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Aureus in newborns — Causes and methods of treatment of staph

Recently, the disease — staph in infants, has become increasingly common. Staphylococcus — the bacteria that live peacefully on the mucous membranes, the skin, in the human gut, but when activated, can cause harm, causing various diseases. Therefore, every parent should know, what are the signs of staph infection in infants to protect your child from this disease. This bacterium has an Arsenal of harmful manifestations, decrease of immunity, occurrence of inflammations and allergic reactions, destruction of red blood cells and leukocytes, the release of toxins. Especially dangerous is the emergence of such infections in infants.

Types of bacteria

There are over two dozen species of Staphylococcus. 14 of them live on the mucous membranes and the human skin, only 3 types of these cause disease.

The most common types:

  1. Staphylococcus aureus (Aureus) – this bacterium is the most common and dangerous. Has a yellowish coloration of bacterial colonies. Contributes to the emergence of hundreds of different diseases, some of them may become chronic. Resides in any healthy body.
  2. Epidermal (Epidermidis). Habitat – nose, mouth and eyes. Occurs in children born prematurely or who underwent surgery. Often appears when a weakened immune system. Dangerous if the blood, causing the inflammation of the endocardium, or sepsis.
  3. Saprophytic (Saprophyticus) and Staphylococcus aureus occurs in newborns is rare. More common in women, affecting the bladder, kidneys.
  4. Aureus gastrointestinal tract. Habitat – the skin, mucous membranes, feces, breast milk. The disease is accompanied by purulent lesions, aktiviziruyutsya with reduced immunity.
  5. Klebsiella. Most often Klebsiella and staph infection in infants is manifested in the form of dysbiosis. These pathogenic enterobacteria are in healthy human body and usually does not manifest itself. If conditions are favorable, microorganisms multiply.

The main causes of infection

One of the main reasons for the emergence of CSA in newborns is a very weak immune system of the baby at birth. The most common causes of infection become:

  1. birth prematurely,
  2. weak immunity,
  3. the lack of hygiene of the mother and medical staff,
  4. deviations from the norm during pregnancy,
  5. difficult deliveries,
  6. too small weight of the baby.
  7. preeclampsia during pregnancy,
  8. the use of artificial ventilation, catheters,
  9. the presence of infection in the family, medical staff,
  10. cracks on the nipple of the mother.

There is also the possibility of infection via maternal milk, causes goiter in a child. A baby constantly pulling something in my mouth, so it is important to observe the appropriate level of cleanliness. Sometimes KK enters the body by droplet infection or infecting the umbilical wound.

The manifestations of infection

Staphylococcus aureus in infants has these symptoms, which depend on the type and habitat of the microorganism, therefore, the external infection can manifest itself as many other diseases, SARS, goiter, or diathesis.

Some of the symptoms:

  • rashes, abscesses on the skin, acne, boils,
  • runny nose, sneezing, cough — an infection in the nose and throat, pain in throat and baby refuses food, cries when swallowing.
  • in the oral cavity — plaque on the palate, tongue and tonsils, fever.
  • the appearance of conjunctivitis, the eyes begin to tear, redden, and sometimes fester,
  • when intestinal Staphylococcus manifest gastrointestinal disorders, frequent diarrhea presence of mucus, the toddler is restless because of discomfort in the stomach,
  • when injected into the blood, which is rare, occurs staphylococcal sepsis. The baby lost appetite, he refuses the breast, changes the color of the skin. Sepsis is often lethal, so it is very important during the beginning of treatment.
  • common symptoms can be vomiting, weakness, loss of appetite, insomnia, fever, loss of weight, continuous crying and moodiness babies.

In fact, it is difficult to say exactly how does a staph infection in newborns. The appearance of infection it is possible to allocate two main features: early — a few hours there is vomiting, diarrhea and fever, late — a few days the disease manifests itself in the form of purulent lesions in the body and face.


In the diagnosis of the mother passes to the analysis of breast milk from each breast, the child requires the analysis, depending on the signs of infection:

  • if there are signs of SARS need analysis mucosasinus,
  • in violation of the gastrointestinal tract — feces analysis,
  • with possible sepsis — a blood test.
  • the manifestation on the skin scraping is taken of the wounds.

In the laboratory manually calculated the number of harmful bacteria. In a situation of infection is found in breast milk, treatment of the mother and the baby receives it through feeding. If the number of microorganisms in a child exceeds the norm and goes with the symptoms will also be treated. Sometimes when finding of infection is greater than normal, the child feels good, then the analysis is taken again after some time.

Way of treatment

Under appropriate infection symptoms, you must immediately seek the help of professionals. The doctor will determine the correct diagnosis and explain how to treat a staph infection in newborns. The selection of therapeutic methods is complicated by the fact that the patient is very small and weak, but each doctor with relevant expertise are able to find the necessary treatment. In more severe cases a mother with babies hospitalitynet. At home parents should carry out the treatment prescribed by your doctor.

Medical treatment:

  • penicillin antibiotic,
  • mandatory vaccination for generating antibodies against bacteria,
  • antiparasitic drugs bioresonance type,
  • antibacterial drugs (Fukortsin, Chlorophyllin),
  • means for increasing immunity in the body (enzymes, vitamins, probiotics, immunomodulators, and others.)

The use of antibiotics need to be careful, often they are useless and cause dysbiosis in children, it is better to be limited to therapeutic methods. If it is MRSA, the treatment will be long re-taking of tests.

Folk remedies for the treatment

Parents need to be careful with the use of such funds for infants to eat something besides breast milk impossible. All actions must be agreed with your doctor. Mainly for newborn folk remedies help when applied topically. Baths with the use of herbal decoction of chamomile, succession and oak bark will soothe baby and reduce pain. Also, appropriate use of brilliant green in the treatment of cutaneous manifestations of infection. Required compulsory sterilization of objects that contact the baby.

The prevention of infection

To avoid possible contamination, it is important to follow some recommendations:

  • adherence to hygienic standards in the care of a newborn. Wash hands with baby soap before each contact, the same applies to the medical staff.
  • keep clean utensils for feeding, pacifiers, toys.
  • the use of special linings in the cracks on the nipple.
  • monitoring the baby's bowel movements (frequency, color and consistency).
  • possible to protect from unnecessary contact (individual chamber).


Any parent would be frightened, hearing the diagnosis – staph. But do not despair. Even if the newborn is very weak, while under the supervision of highly qualified professionals, the baby will recover. Parents need to be more attentive to their children in order to detect the ailment of the child, and thus prevent complication of the disease.