon dioxide balance in the atmosphere of the planet.

The movement of bacteria

In addition to experiencing by means of wind and water, the bacteria still have the right to choose where to go. Question: how do bacteria move? The location surrounding the flagella in bacteria enables the movement of organisms on the surface. The mass of a bacterium with numerous flagella has the opportunity in motionin the water and on land, determining where and for what purpose the bacteria will go. Most often, the flagella of bacteria is a thin thread, starting from the membrane of the bacterium. Some ciliates include much more than the body of the vehicle, that enables better and faster to move around the surface and push in a not particularly favorable environment or in mass, with a rich bacterial background. Feature motion similar to the rotation of the propeller, that is, at a certain speed bacilli are rotated and thus the movement.

The location of the flagella and their number can be characterized with their environment: water or drying. Microorganisms having flagella on the entire surface of the body, called peritricha.
Each bacterium has a different length and thickness of the flagellum, but inside it was always hollow. Following monotachi, the prefix mono speaks for itself and means that the body has only 1 flagellum. Him to move is much more difficult.

More complex organisms have flagella in the form of microtubules. It is an evolutionary step, and these bacteria are a class above in terms of structure of the body and their movement is much faster and easier. Thus, the movement of the bacteria occurs by rotating or pushing in the compacted environment. Each microbe adapted to different conditions of life and habitat. Scientists have conducted many tests and brought the result that the movement of microbes intellectually meaningful and their movement occurs in the direction of consider.

Purpose of microbes in nature are complex; they were created much earlier, throughout human evolution and their presence on the planet is endowed with meaning, some of them cause harm to living organisms, but most of them provides enormous assistance and support in the existence of the planet and of the entire atmosphere.